The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Daniel Scott Lamont papers, 1853-1928
BOX 95-97 Papers Relating to Grover Cleveland, 1882-1896
Correspondence, subject file, speeches and writings, and miscellany.
Arranged by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 95 Correspondence
BOX 95 Letters received
BOX 95 1882-1887
BOX 95 1888, Jan.-Aug.
BOX 95 1888, Sept.-Oct.
BOX 95 1888, Nov.-1889, Feb., undated
BOX 95 Telegrams received
BOX 96 1882
BOX 96 1884
(3 folders)
BOX 96 1884
(3 folders)
BOX 96 1883, 1886
BOX 96 Drafts of letters sent
BOX 96 1885-1888, undated
BOX 96 Subject file
BOX 96 Geronimo, 1886
BOX 96 Railroad tour, 1887
BOX 96 Taylor, Edward J., nomination, 1894
BOX 97 Speeches and writings
BOX 97 First annual message to Congress, 1885
BOX 97 Draft
BOX 97 Galley proof
BOX 97 Third annual message to Congress, draft, 1887
BOX 97 Legislative message, 17 Jan. 1896
BOX 97 Speech
BOX 97 3 Oct. 1887
BOX 97 6 Oct. 1887
BOX 97 18 Oct. 1887
BOX 97 20 Oct. 1887
BOX 97 Executive order, 1 July 1886
BOX 97 Miscellany
BOX 97 White House miscellany
BOX 97 Photograph
BOX 98-108 Miscellany, 1853-1928
Autographs, financial records including bills and receipts, material relating to Lamont’s death, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, photographs, printed matter, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or subject..
BOX 98 Autographs, 1853-1898
BOX 99 Financial records, 1889-1897
(8 folders)
BOX 100 (6 folders)
BOX 101 Lamont’s death
BOX 101 Letters of condolence
BOX 102 Telegrams of condolence
BOX 102 Obituaries
(2 vols.)
BOX 103 (2 vols.)
BOX 104 (1 vols.)
BOX 105 Lamont, Julia, engagement book, 1895-1896
BOX 105 Memorabilia
BOX 105 Miscellaneous material
BOX 105 Junior Officers’ Club correspondence, 1918-1920, 1928, undated
BOX 105 White House
BOX 105 Form letters
BOX 105 Social
BOX 105 Stationery
BOX 106 Newspaper clippings, circa 1883-1908
BOX 106 Photographs and etching
BOX 106 Posters
BOX 107 Printed matter
BOX 107 Regulations on employment at United States Navy Yards, 1893
BOX 107 Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on Grover Cleveland
BOX 107 New York gubernatorial campaign and election, 1882
BOX 108 New York gubernatorial campaign, 1882, and presidential campaign, 1884
BOX 108 Cleveland and labor, 1884
BOX 108 Inauguration and beyond, 1885-1886

Contents List