| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 5-9 |
Subject File, 1895-1973
Correspondence, cables, memoranda, notebooks, typescripts, printed material,
reports, newspaper clippings, and drafts. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject and therein chronologically. |
BOX 5 |
The American Mediterranean (1912), 1912-1933 |
American-Mexican Joint Commission,
1916-1917 |
Clemenceau, Georges, 1922-1972 |
Correspondence |
Notes |
BOX 6 |
Drafts |
Miscellany |
Heyday in a Vanished World (1937), 1935-1938 |
Korea, 1895 |
Lawrence of Arabia, 1919-1947 |
Mexican Revolution, 1911-1916 |
Cables |
Report to the American Red Cross,
1915 |
BOX 7 |
Correspondence |
Reports |
Miscellany |
Peace Conference, Paris, France,
1917-1919 |
Philippines, Balangiga, 1901-1945 |
(2 folders) |
Slovakia, 1948-1950, 1973 |
BOX 8 |
Spanish-American War (Santiago), 1898 |
(5 folders) |
BOX 9 |
Suitors and Suppliants (1946), 1943-1946 |
Unfinished Business (1944) |
(2 folders) |
When the French Were Here (1945) |
BOX 9-31 |
Writings File, 1915-circa 1947
Handwritten and typewritten drafts, notes, research material, printed material,
and correspondence relating to Bonsal's published and unpublished works, the Paris
Peace Conference, and short stories. |
Arranged by title or topic and therein chronologically. |
BOX 9 |
Heyday in a Vanished World (1937) |
Outline, contents |
Chapters1-2 |
(2 folders) |
BOX 10 |
Chapters 3-19 |
(15 folders) |
Miscellany |
BOX 11 |
Paris Peace Conference, Paris,
France |
Notes |
Sept. 1918, 1919 |
Oct.-Dec. 1918 |
Jan.-Apr. 1919 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 12 |
May 1919 |
June-Sept. 1919 |
League of Nations |
(5 folders) |
BOX 13 |
Undated |
(5 folders) |
BOX 14 |
Undated |
(5 folders) |
BOX 15 |
Undated |
(5 folders) |
BOX 16 |
Undated |
Japan |
Miscellany |
BOX 17 |
Typescripts |
1918 |
Aug.-Sept. |
Oct.-Dec. |
(3 folders) |
1919 |
Jan. |
(2 folders) |
BOX 18 |
Feb. |
(2 folders) |
Mar. |
(2 folders) |
Apr. |
(1 folder) |
BOX 19 |
(2 folders) |
May |
July-Sept. |
(3 folders) |
Miscellany, 1918-1919 |
BOX 20 |
Unfinished Business (1944) |
Notes |
Oct.-Dec. 1918 |
1919 |
Jan.-May |
June-Nov. |
Undated |
(3 folders) |
BOX 21 |
(5 folders) |
BOX 22 |
Introduction, table of contents |
Part 2 |
Working draft |
Final draft |
Part 3 |
Working draft |
Final draft |
BOX 23 |
Part 4 |
Working draft |
Final draft |
Part 5, working draft |
Part 6, working draft |
Part 6, final draft |
Part 7 |
Working draft |
Final draft |
Miscellany |
BOX 24 |
When the French Were Here (1945), draft |
Suitors and Suppliants (1946) |
Notes |
Introduction, table of contents |
Working drafts |
Chapters 1-7 |
(7 folders) |
BOX 25 |
Chapters 8-10, 12-18 |
(10 folders) |
Unpublished material |
(2 folders) |
BOX 26 |
Miscellany |
In the Enemy's Country, circa 1915, unpublished |
Draft |
Chapters 1-6 |
Chapters 8-17 |
Miscellany |
Montgomery Blair, circa 1921-1922, unpublished |
Notes |
Typescript |
(2 folders) |
BOX 27 |
(1 folder) |
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