| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
General Correspondence, 1879-1937
(continued) |
Randolph, Helen-Read |
BOX 21 |
Reading |
Reager-Reid |
Reid, Leonard |
Reid-Reiss |
Reith, John |
Relt-Rho |
Rib-Richards |
Richardson, Basil |
Richardson-Rip |
Ritchie-Robert |
Roberts, Chalmers |
Roberts-Robertson |
Robertson, Harrison |
Robertson-Robson |
Rockefeller, John D. |
Rodman-Roosevelt, Betsy |
Roosevelt, Eleanor |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. |
BOX 22 |
Roosevelt, James and Sarah |
Rootes-Roper |
Roper, Daniel C. |
Roper-Royds |
Rubinaw, S. G. |
Ruby-Rug |
Rule, Arthur R. |
Rum-Ry |
Sachs-Sackett |
Sadler-Sanford |
Sanford, Edward T. |
Sanford-Santa Borghese |
Sapiro, Aaron |
(2 folders) |
Sapp-Say |
Sc |
BOX 23 |
Se |
Sh-Simms |
Simon, John-Simons |
Simpson, James |
Sir-Slemp, C. B. |
Sli-Smart |
Smith-Smyth |
Sn-Speed |
Spence, R. E. L. |
Spencer-Sq |
Stah-Stewart, John A. |
Stewart, J. W. M.-Stitt |
BOX 24 |
Stodghill, Howard W. |
Stodghill, W. L.-Straus, E. |
Straus, Jesse Isidor |
Strauss-Stuart, Campbell |
Stuart-Sutton |
Sw-Sz |
Tabb, George Cary |
Taft, Henry-Taylor, Myron |
Taylor, R. P. |
Taylor, R. V.-Temple |
Tenison, E. M. |
(1 folder) |
BOX 25 |
(1 folder) |
Thatcher-Thw |
Ti-To |
Tr |
Tu-Ty |
U |
Val Clear-Vandenberg |
Vanderbilt, Cornelius |
Van Dusen-Vaughan |
Vea-Voe |
Wac-Wallace, A. |
BOX 26 |
Wallace, Dan-Wallace, H. |
Wallace, Henry A. |
Wallace, Henry C. |
Wallace, J.-Wallace, Percy |
Wallace, Tom |
Waller-Warrender |
Was-Watson |
Watson, Thomas John |
Watson-Watt |
Watterson, Henry |
Watts-Weldon |
Weldon, G.-Wells, L. |
Welles, Sumner |
Welsh-Western |
Wh |
BOX 27 |
Wic-Williams, Arthur |
Williams, Carl |
Williams, Charles-Wilson, W. C. |
Wilson, Woodrow |
Win-Wit |
Wol-Woodward, A. |
Woodward, C.-Wor |
Wr-Wy |
Yates-Young, Hilton |
Young, Hugh |
Young, I.-Zorn |
Unidentified |
BOX 28-31 |
Subject File, 1921-1937
Correspondence, memoranda, transcripts of hearings, reports, news clippings,
receipts, resolutions, financial statements, lists, plats, agenda, and
miscellaneous enclosures. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject and therein chronologically. |
BOX 28 |
Barry Bingham's admission to Harvard University,
Cambridge, Mass., 1923-1924
Burley Tobacco Growers' Co-operative
Association, 1921-1927, 1933
Business Men's Commission on Agriculture,
(5 folders) |
BOX 29 |
(3 folders) |
Christmas cables, 1935
Dark Tobacco Growers' Co-operative
Association |
(2 folders) |
BOX 30 |
(3 folders) |
Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co.,
Jubilee messages to the English king and queen,
List of telegrams and letters received upon
appointment as ambassador, 1933
National Council of Farmers' Cooperative
Marketing Association |
(2 folders) |
BOX 31 |
(2 folders) |
National Wheat Growers Advisory Committee,
Pineland Plantation, 1933-1937
(3 folders) |
Rochester Times-Union, AP membership controversy, 1924
Sympathy letters, Aleen Muldoon Bingham's
illness, 1935
Wheat Advisory Committee meeting, July 21,
Next Page » |