The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Angelo Patri papers, 1904-1962
Some or all content stored offsite.
Speech, Article, and Book File, 1919-1962 (continued)
BOX 78 L'Americolo, 1926
BOX 78 Liberty, undated
BOX 78 McCall's, 1926, undated
BOX 78 National Education Association publication, 25 May 1939
BOX 78 New Near East, Oct. 1924
BOX 78 New York Supervisor, undated
BOX 78 Parents Magazine, undated
BOX 78 Recreation, undated
BOX 78 Red Cross Magazine, 1919-1920, undated
BOX 79 Redbook, 1926-1927, 1937-1938, 1941-1942, 1944-1951, undated
BOX 79 Rotarian, undated
BOX 79 Saturday Review of Literature, undated
BOX 79 Selected Books for Juniors, undated
BOX 79 This Day, undated
BOX 79 Woman's Day, undated
BOX 79 Young Wives, 1936-1937, 1939-1941, 1945-1952, undated
BOX 79 Youth Today, 1938-1939, 1941, undated
BOX 80 Miscellaneous articles for magazines, newspapers, and periodicals
BOX 80 Feb.-May 1940
BOX 80 Undated
BOX 81 Undated
BOX 82 Undated
BOX 82 Forewords to books
BOX 82 Forewords to Lippincott Lifetime Libraryseries
BOX 82 “Sex Instruction”
BOX 82 Tracts
BOX 82 Children's book
BOX 82 Nino
BOX 82 The Singing Candle
BOX 83 Children's short stories
BOX 83 Children's pageant
BOX 83 Unpublished autobiography
BOX 83 Problems of Childhood, introduction
BOX 83 Books
BOX 83 Your Children in Wartime
BOX 83 Pinocchio in America
BOX 83 First aid book
BOX 83 Book chapter, unidentified
BOX 84 Miscellaneous writings
BOX 84 Questions and answers for possible book
BOX 85 Questions and answers for possible book
BOX 85 Radio scripts proposed for articles
BOX 85 Essays selected for reissuance
BOX 86 Essays selected for reissuance
BOX 86 Letters to children proposed for book
BOX 86 Chart of childhood characteristics
BOX 86 Printed articles and Christmas greetings
BOX 86 Article in Italian
BOX 87-90 Miscellany
Biographical material, mailing lists, financial material, printed matter, student writings, and a teacher survey.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 87 Survey of teachers
BOX 87 Mailing lists
BOX 87 1932-1934
BOX 88 1934-1935
BOX 88 Answers to questionnaire
BOX 88 Autobiography of a sixteen-year old student, 1936
BOX 88 “George Washington: My Diary,” by an eleven-year old student
BOX 88 Printed matter
BOX 88 Letters of recommendation
BOX 88 Biographical material
BOX 89 Account books
BOX 89 Banking material
BOX 89 Bills and receipts
BOX 89 Income tax material
BOX 90 Income tax material
BOX 90 State and national income tax returns
BOX 90 Notes and notations

Contents List