The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  David Foote Sellers papers, 1860-1949
BOX 5-6 Special Service Squadron File, 1926-1929
Binders containing official and personal letters received and sent by Sellers as commander of the Special Service Squadron.
Arranged by binder number.
BOX 5 Binder nos. 1-6
BOX 6 Binder nos. 7-10
BOX 7-10 Miscellany, 1906-1949
Speeches, memoranda, notes and two notebooks, newspaper clippings, photographs, and printed matter.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 7 Dispatches and stories to the New York Herald, 1906-1907
BOX 8 Speeches, 1920-1934
BOX 8 Memoranda and notes for midshipman, 1934-1937
BOX 8 Notebooks, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., containing notes on leadership and strategy, and undated notes, speeches, and memoranda
BOX 9 Newspaper clippings and printed matter
BOX 10 Photographs and memorabilia
BOX 11-13 Photograph Albums, 1898-1934
Photographs taken by Sellers and by professional photographers of cruises and various tours of duty.
Arranged by name of vessel or subject.
BOX 11 USS Philadelphia, 1898
BOX 11 USS New York, 1899-1904
BOX 11 USS Arkansas, 1915 and duty at Vera Cruz, Mexico
BOX 12 USS Rochester, 1928
BOX 12 USS Pennsylvania, 1933-1934
BOX 12 USS Reunion of the crew of USS Wisconsin, 1934
BOX 13 Hawaiian flight, 1934
BOX 14-20 Scrapbooks, 1860-1938
Newspaper and magazine clippings, memorabilia, and souvenirs. Also scrapbook compiled by J. E. Nourse.
Arranged by subject or creator
BOX 14 USS Philadelphia, 1898
BOX 14 Aide to Wm. S. Cowles, representative to tercentennial celebration of founding of Quebec, 1908, and aide to commander of the division of German ships visiting the United States, 1912
BOX 15 Aide to Willard H. Brownson, commander of the Armored Cruisers, 1906-1908
BOX 16 Duty with Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915
BOX 17 USS Maryland, 1922
BOX 18 Hawaiian flight, 1934
BOX 19 USS Pennsylvania and duty as superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy, Anapolis, Md., 1934-1938
BOX 20 Scrapbook compiled by J. E. Nourse containing sermons and newspaper clippings on religious subjects

Contents List