| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part I:
Speeches, Writings, and Lectures File,
(continued) |
Baker, Sidney J.,
1952-1954 |
Harris, Max, 1953 |
Hornadge, W.,
1952-1953 |
McAuley, James,
1952-1953 |
The National Press Printing,
Melbourne, Australia, 1952 |
Stewart, Harold, 1952-1957
(2 folders) |
Orpheus, by Harold Stewart |
Clare, John |
Picard, Roger, "Literary
Artifices and Hoaxes" |
"Piltdown Man" |
Radio Times, 1954 |
Toscanini, Arturo,
"Tchaikovsky's Fifth" |
Wolcott, Alexander |
Wolf boy |
Pehriad, Kohmar |
MacDougall, Curtis |
"The Man Who Never
Was" |
Ficke, Gladys |
Abraham, Karl |
Heseltine, Philip |
Kipling, Rudyard |
Ficke, Arthur Davison
(2 folders) |
BOX I:55 |
Bynner, Witter |
Harris, Max |
DuPre, George |
Kris, Ernst |
Kris, Ernst, seminar, New Haven,
Conn., 1952 |
Hoaxes |
Wilson, Edmund, review of The Sweeniad
(2 folders) |
Cassel Hospital, Richmond,
England |
(5 folders) |
Bibring, Edward, theory of
depression |
(3 folders) |
BOX I:56 |
Report on Vannevar Bush's Science, the Endless Frontier
Research plan for study of
amnesia, circa 1943-1944 |
"The Theory of Attention
Cathexis," 1959 |
"The Theory of Ego Autonomy,"
1958 |
Bergman, Paul, "The Role of Faith
in Psychotherapy," 1956 |
Berman, Leo, "Problems in Working
Toward an Integration of Individual and Group Psychology," 1956 |
Activity and passivity
(8 folders) |
Freud's Influence on American Psychology
(5 folders) |
BOX I:57 |
(3 folders) |
"Motivation," 1960 |
(2 folders) |
BOX I:58 |
(3 folders) |
BOX I:59 |
"Psychoanalysis as a
Developmental Psychology" |
(3 folders) |
BOX I:60 |
(5 folders) |
"States of Consciousness"
(3 folders) |
"Psychoanalytic Theory of
Consciousness and a Study of Dreams" |
(2 folders) |
BOX I:61 |
Dream seminars, 1953-1956
(21 folders) |
BOX I:62 |
Ego psychology seminar, 1951
(9 folders) |
"Present-Day Conceptions of the
Development and Functions of the Ego," 1953 |
Outline of "Ego Psychology,"
1952 |
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of the
Ego," Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1954 |
"A Survey of Psychoanalytic Ego
Psychology," Denver, Colo. |
BOX I:63 |
"Present-Day Psychoanalytic Ego
Psychology and Its Clinical Relevance," 1953 |
(2 folders) |
"Clinical Implications of Ego
Psychology," 1954 |
"Present-Day Ego Psychology,"
1956-1957 |
(2 folders) |
Eissler, K. R., "The Effect of
the Structure of the Ego on Psychoanalytic Technique," 1952 |
"Outline on the Problem of
Emotions" |
Worcester State Hospital,
Worcester, Mass., "The Problem of the Psychological Energy Concept,"
1957 |
Ginsburg, Sol |
"The Role of Work: A
Contribution to Psychology," 1953 |
"The Role of Values in
Psychotherapy," 1951 |
(2 folders) |
Harvard University, Cambridge,
Mass., lectures, 1954 |
(2 folders) |
BOX I:64 |
Group theory, 1954 |
(3 folders) |
Piaget, Jean, paper,
1954 |
Hungarian translations,
1943 |
"The Hungarian
Spirit" |
"Identification," excerpt from
letter,1955 |
Pittsfield High School,
Pittsfield, Mass., "We Can Be Individuals," 1950 |
"The History of the Awakening of
Insight" |
(2 folders) |
"Interpersonal Relationships,
Communication and Psychodynamics," 1951 |
(4 folders) |
Jacobson, Edith, "Theory of
Affects," 1951 |
"Cognition: Styles, Controls and
Cognitive Attitudes," 1956 |
Conversation with George Klein, 9
Feb. 1957 |
(2 folders) |
Remarks on paper by Robert Jay
Lifton, 1956 |
BOX I:65 |
Loewald, Hans, "On the
Therapeutic Action of Psychoanalysis," 1956-1957 |
"Some Problems of Prevention of
Maladjustment," 1951-1954 |
(4 folders) |
"Some Social, Cultural and
Clinical Aspects of the Prevention of Maladjustment," 1950 |
Metapsychology |
Address before the New York
Psychoanalytic Society, New York, N.Y., 1958 |
Correspondence with Merton Max
Gill, 1954 |
"A Reassessment of the Concept of
Metapsychological Explanation," 1954 |
Drafts |
(4 folders) |
BOX I:66 |
Notes, 1955 |
(6 folders) |
Scientific Methodology of
Psychoanalysis, 1944-1948 |
(7 folders) |
BOX I:67 |
Mittelmann, Béla,
memoriam |
"Multiple Personality,"
1942 |
"On Personality Testing,"
1947 |
Piaget, Jean, "Play, Dreams and
Imitation in Childhood" |
"Psychoanalysis as a
Psychology" |
Washburn University, Topeka,
Kans., lectures on clinical psychology, 1943 |
"Present Professional Status of
the Clinical Psychologist" |
"To What End
Psychology" |
(12 folders) |
BOX I:68 |
(1 folder) |
Renneker, Richard E.,
paper |
"Reaction Time and Succession in
the Rorschach Ink-Blot Test" |
Rorschach testing,
1937 |
"Psychiatric Implications of
Rorschach Studies With Metrazol and Sodium Amytal" |
"Rorschach Ink-Blot Test and
General Psychology" |
"Superego," 1958 |
Next Page » |