The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Nicholas E. Golovin papers, 1915-1971
Some or all content stored offsite.
Office of Science and Technology, 1962-1969 (continued)
Memoranda and reports, 1965-1969 (continued)
(2 folders)
BOX 21 Notes, 1966-1967
BOX 21 President's Science Advisory Committee
BOX 21 Articles, 1962-1969, undated
BOX 21 Background materials, 1963-1967
(1 folder)
BOX 21 (2 folders)
BOX 22 Correspondence and memoranda, 1962-1968
(4 folders)
BOX 22 Lists of panel members, 1964-1966
BOX 22 Meeting agendas, 1962-1967
BOX 23 Meeting summaries, 1962-1964
BOX 23 Newspaper clippings, 1962-1964
BOX 23 Notes, 1963, 1967, undated
BOX 23 Press releases, 1967
BOX 23 Reports and briefings, 1962-1965
(2 folders)
BOX 23-27 New York University Creative Science Program, 1958-1969
Correspondence, memoranda, agendas, meeting summaries, papers, reports, bibliographies, manuscript drafts, printed material, and a book pertaining to Golovin's work as an associate of the Creative Science Program at New York University.
Arrangement is by session year and type of material. Files documenting the program's publication project appear at the end of the series and are arranged by type of material.
BOX 23 1958 session
BOX 23 Bibliographies
BOX 23 Correspondence and memoranda
BOX 23 Meeting agendas and summaries
BOX 23 Members' papers and reports
BOX 23 Notes and printed material
BOX 23 1959 session
BOX 23 Correspondence and memoranda
BOX 23 Meeting agendas and summaries
BOX 23 Members' papers and reports
(1 folder)
BOX 24 Members' papers and reports
(1 folder)
BOX 24 Printed material
BOX 24 1960 session
BOX 24 Bibliographies
BOX 24 Correspondence and memoranda
BOX 24 Meeting agendas and summaries
BOX 24 Members' papers and reports
BOX 24 Notes and printed material
BOX 24 1961 session
BOX 24 Bibliographies
BOX 24 Correspondence and memoranda
BOX 24 Meeting agendas and summaries
BOX 24 Members' papers and reports
(2 folders)
BOX 25 Members' papers and reports
(1 folder)
BOX 25 Notes and printed material
BOX 25 1962 session
BOX 25 Bibliographies
BOX 25 Correspondence and memoranda
BOX 25 Meeting agendas and summaries
BOX 25 Members' papers and reports
(2 folders)
BOX 25 Printed material
BOX 25 1963 session
BOX 25 Bibliographies
BOX 26 Correspondence and notes
BOX 26 Meeting agendas and summaries
BOX 26 Members' papers and reports
BOX 26 Printed material
BOX 26 1964 session
BOX 26 Bibliographies
BOX 26 Correspondence and memoranda
BOX 26 Meeting agendas and summaries
BOX 26 Members' papers and reports
BOX 26 Printed material
BOX 26 1965-1966 sessions
BOX 26 Correspondence and memoranda
BOX 26 Meeting agendas and summaries
BOX 26 Printed material
BOX 26 1968 session
BOX 26 Correspondence and memoranda
BOX 26 Members' papers and reports
BOX 26 Printed material
BOX 26 1969 session
BOX 26 Book project, Essays on Creativity in the Sciences
BOX 26 Chapter drafts
BOX 26 Blade, Ellis; Coler, Myron; and Fox, H. Herbert, 1961-1963
BOX 27 Golovin, Nicholas, 1961-1963
(2 folders)
BOX 27 Hughes, H. K., 1962-1963
BOX 27 Roth, Sidney; Smith, Russell F. W.; and Teicher, Morton I., 1961-1963
BOX 27 Correspondence and memoranda, 1961-1963
BOX 27 Published copy, 1963
BOX 28-29 2023 Addition, 1915-1971
Articles, clippings, correspondence, memoranda, photographs, speeches, and writings pertaining to Golovin’s work in the field of aviation and space science, as well as biographical material documenting his education and family matters.
Arranged alphabetically by material type or subject.
BOX 28 Articles and clippings, 1948, 1958-1968
BOX 28 Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1968-1969
BOX 28 Correspondence
BOX 28 Golovin, Anne, 1969-1971
BOX 28 Golovin, Nicholas, 1968
BOX 28 Family papers, 1920-1929
BOX 28 Ford Foundation, 1968-1969
BOX 28 Graduate school, 1933-1936, 1955
BOX 28 High school yearbook, 1930
BOX 28 Memoranda, 1958, 1965-1969
BOX 28 Memorials and tributes, 1969
BOX 28 New York University Creative Science Program, 1969-1970
BOX 28 Obituaries, 1969
BOX 28 Office of Science and Technology, 1967-1969
BOX 28 Photographs, circa 1915-circa 1940, 1961-1969
BOX 28 Speeches, 1959-1968
(2 folders)
BOX 29 United States Navy, Certificate of Satisfactory Service, 1944-1946
BOX 29 Writings, 1964-1969

Contents List