| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1-29 |
Lincoln Day-by-Day
Chiefly holograph and typewritten drafts, printer’s copy, and a
few page proofs of the manuscript of the three-volume work Lincoln Day-by-Day. Includes an extensive file of research notes from primary to
secondary sources that document the chronology of Lincoln’s life. |
Arranged by type of material. |
BOX 1 |
Project records (index orders,
correspondence, advisory subcommittee, statistics) |
BOX 1 |
First typed draft of 1809-1860
manuscript (incomplete, 1809-1943), William E. Baringer (compiler and editor)
BOX 1 |
Second typed draft of 1809-1860
manuscript (incomplete, 1809-1841), edited by William E. Baringer |
BOX 1 |
Retyped pages (1809-1835)
BOX 2 |
Second typed draft of 1809-1960
manuscript (complete), edited by C. Percy Powell |
BOX 3-8 |
Holograph and edited first typed
draft of 1861-1864 manuscript, C. Percy Powell (compiler),
BOX 9 |
Holograh and edited first typed
draft of 1861-1864 manuscript, 1864-1865, carbon copy of first typed draft
annotated by Earl Schenck. Miers,
BOX 11-13 |
Printer’s typescript
BOX 11-13 |
BOX 14 |
BOX 14 |
Page proofs
(incomplete) |
BOX 14 |
BOX 14 |
BOX 15 |
Slips for index entries under
“Lincoln,” “Lawyer,” and other terms |
BOX 16 |
Source notes for volumes
1809-1860 |
BOX 16 |
BOX 17 |
BOX 18 |
BOX 19 |
Source notes for volumes
1861-1865 |
BOX 19 |
Series I |
BOX 19 |
1861, Jan.-May
BOX 20 |
1861, June-1862, Mar.
BOX 21 |
1862, Apr.-1863, Mar.
BOX 22 |
1863, Apr.-1864, June.
BOX 23 |
1864, July-1865, June.
BOX 24 |
Series II |
BOX 24 |
1861, Jan.-1862, July
BOX 25 |
1862, Aug.-1864, Feb.
BOX 26 |
1864, Mar.-1865, Apr.
BOX 27 |
Miscellaneous source notes,
BOX 27 |
Abbreviations used |
BOX 27 |
Miscellaneous records on cards
BOX 28 |
Source notes for bibliography
BOX 29 |
Bibliography of book and
periodical sources |
BOX 30-34 |
Bibliography Project
Card indexes by title and author to publications relating to
Abraham Lincoln appearing between 1939 and 1959. |
Arranged in two groups, by author and by title of publication, and
therein alphabetically. |
BOX 30 |
Authors of
publications |
BOX 30 |
A-C |
BOX 31 |
H-M |
BOX 32 |
N-Z |
BOX 33 |
Titles of
publications |
BOX 33 |
A-O |
BOX 34 |
P-Z |
BOX 34 |
Gifts lists, publishers, book
collections, and suggestions |
BOX 35-38 |
Research director’s office files including copies of records,
reports, and minutes of the commission, correspondence with leaders and groups
concerned with Abraham Lincoln. Also publication and promotional material
relating to the Handbook published by the commission in 1958. |
BOX 35 |
Lincoln bibliography project
BOX 35 |
Handbook information |
BOX 35 |
“Lincoln’s Ideals”
BOX 35 |
BOX 35 |
Anniversaries and
celebrations |
BOX 35 |
Letters to
publishers |
BOX 35 |
Press releases |
BOX 35 |
Printers |
BOX 35 |
Clippings |
BOX 35 |
Library of Congress Bulletin
BOX 35 |
Book records |
BOX 35 |
pamphlets |
BOX 36 |
Legislation |
BOX 36 |
Commissioners (Victor M. Birely
and Gerald R. McMurtry) |
BOX 36 |
Executive committee |
BOX 36 |
Commission meetings |
BOX 36 |
Executive director’s reports
BOX 36 |
Preliminary reports |
BOX 36 |
Subcommittee |
BOX 36 |
Honorary membership
BOX 36 |
Special projects |
BOX 36 |
School programs |
BOX 36 |
correspondence |
BOX 36 |
Commission appropriations and
finances |
BOX 36 |
Bills and receipts |
BOX 37 |
Personnel records of the research
staff |
BOX 37 |
Personal correspondence of C.
Percy Powell |
BOX 37 |
Research staff members
BOX 37 |
Personnel matters (job
applications and administrative affairs) |
BOX 37 |
Miscellaneous memoranda
BOX 37 |
General correspondence
BOX 38 |
Lincoln Group of the District of
Columbia |
BOX 38 |
Commission members (John E. Allen
and C. J. Corliss) |
BOX 38 |
Letters and papers from the
Illinois Sesquicentennial |
BOX 38 |
Indiana Sesquicentennial
Commission |
BOX 38 |
United States Civil War
Centennial Commission |
BOX 38 |
Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial
Commission |