The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Harry Wexler papers, 1929-1962
Some or all content stored offsite.
BOX 15-24 Speech, Lecture, and Article File, 1930-1962
Speeches and writings and related material.
Organized by type of material and chronologically thereunder.
BOX 15 Speeches and lectures
BOX 15 1934-1943
BOX 16 1943-1955
BOX 17 1956-1960
BOX 18 1960-1962, undated
BOX 19 Articles
BOX 19 List of publications by Wexler
BOX 19 1930-1950
BOX 20 1951-1957
BOX 21 1958-1959
BOX 22 1959-1961
BOX 23 1961-1962, undated
BOX 24 Undated, miscellaneous notes
BOX 25-36 Subject File
Reports, committee material, research matter, a journal kept by Wexler of the U.S. expedition to the Antarctic for the International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958, and other files.
Organized by topic or type of material.
BOX 25 Air-mass analysis
BOX 25 American Meteorological Society
BOX 26 American Meteorological Society
BOX 27 American Meteorological Society and Antarctic diary
BOX 28 Antarctic
BOX 29 Antarctic
BOX 30 Antarctic
BOX 30 Antarctican Society
BOX 30 Blue Hill Observatory
BOX 31 Committee on Space Research (Cospar)
BOX 31 International Geodetic and Geophysic Union
BOX 31 International Meteorological Organization
BOX 31 Jet stream research
BOX 31 Meteorological satellites
BOX 32 Meteorological satellites
BOX 32 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
BOX 32 Numerical weather prediction
BOX 32 Oceanography
BOX 32 Ozone research
BOX 33 Polar Meteorological Research Project
BOX 33 Radiation data
BOX 33 Space Science Board
BOX 33 Tiros I (meteorological report)
BOX 33 Tornado study
BOX 33 United Nations Symposium on Science and Technology for Less Developed Countries
BOX 33 Upper atmosphere research
BOX 34 Upper Atmosphere Rocket Research Panel
BOX 34 Weather Bureau
BOX 34 Administration
BOX 34 Evaluation Committee
BOX 35 Weather modification
BOX 35 Weather modification
BOX 35 Winds Aloft records
BOX 35 World Meteorological Organization
BOX 36 World Meteorological Organization
BOX 37-40 Miscellany
Biographical material, financial matter, school papers, photographs, weather data, and other miscellany.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.
BOX 37 Bills and receipts
BOX 37 Biographical material
BOX 37 Certificates and awards
BOX 37 Letters of condolence
BOX 37 Personal miscellany
BOX 37 Photographs
BOX 37 School papers
BOX 38 School papers
BOX 39 School papers
BOX 39 Weather charts and statistics
BOX 40 Weather charts and statistics
BOX 41-44 Printed Matter
Miscellaneous printed matter.
No arrangement.
BOX 41-44 Miscellaneous

Contents List