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Speeches and Writings, 1921-circa 1970 (continued)
BOX 112 1958
Lincoln Growing. An address before The Lincoln Club of Los Angeles, February 12, 1958.
Abraham Lincoln and The Future of America. Address at the convocation, Claremont Men's College, Claremont, California, February 13, 1958. Repeated Lincoln as a World Figure added at Old Dominion College, Norfolk, Virginia, February 3, 1963.
Exquisite Collector: An Essay in Two Parts. Part I The Scalping of Abraham Lincoln Part II The Extraordinary Disappearance of the Gettysburg Address. A paper read before the Civil War Round Table of Los Angeles, February 13, 1958. Both parts sent to Clyde C. Walton, Jr., State Historian, Illinois State Historical Society, August 25, 1958, for publication.
The Fortunate Statement: Being an Experiment with an Empty Bottle. [Monroe] April 28, 1958.
Gertrude Clarke Whittall. A verse. August 25, 1958.
Great Day in "Ottaway" (The Debates Begin: Douglas and Lincoln Face to Face). Published in The Washington Post, August 21, 1958.
An Invitation to the Better Angels. A talk delivered before the DC Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, October 19, 1958.
Prayer to the Better Angels. An address delivered at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 16, 1958.
Remarks of Mr. Mearns on the occasion of his 40th anniversary luncheon in the Library of Congress. December 16, 1958.
BOX 113 1959
The Grandeur of Abraham Lincoln. January 30, 1959. Selected passages from the writings of eminent men.
What's To Become of Mr. Lincoln? Being Some Speculations on the Old Gentleman's Past, Present and Future Condition. An address delivered before the Lincoln Group of Boston, February 14, 1959.
Who in Triumph Advances. An address before The New Brunswick Historical Club, New Brunswick, New Jersey, February 20, 1959. Printed in: Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society: A Magazine of New Jersey History, April 1959, p. 111. Printed also in a pamphlet: Special Joint Session of The New Jersey Senate and the General Assembly Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Historic Appearance Before the Legislature, February 21, 1861, presented by the New Jersey Civil War Centennial Commission, February 21, 1961.
Lincoln the Young Thinker. Prepared for The American Story Series issued by Broadcast Music, Inc., in association with the Society of American Historians. 1959 series: The Abraham Lincoln Story 1809-1959. March 6, 1959.
Washington Awaiting. Article prepared for, and published in, the Wilson Library Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 10, June 1959. March 11, 1959.
Briefed from The Inexhaustible Story. A talk delivered at a luncheon meeting of the Soroptimist International, Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., March 18, 1959.
The Fruits of Our Liberties and How to Preserve Them. A paper read before the Independence Bell Chapter of the D.A.R., at Chapter House, Washington, D.C., March 21, 1959.
Lincoln and Libraries. An address delivered at a banquet in honor of the Lincoln Authors of America as part of the National Library Week celebration in Illinois. Springfield, Illinois, April 17, 1959.
Engrafted Angel. An address delivered at Allegheny College, May 2, 1959. Printed in: Allegheny College Bulletin, June 1959, p. 14.
Lincoln as a World Figure. An address delivered before the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia meeting at the Library of Congress, May 20, 1959. Printed in Congressional Record, pp. A4290-4291, Appendix. Repeated before the Clyde Kelly Class of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church under the title of "Lincoln Viewed Today" on January 15, 1951, and combined with "Lincoln and the Future of America" for a lecture at Old Dominion College, Norfolk, Virginia, on February 3, 1963.
BOX 114 The President and the Princess; or, The Great Kissing Performance. An address delivered before the Friends of the Library of the University of Detroit, May 22, 1959. Repeated with variations on May 28, 1960, in Lincoln, Illinois, and on May 5, 1962, before the Literary Society, Washington, D.C.
To be Enduring: The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections. A paper presented at the Rare Books Conference sponsored by the Rare Books Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, June 18, 1959. Printed in: College and Research Libraries, Vol. 20, No. 5, September 1959, p. 341.
Remarks at a luncheon in Room 410, House Office Building, on Friday, August 7, 1959.
Part I of The Exquisite Collector [2/13/68] printed in Illinois State Historical Society Journal, Vol. LII, No. 1, p. 45, Lincoln Sesquicentennial Issue, Spring 1959. (See also Cont. 112)
Remarks at Raleigh, North Carolina, to receive for the collections of the Library of Congress from the Governor of North Carolina, tape recording and slides of interviews with North Carolina's oldest inhabitants. Friday, August 21, 1959.
Notes on Melvil Dewey for possible use of the Director of the Reference Department at Amherst. October 8, 1959.
Lincoln and Rothschilds. A memorandum. December 11, 1959.
