| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Correspondence, 1949-1967
(continued) |
BOX 4 |
Abraham Lincoln Book Shop
(Ralph Geoffrey Newman) |
BOX 5 |
Abraham Lincoln Association |
Adams Papers |
Adams, Randolph G. |
Adams, Thomas R. |
Alexandria Public Library |
Allegheny College |
Allen, John E. |
Allison, Guy |
Alsop, Mrs. Benjamin P., Jr. |
American Antiquarian Society |
American Association for State and Local
History |
BOX 6 |
American Booksellers Association |
American Council of Learned
Societies |
American Documentation Institute |
American Heritage
American Historical Association |
American Historical Review
American Institute of Architects |
American Library Association |
American Library Association, Rare Book
Conference, Charlottesville, Va. |
BOX 7 |
American Library Pioneers |
American Philosophical Society |
American Psychological Association
Archives |
Ampersand Club |
Andreasson, John C. L. |
Antiquarian Bookman
Antiquarian Booksellers Association of
America |
Archives of American Art |
Arts Club of Washington |
Atlantic Monthly
Australia National Library |
Authors League of American |
Autograph Collectors Journal
“A” General |
BOX 8 |
Babb, James T. |
Baker, Carlos |
Baker, Susan C. |
Baker Street Irregulars |
Barkley, David M. |
Barondess, Benjamin |
Barrow, W. J. |
Bartlett, Joe |
Basler, Roy P. |
Bass, Henry P. |
BOX 9 |
Bay, Helmuth |
Bay, J. Christian |
Beale, Howard K. |
Becker, Ralph E. |
Beckerman, Lawrence |
Beckwith, Robert Lincoln |
Beerbohm, Max |
Bell, Whitfield J. |
Bemis, Samuel Flagg |
Benn Hall Associates |
Berg, Norman |
Berkeley, Francis L., Jr. |
Bernard, Kenneth A. |
Bestor, Arthur E. |
Beta Pi Chapter, Phi Alpha Theta |
Bibliographical Society of America |
Big Meadow Lodge |
Bingham, Mrs. Jonathan B. |
Bingham, Millicent Todd |
Birely, Victor M. |
Birge, Mrs. Julius |
Blanck, Jacob |
Blegen, Theodore C. |
Bliss Celebrity Bureau, Inc. |
Bloch, Don |
Blum, Herman |
B'nai B'rith |
Boatner, Maxine Tull |
BOX 10 |
Bobbs Merrill Co. |
Bolitho, Hector |
Bollinger-Lincoln Foundation |
Boltan, Theodore |
Bonnel, Ulane |
Borome, Joseph H. |
Boston Athenaeum |
Boston Globe
Boston Public Library |
Bowerman, George F. |
Bowker, R. R. Co. |
Boyd, Julian P. |
Boyd, Walter Willard |
Brasch, Frederick E. |
Brady, Jim |
British Museum |
Broadcast Music,
Inc. |
BOX 11 |
Broderick, John C. |
Brombach, Charles |
Brooks, Philip C. |
Brown, Lillian |
Brown University |
Buck, Solon J. |
Bucknell University |
Buell, Robert Lewis |
Bullard, F. Lauriston |
Bureau of Public Records Collection, University
of North Carolina |
Burlingame, Roger |
Burson, Marion |
Butterfield, Lyman H. |
“B” General |
BOX 12 |
Cain, James M. |
Cain, M. Julian |
Camerson, Donald F. |
Cannon, Foster |
Campbell, Robert B. (Campbell's Book
Store) |
Canton Public Library, Canton, Ohio |
Cappon, Lester J. |
Carlson, William H. |
Carmichael, Leonard |
Carnegie Book Shop |
Carr, Roland T. |
Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial Fund |
Carson, Gerald |
Carter, John |
Cassidy, Appolonia H. |
BOX 13 |
Caton, Louise G. |
Catton, Bruce |
Caxton Club |
CBS News |
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