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Bernard A. Schriever papers, 1931-2005

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Restricted Data, 1952-1966 (continued)
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Development) Coordinating Committee on Guided Missiles (Gardner Report), 1954
(4 folders)
Scientific Advisory Board, 1959-1960
U.S. Congress, House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 1962
U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Appropriations, Department of Defense Subcommittee (Chavez Hearings), 1959
U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Armed Services, Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee, missile inquiry (Stennis Committee), 1961
Military strategy
Notebook, 1953
World strategy
Correspondence, 1953
History of Air Research and Development Command, vol. I, Jan.-June 1960, Air Force Responds to the Soviet Threat, Part I, 1961
McNamara, Robert S.
Proposed “ghost” letters for McNamara, 1965
Project Forecast
Panel reports
Analytical studies, 1963
Vol. II, Appendix A , ballistic missile system studies
Vol. III, Appendix B, nuclear versus non-nuclear weapons
Bioastronautics, 1964
Communications, 1964
(2 vols.)
Continental defense, 1964
(2 vols.)
Detection and surveillance, 1964
ECM-ECCM, 1964
Flight dynamics, 1964
Navigation and guidance, 1964
Vol. II
Power generation, 1964
Support, 1964
Vol. I: Space
Threat, 1964
Vol. II
Weapons, 1963-1964
(2 folders)
Program status, 1964
Technology panel review, 1965
Ramo-Wooldridge Corp. and Space Technology Laboratories
Space Technology Laboratories
Miscellaneous documents
Notebook I, 1959
Research and development issues
Commander's Congressional policy book, “Tomorrow's Security Depends on Today's Technological Advances,” 1965
National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council study group relating to long-range scientific and technical trends of interest to the United States Air Force, summary report, 1958
Satellites and other space issues
National policy papers concerning outer space, 1962
Papers of interest to Schriever, 1963
Report to the president-elect of the Ad hoc Committee on Space, 1961
Speeches and Writings
circa 1955-1966
Top Secret
Military Papers
Nuclear test ban treaty
Congressional hearings, 1963
Ballistic missiles
National Security Council presentation, 1957
Boards and committees
Air Force Space Study Committee (Gardner Committee)
Report, 1961
Project Forecast
Panel reports
Threat, 1964
Vol. I
Vol. III
Speeches and Writings
BOX NATO 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1959
Diary insert.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX NATO 1 Military Papers
BOX OV 1-OV 3 Oversize, 1960-1988
Charts, plans, map, and calendars.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Military Papers
Ramo-Wooldridge Corp. and Space Technology Laboratories
Corporation A
Ford, Vincent
Miscellaneous documents, 1960 (Container 22)
Research and development issues
Miscellaneous, 1962 (Container 25)
BOX OV 2 Vincent Ford Files
Working papers
Calendars, 1960-1967 (Container 209)
BOX OV 3 Miscellany
Legal and financial files
Property, 1984-1988 (Container 228)

Contents List