Introduction to Lincoln for the Ages. Sent to Mr. Carl Haverlin, Broadcast Music, Inc., New York, N.Y., on December 31, 1959. Volume was printed in November 1960 by Doubleday.
BOX 115 1960
Welcoming remarks: Lincoln Symposium in the Library of Congress. February 11, 1960.
Remarks made at the presentation of ten-year service pins to Aimes Pratt and Virginia David. Manuscript Division, March 2, 1960. It's a Long Time Between Drinks. A letter to Jonathan Daniels dated March 10, 1960, printed in The News and Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina, March 20, 1960. Also included in The North Carolina Miscellany: A collection of warm and delightful fragments of North Carolina's past and present. Edited by Richard Walser, Chapel Hill, Univ. of N.C. Press, 1962.
The President and the Princess. [Variation of 522/59] An address delivered at Lincoln, Illinois, May 28, 1960. Reproduced and distributed by the Abraham Lincoln Forum for Constitution Education, Lincoln, Illinois. Repeated before the Literary Society, Washington, D.C., May 5, 1962.
Dr. Lincoln. Commencement address at Lincoln College, Lincoln, Illinois, May 29, 1960.
Frances Pago. An open letter read at her retirement luncheon. July 12, 1960.
Lincoln and Catholicism. A memorandum. Enclosed in a letter to Jonathan Daniels, July 27, 1960.
Ad Absurdum. [Metrecal Gal] A poem. August 1960.
Mysterious Morning, May 18, 1860. August 4, 1960. Carbon copy submitted to James Russell Wiggins, The Washington Post.
Henry Cabot Lodge, 2d. August 5, 1960. Published in St. Albans Bulletin, Issue 24, Fall 1960.
"You Scratch My Paperback" August 2, 1960. Published in The Washington Post, Sunday, September 11, 1960.
The Unsupported Charges of Father Chiniquy. A memorandum prepared for The Honorable Lyndon Johnson, United States Senate. October 14, 1960.
St. George Leakin Sioussat 1878-1960. November 4, 1960. Published in The American Archivist, Vol. 24, No. 1, January 1961, page 81.
The Infatuate Wish. An address before the National Genealogical Society, December 3, 1960.
Lincoln for the Ages. Material concerning its publication. Nov.-Dec. 1960. [See 1959 for text of Introduction.]
BOX 116 1961
The Civil War: A Centennial Perspective. A lecture delivered at New York University, New York City, January 12, 1961.
Lincoln Viewed Today. [A variation of Mr. Lincoln as a World Figure] A paper read before the Clyde Kelly Class, Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, January 15, 1961.
A Collect for the Collected. A talk delivered before the LC-Maryland-Virginia Chapter of the Manuscript Society, at a meeting held in the Wilson Room, Library of Congress, January 29, 1961.
According to Their Contents. A speech delivered before the Caxton Club, Chicago, Illinois, February 1, 1961.
Who in Triumph Advances. Printed in pamphlet issued by the New Jersey Civil War Centennial Commission, Trenton, 1961. E457.4N43 [For text see 1959 listing]
Lecture delivered at the McGill University Library School, Montreal, Canada, March 6, 1961.
Statement for possible dissemination at the Fourth National Assembly of the U. S. Civil War Centennial Commission to be held in Charleston, South Carolina. March 30, 1961.
[Midshipmen's Dinner]. An address delivered at the Midshipmen's dinner, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, April 19, 1961.
Largely Lincoln. Introd. by Earl Schenck Miers. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1961. E457.8.M5 [See also containers 125 and 126]
Administration of a Manuscript Repository. Prepared for Inter-American Archival Seminar, October 9-27, 1961, for use on Monday, October 23, 1961.
When First We Practice, An address delivered at a luncheon in honor of Willard Webb on his retirement from the staff of the Library of Congress, Continental Hotel, Washington, D.C., October 31, 1961.
BOX 117 1962
Lynken, Blynken, and Nod. 3 folders. Remarks upon accepting the National Abraham Lincoln Distinguished Service Award presented at the Emancipation Proclamation Centennial Dinner at the Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., February 10, 1962. File also contains letters of congratulation, newspaper clippings, etc. together with copy of Carl Sandburg citation for the Award and Carl Haverlin presentation remarks.
Mostly Mearns on Largely Lincoln. An address delivered at a luncheon book review at St. John's Church, Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., March 29, 1962.
De Amicitia. An address delivered before the Friends of the Duke University Library, Durham, North Carolina, April 26, 1962. Printed in: Library Notes: A Bulletin Issued for The Friends of Duke University Library, No. 37, March 1963: also printed in: Antiouarian Bookman, July 4-11, 1966, pp. 44-48.
