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Samuel Phillips Lee papers, 1860-1869

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Miscellany, 1860-1869 (continued)
BOX 61 Diary of Events on the James River by Lieutenant M. Mullin, 5 May-14 June 1864
BOX 61 Death List Book, Mississippi Squadron, Oct. 1864-June 1865
BOX 61 Record Book of Documents Forwarded, May 1864-June 1865
BOX 61 Court-Martial Record Book, Mississippi Squadron, Feb.-July 1865
BOX 61 Signal Record Book, USS Tempest, Mississippi Squadron, 26 May-12 Aug. 1865
BOX 62 Correspondence Designated for the Naval War Records Office, indexed, Nov. 1862-Nov. 1864
BOX 62 Correspondence with Major General John G. Foster, July-Nov. 1863
BOX 62 Correspondence with “special secret agent” J. B. Devoe, Feb. 1864-June 1865
BOX 62 Copies of captured Confederate documents, Nov. 1862
BOX 62 Index to Consular Reports of Blockade Runners, undated
BOX 62 Two maps of Little Muscle Shoals, Tenn.
BOX 62 Blank administrative forms of the Confederate States of America
BOX 63 Typescript copies of correspondence in this collection, Nov. 1860-May 1865, selected from the main body of this collection in 1898 and apparently used in compiling sections concerning Lee in the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, serial I, vols. 7-10, published 1898-1900
BOX 64 Appointment Book, Mississippi Squadron, 1864-1865
BOX 64 Vacancy Book, Mississippi Squadron, 1864-1865
BOX 65 Muster Rolls, Mississippi Squadron, Apr.-Aug. 1865

Contents List