The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  G. Bromley Oxnam papers, 1823-1963
Some or all content stored offsite.
BOX 101-109 Notes, Miscellaneous Papers, Records and Reports, 1895-1960
Bound and unbound.
Grouped by type of material.
BOX 101 Notes and Papers, 1895-1958
Philosophy, 1914
Miscellaneous Book Notes and Papers, 1914-1915
Municipal Administration, 1915-1916
BOX 102 Papers on the Literature of Social Protest, 1921
Inter-Church Survey, 1912-1922
BOX 103 Boston University, Boston, Mass., Miscellaneous Notes, 1927-1928
BOX 104 Life and Teaching of Jesus, circa 1915
American Seminar Notes, Europe and Washington, 1934-1941
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif., Notes, 1919-1921
Book Notes, 1895-1943
BOX 105 The Syrian Christian, 1919
Sun Yat-sen, undated
Thomas Masaryk, undated
Lenin, Vladimir Illich, undated
Confucius, undated
Miscellaneous, 1902-1958
BOX 106 Records and Reports, 1895-1960
Miscellaneous Personal Record, 1895-1923
BOX 107 Memorandum of Prosecutions under California Criminal Syndicalist Law, 1919-1924
Minutes of Area Meetings, District Superintendents, Omaha, Nebr., Area, 1936-1939
Library Accession Records
BOX 108 Library Accession Records
BOX 109 Library Accession Records
Report to Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference Committee on Episcopacy, 1940
Avery Reports, Survey of Board of Education of Los Angeles, Calif., 1922
Miscellaneous, 1925-1960
BOX 110-111 Miscellany, 1823-1963
Early newspapers, biographical material, church statistics, newspaper clippings, printed matter, notes, memoranda, and photographs.
Grouped by subject or type of material.
BOX 110 Biographical, 1891-1963
Church Statistics, 1949-1960
Ralph W. Hufferd Case, 1934-1939
Protestantism Today, 1949
Open Road, 1949
Norman Thomas, 1931
John Wesley, 1936-1937
New England Methodism, 1923-1890
DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind., 1928-1936
Photographs, 1872-1958
(4 folders)
BOX 111 (1 vol.)
Newspaper Clippings, 1944-1946
Printed Matter, 1923-1960
BOX 112-137 Scrapbooks, 1912-1960
Mounted memoranda, records, reports, notes, church bulletins, programs, early sermons and lecture outlines, miscellaneous papers, printed matter, and newspaper and magazine clippings.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 112 Barca Class, Los Angeles, Calif., 1912-1913
Miscellaneous California Clippings, 1913-1927
Bulletin City Parish, 1924-1927
BOX 113 Miscellaneous Clippings
BOX 114 1930-1932
BOX 115 1930
BOX 116 1931
BOX 117 1932-1933
BOX 118 1933-1935
BOX 119 1935-1936
BOX 120 1936-1937
BOX 121 Programs, 1936-1937
Miscellaneous Clippings, May 1936
BOX 122 Miscellaneous Clippings and Programs
BOX 123 1939-1940
BOX 124 1941-1942
BOX 125 1943-1944
BOX 126 1945
BOX 127 1946
BOX 128 1947-1948
BOX 129 1949
BOX 130 1950-1951
BOX 131 1952
BOX 132 1953
BOX 133 Hearing clippings, 1953
BOX 134 Miscellaneous clippings
BOX 135 1954
BOX 136 1955-1957
BOX 137 1958-1960

Contents List