"What a Wonderful Idea," I said. An address delivered before the Hospitality and Information Service meeting in the Library of Congress on May 23, 1962.
The Strong and Honest Hand. An address delivered before the New York State Library Association, Albany, New York, October 19, 1962. Printed in: New York Library Association Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 2, March 1963.
BOX 118 1963
Variation of Abraham Lincoln and the Future of American [2/13/58]. A lecture presented at Old Dominion College, Norfolk, Virginia, February 3, 1963.
Alvin Webster Kremer. Remarks on the occasion of Mr. Kremer's retirement from the Library of Congress. February 25, 1963.
The Gettysburg Address: The Mysteries of the Manuscripts, Parts I and II. A speech delivered before the Milwaukee Civil War Round Table on February 27 and before the Chicago Civil War Round Table on February 28, 1963.
Comments and clippings, etc. November-December 1963 as a result of Mr. Mearns' CWIT speech, the text of which he made available to reporters.
A View of Washington in 1863. A paper read before the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C., March 20, 1963, under the title "Extracts from Washington's Diary: 1863." Printed in: Records of the Columbia Historical Society of Washington, D.C. Reprinted as separate 1966
The American Scene in the 1860's: The Sinister Sixties: A Decadent Decade. A paper read at the Rose Hill Seminar, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, June 3, 1963. Printed in: The Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania in the 1860's, edited with an introduction by Francis Coleman Rosenberger. [Proceedings of the Rose Hill Seminar, June 8, 1963]
A report on the annual meeting of the Manuscript Society held in Washington, D.C., 9/19-22/1963. Prepared for LC Information Bulletin. 9/24/63.
Remarks in support of H.R. 6237, 86th Congress, 1st Session. October 4, 1963. Forwarded to the Archivist of the United States for use in justification of funds for NHPRC to allocate for the compilation of documentary sources significant to the history of the United States.
Long Remembered: Facsimiles of the five versions of the Gettysburg Address in the handwriting of Abraham Lincoln. Notes and Comments on the Preparation of the Address by David C. Mearns and Lloyd A Dunlap. The Library of Congress, Washington: 1963. Z663.34.147
J. Franklin Jameson. A tribute incorporated in a letter from Mr. Mearns to Ruth Anna Fisher dated November 18, 1963. Printed in: J. Franklin Jameson: A Tribute, fourteen contributors, edited by Ruth Anna Fisher and William Lloyd Fox and published by the Catholic University of American Press, Washington, D.C., 1965.
BOX 119 1964-1965
Not Known at This Address. A speech delivered before the New York Civil War Round Table at The Lamb's Club, New York City, February 11, 1964. Printed in: Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address: Commemorative Papers. Edited by Allan Nevins, University of Illinois Press, 1964. pp. 118-133.
Five quotes from The Lark by Colett Burges. 2/17/64 [My Feet; The Lecture; A Bore in the House; A Parisian Beverage; and The Floorless Room]
Drafts for two citations. For 1) Allan Nevins and 2) Carl Sandburg. Prepared March 17, 1964, for use of the Chief of General Reference and Bibliography Division.
Three Drafts: Variant comments on proposed legislation to amend the title of the Library of Congress to include "the National Library of the United States." March 25, 1964.
Civil War Centennial Commission 7th National Assembly, Atlanta, Georgia, June 11, 1964. DCM remarks as moderator of a discussion on the problems of the Civil War; drafts of introductions of Dr. Albert Burton Moore, Roy Kirklin Davenport, and Dr. Charles P. Roland; and draft of an introduction of Allan Nevins by The Honorable Fred Schwengel, M.C.
Alice Lee Parker: "Set Down Aught in Alice, or, The Prince and the Photographs." A poem written on the occasion of Miss Parker's retirement from the Library of Congress. July 15, 1964.
Many Happy Returns: A Discourse on the 70th Anniversary of the District of Columbia Library Association, September 26, 1964. Printed in: D.C. Libraries, Vol. 36, No. 1, January 1965.
Ford's Theatre. [Restoration]. Remarks made on Sunday evening at the Lincoln Museum, Washington, D.C., November 29, 1964.
The Answerers: A Fog-Laden Panorama of LC's Collections. Parts I and II. Prepared January 19, 1965. Printed in: The Library Journal, Vol. 90, No. 7, April 1, 1965, and Vol. 90, No. 8, April 15, 1965.
Work Papers for the Library Journal article.
"Brush of the Comet": Archibald MacLeish at the Library of Congress. Written on February 15, 1965, for The Atlantic Monthly. Printed in Vol. 215, No. 5, May 1965.
