| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Correspondence, 1949-1967
(continued) |
Howe, Mark deWolfe |
Hubert's Catering |
Hudson, C. D. |
Hull, Cordell |
Hylton, Percy |
Humphrey, Richard A. |
Huntington, Frances Carpenter |
Huntington (Henry E.) Library and Art
Gallery |
Hurja, Mrs. Emil |
Hyma, Albert |
“H” General |
Illinois Intelligencer
Illinois Sesquicentennial Commission |
Illinois State Historical Library |
BOX 22 |
Illinois University Library |
Illinois University Press |
Indian Archives, National Archives of India |
Indiana Historical Society |
Indiana University Press |
Institute of Early American History and
Culture |
Inter-American Archival Seminar |
Inter-American Review of Bibliography
International Council on Archives |
International Platform Association |
Iowa State University |
“I” General |
Jacoby, Benjamin |
Jameson History Prize Fund |
Jarvis, Mrs. William T. |
Jenkins, Alan |
Jenkins, William |
Jester, Perry N. |
John Carter Brown Library |
Jones, Edgar De Witt |
Jones, F. Henry |
Justice Department, Book Club |
Kaiser, John B. |
Kane, Harnett Thomas |
Kane, Lucile M. |
Kantor, MacKinley |
Kats, Joseph |
Kauffman, John Michael |
Kauffmann, Rudolph Max |
Kauffmann, Rudolph II |
Kauffmann, Samuel Hay |
Kauffmann, Mrs. Samuel H. |
BOX 23 |
Kennedy, Mrs. Edward E. |
Kentucky, University of |
Kessler, David |
Kilgore, Harley M. |
Kilpatrick, Carroll |
Kimmel, Stanley |
King, Marion |
King, Willard L. |
Kingsport Press, Inc. |
Knebel, Fletcher |
Knerr, Harry O. |
Knight Newspapers |
Knollenberg, Bernhard |
Knopf, Alfred A., Inc. |
Knox, Katharine McCook |
Kranz, Henry B. |
Kremer, Alvin W. |
Kunhardt, Dorothy Meserve |
“K” General |
Labaree, Leonard W. |
Lacy, Dan |
La Follette, Fola |
Lamb, William Kaye (Dominion Archivist of
Canada) |
Lamontagne, Roland |
BOX 24 |
Land, Robert H. |
Lasker, Wolf B. |
Lawrence, Virginia N. |
Lebold, Foreman M. |
Leland, Waldo G. |
Leslie, Arnett W. |
Lessley, James |
Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon |
Library Association (British) |
Library Journal
Library Quarterly
Library Trends |
Liebert, Herman W. |
Lincoln Association of New Jersey
City |
Lincoln, Civil War Society of
Philadelphia |
Lincoln Club of Los Angeles |
Lincoln College |
Lincoln-Douglas Society |
Lincoln Fellowship of Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada |
Lincoln Fellowship of Pennsylvania |
Lincoln Group of Boston |
Lincoln Group of Washington, D.C. |
Lincoln, Harold S. |
Lincoln Herald
BOX 25 |
Lincoln Memorial University |
Lincoln National Life Foundation |
Lindbergh, Charles A. |
Literary Society |
Little, Brown & Co. |
Litton, Gaston |
Lloyd, David Demarest |
Lloyd, Wildon |
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr. |
Long, Pete |
Longmans, Green & Co., Inc. |
Look Magazine
Lorens, John G. |
Loyal Legion of the U.S., Military Order
of |
Luce, Clare Boothe |
Luhrs, Henry |
Lutz, Paul V. |
Lydenberg, Harry Miller |
“L” General |
BOX 26 |
Macartney, James W. |
McCartney, Albert Joseph |
McCormick-Goodhart, Leander |
McDermott, Gerard B. |
McDougle, Leonidas |
McGill University |
McGraw Hill Book Co. |
McLean, Norris W. |
MacLeish, Archibald |
McMaster University |
McMurtry, R. Gerald |
“Mac and Mc” General |
Next Page » |