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G. Bromley Oxnam papers, 1823-1963

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BOX 33-37 General Correspondence, 1914-1963
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization and chronologically thereunder.
BOX 33 Russell Alexander, 1935-1938
Athēnagoras I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, 1951-1962
George Smith Brown, 1935-1958
Budapest Reformed Theological Academy, Budapest, Hungary (Bishop Bereczky, etc.), 1955
S. Parkes Cadman, 1927-1928
Chiang Kai-Shek, 1958
Eli P. Clark, 1930
Henry Hitt Crane, 1932-1939
E. Guy Cutshall, 1932-1939
BOX 34 Andor dePaal, 1949-1950
John Foster Dulles, 1941-1959
Sherwood Eddy, 1918-1959
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1945-1960
Frank C. Evans, 1937-1945
Geoffrey Fisher, 1955-1958
BOX 35 G. Hans Grueninger, 1945-1948
Hermann Hagedorn, 1946- 1957
Lord Halifax
William D. Hassett, 1945-1950
Maurice Hindus, 1931
Frank E. Hines, 1932-1933
J. Edgar Hoover, 1938, 1947
Lynn Harold Hough, 1928
Cordell Hull, 1934-1944
Jesse H. Jones, 1943-1944
James R. Joy, 1938-1948
Frank Knox, 1943
Albert C. Knudson, 1926-1927
Lahey Clinic, 1943-1959
Adna Wright Leonard, 1919-1934
David Eli Lilienthall, 1940-1962
Henry B. Longden, 1935-1944
Henry Robinson Luce, 1945-1950
John W. McCormack, 1959
Robert G. McCutchan, 1936-1958
William F. McDowell, 1928-1937
Marvin Hunter McIntyre, 1941-1943
R. Tait McKenzie, 1935
Paul V. McNutt, 1941-1943
Felix M. McWhirter, 1928-1936
BOX 36 Daniel L. Marsh, 1935-1951
John Masefield, 1937, undated
John R. Mott
Louie D. Newton, 1946-1953
William H. Cardinal O'Connell, 1943-1944
Norman Vincent Peale, 1954-1956
Kathryn Peck, 1938-1941
Frances Perkins, 1941-1944
Milo Perkins, 1943
Daniel A. Poling, 1938-1960
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1945-1950
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 1952
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt, 1941-1950
Margaret Sanger, 1950
Sasamori, 1937-1947
Walter John Sherman, 1939-1942
Francis Cardinal Spellman, 1946-1947
John R. Steelman, 1943, 1951
William L. Stidger, 1939-1949
Henry L. Stimson, 1943-1945
William E. Sweet, 1939-1941
Texas (Southwest Texas Conference), 1953
Myron C. Taylor, 1945-1950
Harry S. Truman, 1945-1951
BOX 37 Henry A. Wallace, 1943-1946
Henry F. Ward, 1828-1929
Earl Warren, 1954-1955
Herbert Welch, 1953-1961
Princess Wilhelmina, 1954, 1957
Charles E. Wilson, 1955
Miscellaneous, A-Z, 1914-1963
Unknown, 1929, 1963
BOX 38-70 Subject File, 1912-1962
Correspondence, journals, reports, records, memoranda, articles, book reviews, addresses, sermons, lectures, notes, printed matter, scrapbooks, programs, newspaper clippings, and photographs.
Arranged by subject and by specific topic thereunder. A file of miscellaneous subject file is arranged alphabetically.
BOX 38 Un-American Activities and Related Material Correspondents include Clyde Boyle, Herbert Brownell, Dorothea Cable Cary, Kit Clardy, Jerome Davis, Charles Wesley Flint, Donald Lester Jackson, Verne P. Kaub, Corliss Lamont, Kenneth Leslie, Harvey M. Matusow, J. Howard McGrath, Carl McIntire, Louis B. Nichols, Charles C. Parlin, Alan Reitman, Robert Gilman Smith, Dirk J. Struik, Harold Himmel Velde, and John S. Wood
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAAC)
Kit Clardy File
Donald Lester Jackson File
Harold Himmel Velde File
Correspondence with HUAAC Members
Margaret Forsyth and Dorothy McConnell File
Carl Harvey Jackins File
Donald G. Lothrop File
Editorials and Resolutions
BOX 39 Editorials
Final Exhibit
General File
Newspaper Clippings
Jackson Debate, American Forum of the Air
Oxnam Exhibits
National Council of Churches' response to Rep. Jackson's attacks
Post-Hearing (July 21, 1953) Opinion of HUAAC Committeemen
Harold Himmel Velde Press Release
Proposals for reform of HUAAC
Publications of HUAAC
BOX 40 Releases regarding Oxnam
Scholarly or Legal Studies
Public Correspondence
BOX 41 Public Correspondence
Miscellaneous Evidence
BOX 42 Hearing, July 21, 1953
Statement to HUAAC
Documentation for Statement
Printed Transcript of Hearing
BOX 43 Mimeographed Transcript of Hearing
Printed Matter
Index to Newspaper Headlines
Radio Reports
BOX 44 Scrapbook of newspaper clippings
BOX 45 Personalities, 1944-1958
Louis Budenz
Edgar C. Bundy
D. B. Cooper
John T. Flynn
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