The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Norman H. Davis papers, 1898-1979
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Correspondence and Other Papers, 1918-1942 (continued)
BOX 36 Anglo-German Naval Agreement, 1935, June
BOX 36 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1935, Oct.-Dec.
BOX 36 American position, statements, 1935, Nov.
BOX 36 Accounts and travel orders, 1935, Nov. -1936, Mar.
BOX 37 Naval Conference, opening speech, 1935, Dec.
BOX 37 Conversation memoranda, 1935, Dec.-1936, Jan.
BOX 37 Naval memoranda, 1935, Dec.-1936, Mar.
BOX 37 Documents, 1935, Dec.-1936, Mar.
BOX 37 Official correspondence, 1935, Dec.-1936, Mar.
BOX 37 Minutes, 1st Committee, 1935, Dec.-1936, Mar.
BOX 37 Miscellaneous documents, Dec. 1935, Dec.-1936, Apr.
BOX 38 Subcommittee (Advance Notification), 1936, Jan.
BOX 38 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1936, Jan.-Mar.
BOX 38 Subcommittee (Qualitative Limitation), 1936, Feb.
BOX 38 Subcommittee (Definitions), 1936, Feb.
BOX 38 Qualitative Subcommittee, 1936, Feb.
BOX 38 Subcommittee (Qualitative Limitation)
BOX 39 London Naval Treaty of 1936, 1936, Mar.
BOX 39 Drafting Committee, 1936, Mar.
BOX 39 Second plenary session, 1936, Mar.
BOX 39 Naval Conference, speech by Davis, final session, 1936, Mar.
BOX 39 Naval cables and memoranda, 1936, Apr.-Nov.
BOX 39 Naval Conferences, Senate hearings, 1936, May
BOX 40 Long, Boas W., 1920-1921
BOX 40 Lothian, Marquis of, 1928-1942
(2 folders)
BOX 40 Loveday, A., 1931-1932
BOX 40 "M" crossreference sheets
BOX 40 "M" miscellaneous, material relating to the Philippine problem, and various dispatches relating to May 1935 Hitler speech, 1935, undated
BOX 40 "Mc" miscellaneous
BOX 40 McAdoo, William G., 1920-1927
BOX 40 MacDonald, J. Ramsay, 1923-1932
BOX 40 Memel, Territory of, letters to Bullard, etc.
BOX 40 1922-1930
BOX 41 1924-1927
(2 folders)
BOX 41 Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C., 1920-1939
BOX 41 Mexico, embassy in U.S., 1920
BOX 41 Mexico oil controversy, 1920
BOX 41 Moffat, J. Pierrepont, 1932-1941
(2 folders)
BOX 41 Monetary and Economic Conference, London, England
BOX 41 China and India, 1932
BOX 41 Miscellaneous, 1932
BOX 42 1932-1933 (2 folders)
BOX 42 Documents, 1932-1933
BOX 42 1933
(3 folders)
BOX 42 Wheat, 1933
BOX 42 Morgan, Edwin, 1921
BOX 42 Morris, Roland, 1921-1927
BOX 43 "N" cross reference sheets
BOX 43 "N" miscellaneous
BOX 43 National Advisory Council on Radio in Education, 1930-1932
BOX 43 Naval matters See Containers 35-39, London Naval Conference
BOX 43 Neutrality, 1933-1937
(3 folders)
BOX 43 New York World, 1922-1924
BOX 43 "O" cross-reference sheets
BOX 43 "O" miscellaneous
BOX 43 P cross reference sheets
BOX 43 "P" miscellaneous
BOX 43 Paris Peace Conference
BOX 43 Germany, 1919
BOX 43 German Documents, 1919
BOX 44 Germany, minutes of sub-committee, mainly 1919 (2 folders)
BOX 44 German Financial Commission, 1919
BOX 44 Germany, reports of Economic Conference, Spa, Belgium, 1919
BOX 44 Notes concerning meeting with Germans at Spa, Belgium, 1919, Mar. 4
BOX 44 Versailles Treaty data, 1919-1920
BOX 45 Austria, 1918-1919
BOX 45 Austrian notes, 1919
BOX 45 Conditions of peace with Austria, 1919
(2 folders)
BOX 45 Reparations, German, 1919
BOX 45 Reparations clauses, treaty with Germany, 1919
BOX 46 Reparations, Austria, 1919
BOX 46 Reparations, Bulgaria, 1919
BOX 46 Reparation of Damages, Commission meetings, minutes, 1919
BOX 46 Reconstruction, 1919
BOX 46 Financial reconstruction, 1919-1920
BOX 46 Miscellaneous
BOX 46 American Economic Group, 1919
BOX 46 Brussels Conference, 1919-1920
BOX 46 Financial Commission, 1919
BOX 46 International labor legislation, commission reports, 1919
BOX 46 Library, American Commission], 1919
BOX 46 Liquidation and Readjustment Commission, 1919
BOX 46 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1919
BOX 47 Mission file, 1919
BOX 47 Neutral Financiers, Neutral Finance Committee, 1919
BOX 47 Par of exchange, 1919
BOX 47 Reports of committees, 1919
BOX 47 Rhineland Territory, Inter-allied Commission, 1919
BOX 47 Shipping, 1919
BOX 47 Superior Blockade Council, 1919
BOX 47 Peace awards, 1924
BOX 47 Pell, Robert, 1935-1939
BOX 47 Phillips, William, 1920-1939
BOX 47 Pittman, Key, 1922-1936
BOX 47 Poison Gas Protocol of 1925, 1925
BOX 47 Polk, Frank L, 1920-1942
(2 folders)
BOX 47 Quinn, C. W., 1919-1921
BOX 47 "R" cross-reference sheets
BOX 47 "R" miscellaneous
BOX 48 Rathbone, Albert, 1919-1937
BOX 48 Red Cross, 1919
BOX 48 Reparations, 1919-1923
BOX 48 Minutes of Post-War Reparations Committee
BOX 48 Nos. 1-31 with certain numbers missing, as listed on folders, 1921, Jan. 24-Mar. 29
(2 folders)
BOX 49 Nos. 32-124 with certain numbers missing, as listed on folders, 1920, Mar. 31-1921, Jan. 7
(4 folders)
BOX 50 Legal opinions
BOX 50 1920
(3 folders)
BOX 51 New series, circa 1920
BOX 51 Old series, etc., circa 1920
BOX 51 Second subcommittee, 1919
BOX 51 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1922-1941
BOX 51 Royal Bank of Canada (C. E. Neill), 1920-1921
BOX 52 Russia, embassy in United States, 1920-1921
BOX 52 Russian Student Fund
BOX 52 1921-1930
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