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Lewis Nathaniel Chase papers, 1836-1947

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BOX 34-162 General File, 1836-1941
Miscellaneous correspondence, lecture notes, brochures, clippings and printed matter, student exams, other papers and reports, and related matter.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, or subject.
BOX 34 “A” miscellaneous, 1909, 1914, 1931-1940
Abbey Theater, 1935-1938
Abell, Edward Linus, 1929-1939
Abercrombie, Lascelles, 1911, 1922-1940
Ability, 1926
Abingdon Theater, Virginia, undated
Achilles, Augusta, 1928-1939
Achilles family, 1927-1941
Achilles, Paul S., 1935
Adamic, Louis, 1932-1938
BOX 35 Adams, Henry, 1938
Adams, Sir John, undated
Addresses and Autographs, circa 1910-1935
The Adelphi, 1927-1930
AE Club, 1936
Aesthetics, 1922-1927
Agencies, 1927
Aiken, Conrad, 1922, 1930-1941
Aitken, W. F., undated
Akhmatova, Anna, 1924
Alderman, Edwin, 1936-1940
Aldington, Richard, 1923-1941
Aldrich, Allegra, 1936
Aldrich, Mrs. B. Streeter, undated
“Alien Woman Problem in England Today,” undated
Aligarh, UP, 1930
Allan, P. B. M., undated
Allen, Bertha, 1922
Allen, Hervey, 1934-1937
Alliance Francaise, 1927
BOX 36 America, 1925-1936
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1925-1927
American Biography, 1929, 1935
American Book Co., 1905
American College Bureau, 1920-1925
American Colleges for Girls, 1912
American Council of Learned Societies, 1929-1930
“America from Without,” undated
American literature, 1898-1906, 1919-1924, 1933-1936
(2 folders)
American literature list, 1930-1932, 1939
American miscellaneous, circa 1912-1932
American notes, undated
American poems, 1936
American Revolution, 1924
American University, Cairo, Egypt, 1921-1922
American Universities Club of London, 1910
American women in London, 1914
Amisten, Louise P., 1936
Anderson, George K., 1935
Anderson, J. Redwood, undated
Anderson, Robert P., 1926-1928
Anderson, Sherwood, 1922-1926, 1937-1941
Angell, Sir Norman, 1935
Anglo-American first editions, 1935
Anglo-Saxon lecture notes, 1899-1900, undated
BOX 37 Anthology, 1924-1928, 1936, undated
(2 folders)
Anthologies, 1919-1920, undated
Anthony, Susan B., 1933-1935
Antiquity, claim, 1922-1926
Apartments, 1908-1909
Application for Peking Union Medical College, Peking, China, 1917
Application for teaching position, undated
Applications, job inquiries, 1914-1934
(4 folders)
BOX 38 Arabia, 1926
Aran Islands, 1935
Arbuckle, Mary, 1921
Arcady, undated
Archer, William, 1921
Architecture, 1926
Architecture and modern life, 1924
Argus de la Presse, 1909
Aristo, undated
Armstrong, Martin, 1921-1922, 1929-1941
Arnold, Julean, 1923-1924
Arnold, Matthew, 1899, 1921-1940
Art, 1924-1936
Art, American, 1934
Artwork, 1901, 1911
Arthur, King of England, 1928-1930
Artificers Guild, 1910-1911
BOX 39 Asheville, N.C., 1930-1937
(9 folders)
Asia, 1927-1928, 1935
Asquith, Herbert, 1918-1920, 1940
Atheism, 1933
Athenaeum, London, England, 1911-1915
Athenaeum Bulletin, 1931-1935
BOX 40 Atticans, 1932-1934
Atwood, Albert, 1932-1939
Auden, W. H., 1935-1940
Auslander, Joseph, 1934-1939
Austen, Jane, 1922-1927, 1938-1940
Austin, Mary, 1922
Australia, 1926
Authors' Club, Boston, Mass., 1936-1938
Authors' Club, London, England, 1909-1910
Authors' Club, Washington, D.C., 1935-1937
Authors, Incorporated Society of, 1910-1920
(3 folders)
“A,” unimportant letters, undated
BOX 41 Authors, essays on, undated
Authors' League of America, 1912-1913
Authors' pictures, 1907-1911
Autograph collections, 1936-1937, undated
Average Man, 1927
Ayscough, Florence, 1921, 1934-1940
“B” miscellaneous
Correspondence, 1895, 1908-1915, 1922-1940
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1892, 1904, 1931-1937, undated
Newspaper clippings, 1912-1940
BOX 42 Babbles, 1906, 1916-1940
Bacon, Leonard, 1932, 1938-1941
Baerlein, Henri, 1936
Baker, LaReine, 1910-1912
Bakersfield, my voyage to, 1925
Ballads, 1902
Banks, Elizabeth, undated
Bantock, Raymond, 1919-1927
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