The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  David Ogilvy papers, 1935-1966
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General Correspondence, 1948-1965 (continued)
Famous Writers School
Fanning, George
Far, Michael
Fatt, Arthur C.
Faulkner, Alex H.
Fifth Avenue Club, New York, N.Y.
Fischer, Annie (Mrs. Levi)
Fistere, John
Fletcher, Frank
Ford Motor Co.
Fortas, Abe
Foust, Chester
Fox, Sara
Frissell, Toni
Frost, E. Allen
Frome, Michael
“G” miscellaneous
BOX 10 Galitzine, (Prince) Yurka
Gallagher, Bernard P.
Gamble, Fred
Gardiner of Selkirk, Ltd.
Gardner Advertising Co.
Gardner, Burleigh B.
Gardner, Edward J.
Garner, Grace
Geddes, Keith
Geer, Peter
Gilbney, Frank B.
Gildner, Martin
Gilmore, Voit, USTS
Gilpatric, Roswell L.
Glendinning, Ralph
Gluck, Miriam
Goodden, Wynham
Gore-Booth, Paul
Gossage, Howard
Gould, Bruce
Gould, Lucille
Graef, Jean R.
Graham, Kate
Graphis Annual
Gray, Robert M.
Grayson and Co.
Gribben, George
Griffin, William J.
Griggs, John C.
Groesbeck, Kenneth
Gunn, Havard
Gutierrez-Olivos, Sergio
“H” miscellaneous
BOX 11 Haggott, John
Hall, Noel
Hallmark Cards
Hanson, Earl Parker
Harding, Harry
Harling, Robert
Harper-Atlantic Sales
Harper, Marion
Harrower, James
Hartman, John I.
Hartmann, Erich
Harvard Crimson
Harvey, Ian
Hatch, Clarence
Atteras Yacht Co.
Hawkes, Kirby
Heath, Richard
Henault, Henri
Henderson, Siri
Hendy, Lady Kythé
Hendy, Philip
Henry, E. William
Herbert, Edward
Hweitt, Anderson F.
Hill, Thomas
Hill, Weston
Hoare, R.S. S.
Hobson, Philip
Hockaday, Margaret
Hofland, Arnold
Hogge, Dick
Hollister, Paul
Hood, Alexander
Hooper, Frederick Collins
Hooson, Tom E.
BOX 12 Horne, Kenneth
Houghton, Arthur J.
Hoving, John
Howard, Alan
Howard, William
Howarth, Martin
Howells, J. Harvey
Howkins, W. S.
Howrey, Edward F.
Hoxter, Curtis J.
Hoyt, Winthrop
Hughes, Arthur
Hull, Edward H.
Hutchinson, Andrew
Hyde, Anthony
Hyde, Harford
“I” miscellaneous
Inman, Samuel Guy
“J” miscellaneous
Jackling, Roger W.
Jewish Philanthropies
Jones, David J.
BOX 13 “K” miscellaneous
Kane, Al
Karri-Davies, Walter
Kaselow, Joseph
Kaufeld, Hans
Kearns, Henry
Kelley, Fay Evans
Kennedy, Bob
Kenyon, Robert E.
Kershaw, Andrew
Knopf, Alfred A.
Korn, Bennet H.
Konrad, Evelyn
Koretz, Robert
Kubic, Lawrence
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