| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Subject File, 1931-1967
(continued) |
Reading Room Division, 1924
Reference Department, 1944
Reorganization of 1944
Sesquicentennial |
American Library Association Dinner, 1950
Proposed Publications |
BOX 80 |
Lincoln, Abraham |
Miscellaneous |
Nos. I, III, and IV,
unarranged |
No. II, arranged
alphabetically |
BOX 81 |
Assassination |
Assassination, Lincoln-Kennedy
Comparison |
Autobiography |
Bibliography |
Birthplace |
Bixby Letter |
Lincoln in Books |
Books Borrowed from Library |
Lincoln Calendar (Day by
Day) |
Catholicism |
Cheques |
Collected Works |
Collections of Lincoln material |
Conspirators (Military Tribunal) |
Corporations |
Daguerreotypes |
Dark Days at the White House |
Day by Day
See also same container, Lincoln
Defeats |
Definition of Democracy |
Dog |
BOX 82 |
Lincoln-Douglas Debates |
Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Facsimile Edition,
Centennial |
Egg Rolling on the White House
Lawn |
Emancipation Proclamation |
Entertaining at the White House |
Lincoln on Enthroned Capital |
Eyee |
Farewell to Springfield |
Feet |
First Inaugural |
"Fooling the People" |
Ford's Theatre |
Forgery |
Funeral |
BOX 83 |
Gardner, the New England Soap Man |
Genealogy and Descendants |
Gettysburg Address |
Gettysburg Address, Bliss Copy |
Gettysburg Address in
Facsimile, Long Remembered
Hair |
Hooker Letter |
Lincoln in Indiana |
Interviews |
Keckley, Elizabeth |
Kirkman's Grammar |
BOX 84 |
Last Annual Message to Congress |
"Last Best Hope of Earth" |
Lincoln and Liquor |
Lincoln's Library |
Lincoln Literature |
Lincoln Lore
Louse Story |
On Loyalty |
Lincoln-Marx Correspondence |
Lincoln, Mary Todd |
Methodists |
Minstrels |
Mudd, Samuel |
The Negro |
Our American Cousin
New York World's Fair, 1964 |
Photographs, Lithographs, Engravings,
etc. |
Portraits |
Quotations of Lincoln |
Quotations from eminent men concerning
Lincoln |
Lincoln's Reading |
Relics |
Religion |
Retaliation |
BOX 85 |
Lincoln, Robert Todd |
Robert Todd Lincoln Collection of the
Papers of Abraham Lincoln, Opening Ceremonies, 1947
(8 folders) |
BOX 86 |
(1 folder) |
Clippings and Related
Material |
BOX 87 |
Rothschilds |
Rutledge Romance |
Second Inaugural |
Sesquicentennial Commission |
Sesquicentennial Joint Session of
Congress |
Sesquicentennial |
Banquet |
BOX 88 |
Exhibit |
Ephemera |
Observances, etc. |
Official Washington Tribute |
Symposium |
Sheridan, Philip Henry |
Shoes |
Societies and Clubs |
Shrines |
On Spoliation of the Nation |
Starr, John W., Collection |
Stern-Lincoln Collection |
Stern, Alfred Whital, Purchase
Fund |
Statues in Puerto Rico and in
Mexico |
Students |
BOX 89 |
Ten Points Quotation |
(2 folders) |
Thirteenth Amendment |
Voice Today |
Volk Life Mask |
Wit and Wisdom |
BOX 90 |
Literary Conscience |
Loyalty Program, Library of Congress |
MacLeish, Archibald |
(2 folders) |
Madison Memorial |
Martí, José, Memorial Dedication, St. Augustine,
Fla. |
Marx Brothers, Photograph Inscribed and
Autographed |
Melcher, Frederic Gershem |
Meserve Collection |
Middle Atlantic Association Industrial Editors
(Best Story Contest) |
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