The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  David Rapaport papers, 1911-1997
Part I: Speeches, Writings, and Lectures File, 1911-1960 (continued)
"Interpersonal Relationships, Communication and Psychodynamics," 1951 (continued)
(4 folders)
Jacobson, Edith, "Theory of Affects," 1951
"Cognition: Styles, Controls and Cognitive Attitudes," 1956
Conversation with George Klein, 9 Feb. 1957
(2 folders)
Remarks on paper by Robert Jay Lifton, 1956
BOX I:65 Loewald, Hans, "On the Therapeutic Action of Psychoanalysis," 1956-1957
"Some Problems of Prevention of Maladjustment," 1951-1954
(4 folders)
"Some Social, Cultural and Clinical Aspects of the Prevention of Maladjustment," 1950
Address before the New York Psychoanalytic Society, New York, N.Y., 1958
Correspondence with Merton Max Gill, 1954
"A Reassessment of the Concept of Metapsychological Explanation," 1954
(4 folders)
BOX I:66 Notes, 1955
(6 folders)
Scientific Methodology of Psychoanalysis, 1944-1948
(7 folders)
BOX I:67 Mittelmann, Béla, memoriam
"Multiple Personality," 1942
"On Personality Testing," 1947
Piaget, Jean, "Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood"
"Psychoanalysis as a Psychology"
Washburn University, Topeka, Kans., lectures on clinical psychology, 1943
"Present Professional Status of the Clinical Psychologist"
"To What End Psychology"
(12 folders)
BOX I:68 (1 folder)
Renneker, Richard E., paper
"Reaction Time and Succession in the Rorschach Ink-Blot Test"
Rorschach testing, 1937
"Psychiatric Implications of Rorschach Studies With Metrazol and Sodium Amytal"
"Rorschach Ink-Blot Test and General Psychology"
"Superego," 1958
(3 folders)
"On the Organization of Thought-Processes," Philadelphia, Pa., 1956
"Time," fragments of a paper
"Time Experience," circa 1947-1948
BOX I:69 "A Review and Preliminary Remarks on the Problems of the Psychology of Research"
(2 folders)
Research assistant, pre-1956
Letters to Shmuel Golan on the history of psychology, 1956-1957
"The Theory of Affects and Some Nosological Problems," 1951
"Notes on Anti-Semitism"
"The Autonomy of the Ego," 1950-1957
(6 folders)
"The Bearing of the Concepts Autonomy and Activity-Passivity on Therapy," 1956
Chicago, Ill., conference, 1952
Notes from a conference on cognition, Boulder, Colo. 1955
"States of Consciousness," 1950-1951
(2 folders)
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of Cognition and Consciousness," 1956
"Theory of Creative Activity," 1951
"Creativity," 1951
"Interpretation of Dreams," 1949-1959
(7 folders)
BOX I:70 "Early Stages of Ego Development," 1954
Ego psychology, various outlines and lectures
(12 folders)
BOX I:71 1956-1958
(5 folders)
"Emotion," 1948-1950
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of Emotions," 1951
Suggested references for an unidentified paper of Erik Erikson's
"Problems of Etiology and Nosology"
"The Psychoanalytic Theory," 1954
"The Problem of Autonomy," 1954
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of Action and Structure Development," 1954
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of Thinking," 1954
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of Affect," 1954
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of Consciousness," 1954
"The Psychoanalytic Theory of The Ego," 1954
"The Psychoanalytic Approach to Communication," 1954
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., outlines of lectures, 1954
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, 1953
Lecture to patients, "Psychology of Imagination Interpersonal Relations and Psychodynamics," 1951
"A Psychologist Visiting Israel," 1953
"Theory and Investigation of Memory and Learning Reconsidered," 1953
Lecture trips, 1954-1956
(4 folders)
BOX I:72 "A Review of Some Developments in Life Sciences," circa 1951
"Memory Phenomena in Clinical Observations," 1954
Metapsychological papers
(10 folders)
BOX I:73 1957-1960
(9 folders)
"Freud and Present-Day Developmental Psychology," working notes, 1949
Cognition material
(2 folders)
BOX I:74 "Dynamics of Personality and Abnormal Behavior," 1950
(7 folders)
Lecture in Philadelphia, Pa., notes on discussion, 1953
"Polarization Versus Spectrum"
"The Economic Problem of Institutional Psychiatric Practice," brief outline
"Hospital Life of Psychiatric Patients," Patient and Staff Organization, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass., 1954
Patient and Staff Organization, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass., 1954
"Some Problems in Psychoanalysis and Psychopathology"
"The Psychoanalytic Model," 1951
"Psychoanalysis Versus the Conditioned-Response Theory," 1954
"The Prerequisites of a Psychoanalytic Psychology," 1956
"The Need for Theoretical Orientation in Clinical Psychology"
"Some Problems Facing Psychology and Particularly Clinical Psychology," 1954
"Organic Psychoses"
"Psychoanalytic Theory of Psychoses"
(2 folders)
Future research material
Research interests, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass., circa 1947-1948
"Research Strategy and Tactics," 1951
"Clinical Research, or How to Achieve Validity Without Losing Meaningfulness," 1956
Patient and Staff Organization seminar, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass., 1958
Various seminars, 1956-1960
BOX I:75 Topology talk, 1948
Miscellaneous notes found in office
Freud, Sigmund, activity and passivity, 1911-1937
Seminars, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass., 1950-1955
"Psychic Structure Development," 1951
"Psychoanalytic Theory of Thinking," Montreal, Canada, 1949
"Thinking," Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1951
"The Problems Toward a Theory of Thinking," Clark University, Worcester, Mass., 1952
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