To the Clients of Clio. An address read before the faculty of St. Albans School, Washington, D.C., February 24, 1965.
Ars Longa Vita Brevis. March 19, 1965. [Plan for an expanded program for LC in all fields and activities.]
Aged Six Years. About Daniel J. Reed upon the occasion of his leaving the staff of the Library of Congress. July 16, 1965.
To: O. M. S. with love from the Misonaist. Remarks at a luncheon on the occasion of the retirement from the Library of Congress of Olive M. Seltzer. December 20, 1965.
BOX 120 1966-1968
The Library of Congress and the U. S. Civil War Centennial Commission: A Summary Statement. January 25, 1966. Prepared for transmission to the Acting Director of the U. S. Civil War Centennial Commission.
When's A Pentagon Not a Pentagon? September 12, 1966. Excerpt from the Charles S. Hamlin Papers, Diary for December 16, [1941], Manuscript Division, Library of Congress.
A brief review of the establishment of the Center for the Coordination of Foreign Manuscript Copying. Remarks of the Chief of the Manuscript Division at a meeting of the Librarian's Advisory Committee for the Center held in the Library of Congress, October 14, 1966.
From the Od!DSE of Homer. Remarks on the occasion of the retirement from the Library of Congress of Dorothy S. Eaton. October 24, 1966.
Gettysburg on the Eve of an Address. A speech delivered on the occasion of the 103rd Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1966.
Not Enough Room. A talk delivered at the Area Chapter meeting of the Manuscript Society, held in the Library of Congress, March 3, 1967.
Ainsworth the Unforgettable. [Ainsworth Rand Spofford]. A paper read before the Literary Society, Washington, D.C., May 13, 1967. Printed in: LC Quarterly Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1, January 1968.
Waldo G. Leland. [Tribute-Obituary] October 19, 1967. Prepared for the American Philosophical Society and published in their Yearbook 1968.
Mearns Autobiography. Prepared at the request of, and forwarded to, Mr. Armistead Boothe of the Literary Society, Washington, D.C. October 26, 1967.
Diminuando. Remarks of Mr. Mearns made at his retirement dinner, The Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., December 16, 1967.
A Doleful Sound. Paper read before the Iota Chapter, Beta Phi Mu, Department of Library Science, The Catholic University of American, Thursday evening, April 25, 1968.
Capitol Punishment: An Address on the Defamation of Cuspidoria Americana. Delivered before the U. S. Capitol Historical Society, September 11, 1968.
History of the Library of Congress. Lecture delivered on September 19, 1968, in the George Washington-Library of Congress Lecture Series, in the Library of Congress, Page School, Room 324A Main Building.
"Ever and Ever, Carl." An address delivered at the dinner meeting of the Manuscript Society held in Springfield, Illinois. September 26, 1968. [A tribute to Carl Sandburg presented under the auspices of the Illinois Sesquicentennial Commission.]
To Forgive Divine. An address delivered before the Cum Laude Society, St. Albans School, Washington, D.C., October 11, 1968.
Manuscript Resources of the Library of Congress for the Study of the Secession Years. A lecture delivered on November 12, 1968, in the George Washington-Library of Congress Lecture Series, in the Library of Congress, Page School, Room 324A, Main Building.
Remarks at Reference Department Division Chiefs' Luncheon. Library of Congress, Whittall Pavilion. February 12, 1969.
circa 1970, Address delivered to a convocation at St. Albans School for Boys, Washington, D.C., 1970 or 1971
BOX 121 Book Reviews
BOX 122 1959-1964
Radio and Television Broadcast Scripts, 1949-1962; and Introductions of persons, alphabetically arranged.
BOX 123 Ghost writings, 1944-1963
BOX 124 Three Presidents and Their Books, University of Illinois Press, 1955 hardback; 1963 paperback. Research Notes; galley proof, page proof, clippings, comments, etc.
BOX 125 Largely Lincoln, St. Martin's Press, 1961. Drafts.
BOX 126 Largely Lincoln, St. Martin's Press, 1961. Printer's copy; reviews, comments, etc. See also Oversize
BOX 127 The Lincoln Papers, 2 vols. Published by Doubleday, 1948
Correspondence concerning the details of publication and correspondence about the published volumes; promotional material; and clippings.
BOX 128 Research notes (2 binders)
BOX 129 Abstracts from correspondence in the Robert Todd Lincoln Collection. Binder, copies 1 and 2.
BOX 130 Drafts
BOX 131 Transcripts from the Robert Todd Lincoln Collection
BOX 132 Transcripts from the Robert Todd Lincoln Collection. Selected but not used.
BOX 133 Handwritten transcript notes.
BOX 134 Typed transcriptions, no. 1
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