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Merrill Moore papers, 1904-1979

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Subject File, circa 1920-1957 (continued)
Alcohol and crime
Alcoholic avitaminosis
Alcoholic Consultation Bureau
Alcoholic mysticism
Alcoholic survey of Boston, Mass., 1937
BOX D8 Alcoholism at the Boston City Hospital, Boston, Mass.
Alcoholism movie
Alcoholism slides
Public health problem
Medical problem
Radio program
Study of
Alcoholism project
Allied Youth
American Business Men's Research Foundation
American Public Health Association
Anti-Saloon League of New Jersey
Anti-Saloon League of Rhode Island
BOX D9 Alcoholism and ethics
Alcoholism and public opinion
Alcoholism and psychobiopathic traits
Alcoholism and suicide
Alcoholism and the user of drugs
Article for New England Journal of Medicine, 1952
Bloomberg, Wilfred
Book review
Boston City Hospital Advisory Committee, Boston, Mass.
Clark, Byron B.
Clark, Robert A.
Conference of hospital superintendents
Connecticut Temperance Foundation
Davis, Maxine
Delirium tremens
Dynes, John B.
Executive Committee, Research Council on Problems of Alcohol
Further work
Gray, M. Geneva
“Green Lights to Health Program”
Guinness (A.) Son & Co.
Gutherie and Dayton, article by
Hospital reports
BOX D10 Jamaica ginger paralysis
Miscellaneous manuscripts re alcoholism and suicide
BOX D11-D15 Miscellaneous manuscripts re alcoholism and suicide
BOX D16 Miscellaneous manuscripts re alcoholism and suicide
Newspaper clippings
BOX D17 Newspaper clippings
Norfolk County Medical Society
Prevalence of alcoholism
References on suicide
BOX D18 Reference on suicide
Special articles
Summary of 135 records at Boston City Hospital
Survey of suicide attempts
Women's Christian Temperance Union
BOX D19 Alexander, Leo, paper, 1951-1957
Allen, David
Allen, J. Owen
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
American Iris Society
American Journal of Psychiatry
American Malacological Union
American Medical Association, paper, 1955-1957
American Museum Shop
BOX D20 American Neurological Association, 1942, 1952-1955
American Psychiatric Association, 1941, 1952-1957
American Psychopathological Association
1934-1939, 1952-1956
BOX D21 1957
American Psychosomatic Society
Anderson, Lee
Andoska, John B.
“Apologia,” material for second printing
Appointments, 1952
Arcano, John
Armed forces
Fort Devens, Mass.
Fort Dix, N.J.
Fort Jay, N.Y.
Fort Monmouth, N. J.
Armed Forces Society of Medical Consultants
Armstrong, George E.
Armstrong, Phyllis E.
Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
Associated Medical Psychiatrists
Atlantic Monthly
Audubon Society
BOX D22 “B” miscellaneous
BOX D23 1936-1956
BOX D24 1957
Baldwin, Maitland
Barnes, Bess Daniel
Barr, Mrs. Thomas C.
Barrett, David C., 1952-1957
Barsis, Olga and Max
BOX D25 Basham, Daisy
Basler, Roy P., 1952-1957
Bauer, W. W.
Baughan, Denver
Beale, John C.
Beaver School reading list
Becker, Samuel
Berliner, Barnett
Berlitz School of Languages
Berry, Agnes E.
Beth Israel Hospital, New York, N.Y.
Bethurum, Dorothy
Biographical material
BOX D26-D27 Biographical material
BOX D28 Blake, Sara
Blanchard, Harold H.
Bleuler, Manfred
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