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William Frederick Halsey papers, 1907-1959

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Military File, 1942-1959 (continued)
Wine mess, 1942-1944
(8 folders)
Yokosuka Naval Zone, occupation, 1945
BOX 39-44 Subject File, 1940-1959
Business reports, correspondence, studies, poems, and songs.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically therein.
BOX 39 Aeronautical Securities, Inc., 1940-1951
(3 folders)
American and Foreign Enterprises, 1948
BOX 40 Cagney-Montgomery movie film, 1957-1959
Carlisle Tire & Rubber Co., 1947-1950
Carriers and General Corp., 1955
Coolerator Co., 1952
Dirty Tricksters, Third Fleet reunion, 1957, undated
Early Birds, 1953-1954, undated
Emperor's White Horse, 1945-1946, undated
Federation for Railway Progress, 1943-1948, undated
Fleet Reserve Association, 1956-1957
Fund-raising study
BOX 41 Glore, Forgan & Co., 1947-1952
International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., 1957
Letters From America campaign, 1950
Liberia Co.
Liquor, Halsey's opinion, 1947
Medical and Surgical Relief Committee, 1947-1956, undated
BOX 42 National Football Hall of Fame, 1949-1953, undated
Naval Historical Foundation, 1946-1956, undated
New York City Anti-Crime Committee, New York, N.Y., undated
Operation Remember, 1957-1958
Pan American Society of the United States, 1950
Pharis Tire and Rubber Co.
BOX 43 Poems and songs, 1942-1956, undated
Retired Officers Association, 1945-1948, undated
Argentina, 1952-1953, undated
Australia and New Zealand, 1950-1959, undated
1951, undated
BOX 44 South America, 1946, undated
U.S.S. Enterprise Association, 1956-1958, undated
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., development fund, 1947-1948, undated
BOX 45 Speeches and Writings, 1933-1957
Drafts, mimeographed copies, and reading copies of Halsey's speeches, and typed and printed copies of his articles and forewords to books.
Arranged by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 45 Speeches
(2 folders)
Writings, 1933-1955, undated
BOX 46-55 Miscellany
Bills, receipts, congratulatory messages, citations, awards, sympathy messages, biographical material, crank letters, photographs, greeting cards, newspaper clippings, posthumous material, and printed matter.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 46 Article
Bills and receipts
Biographical material
Citations and awards
Congratulatory messages
(2 folders)
Crank letters
BOX 47 Greeting cards
(2 folders)
Sympathy messages on the death of Anna Masters Brewster Halsey (Halsey's mother)
Writings on Halsey
BOX 48 Posthumous material, letters and telegrams concerning Halsey's death
(3 notebooks and 1 folder)
BOX 49 Miscellaneous material
Newspaper clippings
(3 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX 50 Printed matter
(9 vols.)
BOX 51 Congressional hearings on the B-36 matter, 1949
(4 folders)
BOX 52 Military campaign manuscripts (mimeographed)
“Action in the Aimiralties”
Bougainville and the Northern Solomon Campaign
BOX 53 Cartwheel: The Reduction of Rabaul
The Central Solomons Campaign
Triumph in the Philippines (4 chapters)
BOX 54 Additional printed matter
Book (soft bound)
Magazine clippings
Radio scripts
Study guide
(2 folders)
BOX 55 (3 folders)
Galley proof, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, by James A. Michener
Miscellaneous military documents
(4 folders)
BOX OV 56-57 Oversize
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings relating to Halsey's record in the Pacific during World War II, together with souvenirs from parades and banquets following the war, and positive photostats of material in the scrapbook.
BOX OV 56 Scrapbook
Newspaper clippings on Halsey's Pacific command in World War II and souvenirs of parades, banquets, and other events
BOX OV 57 Photostats of scrapbook

Contents List