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Bernard A. Schriever papers, 1931-2005

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Classified, 1953-1996 (continued)
“Beyond the Horizon” report
Vol. II, Global Transportation, 1966 (Container 30)
(2 folders)
Cold War strategic reconnaissance, 1953 (Container 63) See Top Secret
Defense issues
circa 1970 (Container 68) See Top Secret
undated (Container 71)
MX missile, 1981 (Container 95)
National security strategy, 1981 (Container 103)
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 1986-1990 (Container 112)
BOX CL 11 Satellites
Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS), 1996 (Container 119)
Space issues
Military space and space warfare, 1991 (Container 137)
Miscellaneous, 1996 (Container 143)
Speeches and Writings
1956 (Container 169) See Restricted Data
1957 (Container 170) See Restricted Data
1959 (Container 170) See also Restricted Data
1961 (Container 172)
1963 (Container 173)
1965 (Container 174 and 175)
circa 1955-1966 (Container 175) See Restricted Data
1970 (Container 176)
Vincent Ford Files
Gardner, Trevor
United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1962 (Container 190)
Subject file
Nuclear test ban, 1965 (Container 202)
Project Forecast, 1963 (Container 204)
Quarles, Donald A., 1953 (Container 204)
Rand Corp., 1963-1965 (Container 204)
Working papers
Miscellaneous, 1955-1957 (Container 209)
Speeches, 1961 (Container 212)
Transcripts, 1973 (Container 225)
BOX TS 1 Top Secret, 1953-circa 1970
Reports, notes, and other papers.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX TS 1 Military papers
Project Forecast
Current views of the Secretary of Defense, 1963
Panel reports
Intelligence and reconnaissance, 1964
Satellites and other space issues
National policy papers concerning outer space, 1962
Notes, 1961-1964
Papers of interest to Schriever, 1961-1962
SAMOS, 1959
Second story, 1957-1958
Subject file
Cold War strategic reconnaissance, 1953
Defense issues
circa 1970
BOX RD 1 Restricted Data, 1952-1966
Reports, memoranda, notes, speeches, and other papers.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX RD 1 Classified
Military papers
Basic documents
Chronological file
Prior to Western Development Division, 1952
“Chronology of Tactical Nuclear Stockpile Program,” 1966
(3 folders)
Nuclear briefing material for Congressional testimony, 1965
Nuclear test ban treaty
Congressional hearings, 1963
Resumption of nuclear test, policy statement, 1961
Scientific Advisory Board, report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Limited War, 1959
United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, disarmament program review panel (Foster Panel), 1963
Ballistic missiles
Action papers, 1951-1955 period, 1953-1954
Commander's Reference Book, Air Force Ballistic Missile Division, 1961
Histories and chronologies, 1956
National War College panel on U. S. guided and ballistic missiles, 1957
Office of the Inspector General, United States Air Force, surveys of management of the ballistic missile program and the Atlas program, 1958-1959
Scientific Advisory Committee, 1956-1957
“The USAF Ballistic Missile Program,” 1960
Final report
Vol. I, Summary
Vol. II, Overall Ballistic Missile Program
(3 folders)
Vol. III, Operational Facilities
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous reports
Boards and committees
Air Force Space Study Committee (Gardner Committee)
Brown, Harold, comments on draft report, 1961
Committee on the Military Implications of the 1961 Soviet Nuclear Tests (Twining Committee), 1961-1962
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Development) Coordinating Committee on Guided Missiles (Gardner Report), 1954
(4 folders)
Scientific Advisory Board, 1959-1960
U.S. Congress, House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 1962
U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Appropriations, Department of Defense Subcommittee (Chavez Hearings), 1959
U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Armed Services, Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee, missile inquiry (Stennis Committee), 1961
Military strategy
Notebook, 1953
World strategy
Correspondence, 1953
History of Air Research and Development Command, vol. I, Jan.-June 1960, Air Force Responds to the Soviet Threat, Part I, 1961
McNamara, Robert S.
Proposed “ghost” letters for McNamara, 1965
Project Forecast
Panel reports
Analytical studies, 1963
Vol. II, Appendix A , ballistic missile system studies
Vol. III, Appendix B, nuclear versus non-nuclear weapons
Bioastronautics, 1964
Communications, 1964
(2 vols.)
Continental defense, 1964
(2 vols.)
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