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Lester Hood Woolsey papers, 1831-1958

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BOX 104-109 Bibliographical File
Case notes, legal digests, newspaper article digests, bibliographical and legal notes.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 104 Case notes
BOX 105 Digests, legal
BOX 106 Digests, newspaper articles
BOX 107-108 Bibliographical notes
BOX 109 Legal notes
BOX 110 John Watson Foster Correspondence, 1878-1912
Letters to Foster from prominent individuals.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 110 1878-1912
BOX 110 Edward Yardley Correspondence, circa 1933
Letters to Yardley, a law partner of Woolsey, and carbons of his replies.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 110 1933

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