| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Writings File, 1915-circa 1947
(continued) |
"Alexei, Grand Hetman of the
Cossacks" |
"The Sargenta's Story" |
"Alsace in August" |
"A Pilgrim From Abyssinia" |
"Going Home" |
"A Court of Demigods" |
"The Death of Espartero" |
"Clemenceau, The Tiger's Last
Fight" |
"Moonstick in Java" |
"The Way of the Cross" |
Drafts considered for inclusion |
Assyria |
Korea |
BOX 30 |
Siberia |
United States |
Balkans |
England |
Japan |
Philippines |
Spain |
(3 folders) |
Miscellany |
BOX 31 |
Whither Russia, circa 1947, unpublished draft |
(2 folders) |
Short stories, circa 1900-1901 |
"The American Conqueror" |
"Virginia" and other stories |
BOX 31-37 |
Article File, circa 1890-1947
Handwritten and typewritten drafts, notes, newspaper and magazine clippings, and
correspondence relating to articles by Bonsal. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 31 |
Bismarck, Prince Otto von, circa
1890 |
Notes |
Working draft |
(2 folders) |
BOX 32 |
China, circa 1890 |
Japan, circa 1890 |
1890-1899 Articles
July 1890, "Eastern Siberia," Harper's Magazine
21 Apr. 1891, "The European Powder-Mine,"
Harper's Weekly
6 Feb. 1892, "L'Insurrection au Maroc,"
Mar. 1894, "A Pilgrimage to Lourdes," Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine
27 May 1897, "Ito, the Old Statesman of the
New Japan," The World
May 1897, "The Real Condition of Cuba
To-day," Review of Reviews
June 1898, "Toledo, the Imperial City of
Spain," Century Magazine
Aug. 1898, "The Convict System in Siberia,"
Harper's New Monthly Magazine
Mar. 1899, "The Way of the Cross," Harper's New Monthly Magazine
1900-1902 Articles
28 May 1900, "China Suffering Reform's
Reaction," New York Herald
29 June 1900, "Pages From a Pekin Diary,"
New York Herald
Sept. 1900, "What the Chinese Think of Us,"
North American Review
2 June 1901, "Prince Chun Voices China's
Gratitude," New York Herald
12 Oct. 1901, "Pen Picture of the Savagery
Which Cost the Lives of So Many American Soldiers," New York Herald
Jan. 1902, articles on the Philippines for
the New York Herald
Feb. 1902, articles on the Philippines for
Mar. 1902, "The Philippines, After an
Earthquake," North American Review
Apr. 1902, articles on war in Samar,
Philippines, for the New York Herald
10 May 1902, "The Moros and Their Country,"
Aug. 1902, "How the Moro Women Stopped the
War," Collier's
12 Oct. 1902, "Peace Talks with the Moros,"
New York Herald
19 Oct. 1902, "Williams of Samar," New York Herald
Oct. 1902, "The Work of the Friars," North American Review
BOX 33 |
1903-1905 Articles
Jan. 1903 |
"Greater Germany in South America," North American Review
"A Pilgrim From Abyssinia," McClure's Magazine
Articles on Venezuela, New York Herald
25 Apr. 1903, "The Pursuit of Higher Politics
in the Balkans," Collier's
17 May 1903, "Suicidal Mania in the Army in
the Philippines," New York Herald
May 1903, "Castro: A Latin-American Type,"
North American Review
20 Sept. 1903, "Christian and Turk in
Macedonia," New York Herald
Sept. 1903, "The Sporting Spa," Metropolitan Magazine
15 Nov. 1903, "The 400 Year Struggle of the
Invincible Mayas," New York Herald
Dec. 1903, "Going Home," Metropolitan Magazine
10 Jan. 1904, "Impressions of a War
Correspondent," New York Herald
30 Apr. 1904, "Boris Sarafoff Admits
Kidnapping Miss Stone," New York Herald
July 1904 |
"Viennese Honor Mother of Christ, New York Herald
Articles on American fleet at Trieste,
New York Herald
9 Oct. 1904, "A Visit to Cettinje,
Picturesque Capital of Montenegro," New York Herald
26 Feb. 1905, "The Terrible Yaquis," New York Herald
14 May 1905, "Financial Jugglery at the Root
of Venezuela's Troubles," New York Herald
27 Aug. 1905, "Baron Kaneko Outlines Japan's
Future Policy in Corea," New York Herald
1907-1908 Articles
9 Mar. 1907, "Raisuli, the Brigand Who Made
Himself King," Harpers Weekly
30 Mar. 1907, "Stephen Bonsal, After an
Absence of Years, Finds Russia Completely Transformed," New York Times
Apr.-Dec. 1907, articles on Russia for the
New York Times
5 May 1907, "Christian Toys the Undoing of
Morocco's Sultan," New York Times
7 June 1907, "The Negro Soldier in Peace and
War," North American Review
12 Sept. 1907, "Coreans Accuse United States
of Violating Treaty of 1892," New York Herald
15 Sept. 1907, "Story of Japan's Ever
Widening Power Over Corea," New York Herald
Oct. 1907, "The Crumbling Empire of the
Moors," North American Review
12 Jan. 1908, "Milyukoff," New York Times
23 Feb. 1908, "Christendom's Champions in
Macedonia," New York Times
BOX 34 |
1911-1913 Articles
Apr.-May 1911, articles on the Mexican
Revolution, New York Times
8 June 1911, "Mexico City Hails Madero as
Liberator," New York Herald
16 Sept. 1911, "Who Will Succeed Diaz?"
22 Sept. 1911, "Sir Robert Hart," New York Sun
22 Oct. 1911, "Revolution in China Marks a
New Era in Far East," New York Times
12 Jan. 1912, "The Part Our Troops Will Play
in China's Troubles," New York Times
Undated,"The Balkan Powder Mine," Collier's Weekly
24 May 1912, "Grateful Argentina Rejoices in
Canal," New York Times
3 Nov. 1912, "An Analysis of War in the
Balkans," New York Sun
10 Nov. 1912, "Bulgaria's Long Day of
Thraldom," New York Sun
Dec. 1912, "An American View," North American Review
Jan. 1913, "The Sons of the Eagle," North American Review
1916-1917 Articles
July 1916, "Through Starving Mexico," American Red Cross Magazine
17 Mar. 1917, "Lvoff Foretold Russia's
Freedom," New York Times
13 May 1917, "Predicts Triumph for the New
Russia," New York Sun |
20 May 1917, "Muscovites Aloof From World
War," New York Sun
25 Aug. 1917, "With Hindenburg on the Eastern
Front," Collier's Weekly
23 Sept. 1917, "On the Day," Washington Times
1920, articles in the Baltimore Sun (1920) |
BOX 35 |
1921, articles on Mexico |
1921-1923 Articles
16 Jan. 1921, "Hughes and the Cabinet,"
New York Times
14 Dec. 1921, "Allies War Debts to U.S.,"
Westminster Gazette (London, England) |
22 Aug. 1922, "New Ties with Brazil," New York Times
16 Apr. 1923, "Pan-American Disarmament To Be
Acid Test for Parley," Christian Science Monitor
1924-1930 Articles
Nov.-Dec. 1923-Jan.-Feb. 1924, articles on
South America, Christian Science Monitor
Mar. 1924, "The Nation's Oil Reserves: The
Pending Inquiry at Washington," American Review of Reviews
June 1924, "China and the Foreign Devil,"
North American Review
Dec. 14-19, 1925, "The Land of Unpunished
Murder," Washington
Evening Star
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