| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part I:
Speeches, Writings, and Lectures File,
(continued) |
"Interpersonal Relationships,
Communication and Psychodynamics," 1951 (continued) |
(4 folders) |
Jacobson, Edith, "Theory of
Affects," 1951 |
"Cognition: Styles, Controls and
Cognitive Attitudes," 1956 |
Conversation with George Klein, 9
Feb. 1957 |
(2 folders) |
Remarks on paper by Robert Jay
Lifton, 1956 |
BOX I:65 |
Loewald, Hans, "On the
Therapeutic Action of Psychoanalysis," 1956-1957 |
"Some Problems of Prevention of
Maladjustment," 1951-1954 |
(4 folders) |
"Some Social, Cultural and
Clinical Aspects of the Prevention of Maladjustment," 1950 |
Metapsychology |
Address before the New York
Psychoanalytic Society, New York, N.Y., 1958 |
Correspondence with Merton Max
Gill, 1954 |
"A Reassessment of the Concept of
Metapsychological Explanation," 1954 |
Drafts |
(4 folders) |
BOX I:66 |
Notes, 1955 |
(6 folders) |
Scientific Methodology of
Psychoanalysis, 1944-1948 |
(7 folders) |
BOX I:67 |
Mittelmann, Béla,
memoriam |
"Multiple Personality,"
1942 |
"On Personality Testing,"
1947 |
Piaget, Jean, "Play, Dreams and
Imitation in Childhood" |
"Psychoanalysis as a
Psychology" |
Washburn University, Topeka,
Kans., lectures on clinical psychology, 1943 |
"Present Professional Status of
the Clinical Psychologist" |
"To What End
Psychology" |
(12 folders) |
BOX I:68 |
(1 folder) |
Renneker, Richard E.,
paper |
"Reaction Time and Succession in
the Rorschach Ink-Blot Test" |
Rorschach testing,
1937 |
"Psychiatric Implications of
Rorschach Studies With Metrazol and Sodium Amytal" |
"Rorschach Ink-Blot Test and
General Psychology" |
"Superego," 1958 |
(3 folders) |
"On the Organization of
Thought-Processes," Philadelphia, Pa., 1956 |
"Time," fragments of a
paper |
"Time Experience," circa
1947-1948 |
BOX I:69 |
"A Review and Preliminary Remarks
on the Problems of the Psychology of Research" |
(2 folders) |
Research assistant,
pre-1956 |
Letters to Shmuel Golan on the
history of psychology, 1956-1957 |
"The Theory of Affects and Some
Nosological Problems," 1951 |
"Notes on
Anti-Semitism" |
"The Autonomy of the Ego,"
1950-1957 |
(6 folders) |
"The Bearing of the Concepts
Autonomy and Activity-Passivity on Therapy," 1956 |
Chicago, Ill., conference,
1952 |
Notes from a conference on
cognition, Boulder, Colo. 1955 |
"States of Consciousness,"
1950-1951 |
(2 folders) |
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of
Cognition and Consciousness," 1956 |
"Theory of Creative Activity,"
1951 |
"Creativity," 1951 |
"Interpretation of Dreams,"
1949-1959 |
(7 folders) |
BOX I:70 |
"Early Stages of Ego
Development," 1954 |
Ego psychology, various outlines
and lectures |
1951-1956 |
(12 folders) |
BOX I:71 |
1956-1958 |
(5 folders) |
"Emotion," 1948-1950 |
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of
Emotions," 1951 |
Suggested references for an
unidentified paper of Erik Erikson's |
"Problems of Etiology and
Nosology" |
"The Psychoanalytic Theory,"
1954 |
"The Problem of Autonomy,"
1954 |
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of
Action and Structure Development," 1954 |
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of
Thinking," 1954 |
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of
Affect," 1954 |
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of
Consciousness," 1954 |
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of The
Ego," 1954 |
"The Psychoanalytic Approach to
Communication," 1954 |
Harvard University, Cambridge,
Mass., outlines of lectures, 1954 |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Israel, 1953 |
Lecture to patients, "Psychology
of Imagination Interpersonal Relations and Psychodynamics," 1951 |
"A Psychologist Visiting Israel,"
1953 |
"Theory and Investigation of
Memory and Learning Reconsidered," 1953 |
Lecture trips, 1954-1956
(4 folders) |
BOX I:72 |
"A Review of Some Developments in
Life Sciences," circa 1951 |
"Memory Phenomena in Clinical
Observations," 1954 |
papers |
1947-1957 |
(10 folders) |
BOX I:73 |
1957-1960 |
(9 folders) |
"Freud and Present-Day
Developmental Psychology," working notes, 1949 |
Cognition material |
Affects |
(2 folders) |
BOX I:74 |
"Dynamics of Personality and
Abnormal Behavior," 1950 |
(7 folders) |
Lecture in Philadelphia, Pa.,
notes on discussion, 1953 |
"Polarization Versus
Spectrum" |
"The Economic Problem of
Institutional Psychiatric Practice," brief outline |
"Hospital Life of Psychiatric
Patients," Patient and Staff Organization, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge,
Mass., 1954 |
Patient and Staff Organization,
Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass., 1954 |
"Some Problems in Psychoanalysis
and Psychopathology" |
"The Psychoanalytic Model,"
1951 |
"Psychoanalysis Versus the
Conditioned-Response Theory," 1954 |
"The Prerequisites of a
Psychoanalytic Psychology," 1956 |
"The Need for Theoretical
Orientation in Clinical Psychology" |
"Some Problems Facing Psychology
and Particularly Clinical Psychology," 1954 |
"Organic Psychoses" |
"Psychoanalytic Theory of
Psychoses" |
(2 folders) |
Future research
material |
Research interests, Austen Riggs
Center, Stockbridge, Mass., circa 1947-1948 |
"Research Strategy and Tactics,"
1951 |
"Clinical Research, or How to
Achieve Validity Without Losing Meaningfulness," 1956 |
Patient and Staff Organization
seminar, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass., 1958 |
Notes |
Various seminars,
1956-1960 |
BOX I:75 |
Topology talk, 1948
Miscellaneous notes found in
office |
Freud, Sigmund, activity and
passivity, 1911-1937 |
Seminars, Austen Riggs Center,
Stockbridge, Mass., 1950-1955 |
"Psychic Structure Development,"
1951 |
"Psychoanalytic Theory of
Thinking," Montreal, Canada, 1949 |
"Thinking," Yale University, New
Haven, Conn., 1951 |
"The Problems Toward a Theory of
Thinking," Clark University, Worcester, Mass., 1952 |
Next Page » |