The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  David Rapaport papers, 1911-1997
Part I: Speeches, Writings, and Lectures File, 1911-1960 (continued)
Baker, Sidney J., 1952-1954
Harris, Max, 1953
Hornadge, W., 1952-1953
McAuley, James, 1952-1953
The National Press Printing, Melbourne, Australia, 1952
Stewart, Harold, 1952-1957
(2 folders)
Orpheus, by Harold Stewart
Clare, John
Picard, Roger, "Literary Artifices and Hoaxes"
"Piltdown Man"
Radio Times, 1954
Toscanini, Arturo, "Tchaikovsky's Fifth"
Wolcott, Alexander
Wolf boy
Pehriad, Kohmar
MacDougall, Curtis
"The Man Who Never Was"
Ficke, Gladys
Abraham, Karl
Heseltine, Philip
Kipling, Rudyard
Ficke, Arthur Davison
(2 folders)
BOX I:55 Bynner, Witter
Harris, Max
DuPre, George
Kris, Ernst
Kris, Ernst, seminar, New Haven, Conn., 1952
Wilson, Edmund, review of The Sweeniad
(2 folders)
Cassel Hospital, Richmond, England
(5 folders)
Bibring, Edward, theory of depression
(3 folders)
BOX I:56 Report on Vannevar Bush's Science, the Endless Frontier
Research plan for study of amnesia, circa 1943-1944
"The Theory of Attention Cathexis," 1959
"The Theory of Ego Autonomy," 1958
Bergman, Paul, "The Role of Faith in Psychotherapy," 1956
Berman, Leo, "Problems in Working Toward an Integration of Individual and Group Psychology," 1956
Activity and passivity
(8 folders)
Freud's Influence on American Psychology
(5 folders)
BOX I:57 (3 folders)
"Motivation," 1960
(2 folders)
BOX I:58 (3 folders)
BOX I:59 "Psychoanalysis as a Developmental Psychology"
(3 folders)
BOX I:60 (5 folders)
"States of Consciousness"
(3 folders)
"Psychoanalytic Theory of Consciousness and a Study of Dreams"
(2 folders)
BOX I:61 Dream seminars, 1953-1956
(21 folders)
BOX I:62 Ego psychology seminar, 1951
(9 folders)
"Present-Day Conceptions of the Development and Functions of the Ego," 1953
Outline of "Ego Psychology," 1952
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of the Ego," Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1954
"A Survey of Psychoanalytic Ego Psychology," Denver, Colo.
BOX I:63 "Present-Day Psychoanalytic Ego Psychology and Its Clinical Relevance," 1953
(2 folders)
"Clinical Implications of Ego Psychology," 1954
"Present-Day Ego Psychology," 1956-1957
(2 folders)
Eissler, K. R., "The Effect of the Structure of the Ego on Psychoanalytic Technique," 1952
"Outline on the Problem of Emotions"
Worcester State Hospital, Worcester, Mass., "The Problem of the Psychological Energy Concept," 1957
Ginsburg, Sol
"The Role of Work: A Contribution to Psychology," 1953
"The Role of Values in Psychotherapy," 1951
(2 folders)
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., lectures, 1954
(2 folders)
BOX I:64 Group theory, 1954
(3 folders)
Piaget, Jean, paper, 1954
Hungarian translations, 1943
"The Hungarian Spirit"
"Identification," excerpt from letter,1955
Pittsfield High School, Pittsfield, Mass., "We Can Be Individuals," 1950
"The History of the Awakening of Insight"
(2 folders)
"Interpersonal Relationships, Communication and Psychodynamics," 1951
(4 folders)
Jacobson, Edith, "Theory of Affects," 1951
"Cognition: Styles, Controls and Cognitive Attitudes," 1956
Conversation with George Klein, 9 Feb. 1957
(2 folders)
Remarks on paper by Robert Jay Lifton, 1956
BOX I:65 Loewald, Hans, "On the Therapeutic Action of Psychoanalysis," 1956-1957
"Some Problems of Prevention of Maladjustment," 1951-1954
(4 folders)
"Some Social, Cultural and Clinical Aspects of the Prevention of Maladjustment," 1950
Address before the New York Psychoanalytic Society, New York, N.Y., 1958
Correspondence with Merton Max Gill, 1954
"A Reassessment of the Concept of Metapsychological Explanation," 1954
(4 folders)
BOX I:66 Notes, 1955
(6 folders)
Scientific Methodology of Psychoanalysis, 1944-1948
(7 folders)
BOX I:67 Mittelmann, Béla, memoriam
"Multiple Personality," 1942
"On Personality Testing," 1947
Piaget, Jean, "Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood"
"Psychoanalysis as a Psychology"
Washburn University, Topeka, Kans., lectures on clinical psychology, 1943
"Present Professional Status of the Clinical Psychologist"
"To What End Psychology"
(12 folders)
BOX I:68 (1 folder)
Renneker, Richard E., paper
"Reaction Time and Succession in the Rorschach Ink-Blot Test"
Rorschach testing, 1937
"Psychiatric Implications of Rorschach Studies With Metrazol and Sodium Amytal"
"Rorschach Ink-Blot Test and General Psychology"
"Superego," 1958
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