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Joseph Warren Beach papers, 1891-1955

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Subject File (continued)
Larbaud, Val-ery
Lawrence, D. H.
BOX 18 Lawrence, D. H.
Lehmann, Rosamond
Lewis, Sinclair
Lewisohn Ludwig
Lindsay, Vachel
Literary criticism
Longfellow, Henry Wordsworth
Lowell, Amy
Luther, Martin
McCullers, Carson
MacDiarmid, Hugh
MacLeish, Archibald
MacNeice, Louis
MacOrlan, Pierre
Machen, Arthur
Malraux, André
Mann, Thomas
Marquand, John P.
Masefield, John
Masters, Edgar Lee
Maugham, W. Somerset
Maupassant, Guy de
Maurois, André
Melville, Herman
Mencken, Henry L.
Meredith, George
Meredith, William
Merimée, Prosper
Merton, Thomas
Mill, John Stuart
BOX 19 Moliére, Jean Baptiste Poquelin
Moody, William Vaughn
Moore, George
Moore, Marianne
Moore, Nicholas
More, Thomas
Morgan, Charles
Morris, William
Mumford, Lewis
Neihardt, John G.
Nemerov, Howard
Newman, John Henry
Nietzsche, Fredrich
Nims, John F.
Nineteenth century literature
Nineteenth century science
O'Brien, Frederick
Ouida (Louise de la Ramée
Paine, Thomas
Patchen, Kenneth
Pater, Walter
Peterkin, Julia
Phelps-Morane (Ruth Phelps and Paul Morand)
Poetry bibliographies
Poets, Classification of
Political philosophy
Pound, Ezra
Prokosch, Frederic
BOX 20 Proletarian fiction
Proust, Marcel
Ransom John Crowe
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
Realism in fiction
Renan, Ernest
Rexroth, Kenneth
Richards, I. A.
Richardson, Dorothy
Richardson, Henry Handel
Richardson, Samuel
Roberts, Michael
Robinson, Edwin Arlington
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Rukeyser, Muriel
Ruskin, John
Saintsbury, George
Samain, Albert
Sand, George
Sandburg, Carl
Sarton, May
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Sassoon, Siegfried
Schneider, Herbert
Schnitzler, Arthur
Schwartz, Delmore
Scott, Evelyn
Scott, Walter
BOX 21 Shakespeare, William
Shaw, George Bernard
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sidgwick, Ethel
Sinclair, May
Sinclair, Upton
Sitwell, Edith
Sitwell, Osbert
Sitwell, Sacheverell
Smith, Adam
Smollett, Tobias
Soward, F. H.
Spender, Stephen
Stanzel, Franz
Stauffer, Donald
Stegner, Wallace
Steinbeck, John
Sterne, Laurence
Stevens, Wallace
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Swinburne, Algernon C.
Swinnerton, Frank
Symons, Arthur
Taupin, René
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Thomas, Dylan
Todd, Ruthven
Tolstoy, Leo
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