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Hamilton Fish papers, 1732-1914

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BOX 198-255 Department of State, 1776-1893
Drafts, instructions, notes, reports, memoranda, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to Fish's career as secretary of state.
Arranged chronologically in part.
BOX 198 Domestic drafts
16 Mar.-28 Oct. 1869
BOX 199 2 Nov. 1869-29 May 1870
BOX 200 2 June 1870-31 Mar. 1871
BOX 201 1 Apr.-31 July 1871
BOX 202 2 Jan. 1875-13 Jan. 1877
BOX 203 Diplomatic drafts, instructions, and notes
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, 17 Mar. 1869-26 Jan. 1871
BOX 204 Argentina, Barbary, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, 13 Jan.-11 Nov. 1871
BOX 205 Austria, 20 Apr. 1869-30 Dec. 1870
BOX 206 Belgium, China, Denmark, France, foreign consuls, Japan, 31 Jan. 1871-8 June 1872
BOX 207 Barbary, Russia, 17 Mar. 1869-18 Jan. 1871
BOX 208 Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, 22 Mar. 1869-26 Jan. 1871
BOX 209 Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Hawaii, Haiti, Honduras, Liberia, 18 Mar. 1869-23 Jan. 1871
BOX 210 Diplomatic drafts and notes
French Legation, 17 Mar. 1869-3 Feb. 1871
BOX 211 Diplomatic drafts and instructions
France, 17 Mar. 1869-27 Jan. 1871
BOX 212 Diplomatic drafts and notes
British Legation
17 Mar. 1869-16 Mar. 1870
BOX 213 24 Mar. 1870-16 Jan. 1871
BOX 214 Diplomatic drafts and instructions
Great Britain
17 Mar. 1869-14 Feb. 1870
BOX 215 15 Feb. 1870-27 Jan. 1871
BOX 216 Diplomatic drafts, instructions, and notes
Italy, Greece, Venezuela, 17 Mar. 1869-28 Jan. 1871
BOX 217 Japan, Sweden, 1 Apr. 1869-31 Jan. 1871
BOX 218 Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Uruguay, 17 Mar. 1869-28 Jan. 1871
BOX 219 Netherlands, 17 Mar. 1869-3 Feb. 1871
BOX 220 Peru, Salvador, Turkey, 18 Mar. 1869-21 Jan. 1871
BOX 221 Portugal, China, 17 Mar. 1869-21 Jan. 1871
BOX 222 Diplomatic drafts and notes
Russian Legation, 18 Mar. 1869-25 Jan. 1871
BOX 223 Diplomatic drafts and instructions
Russia, 8 Mar. 1869-27 Jan. 1871
BOX 224 Diplomatic drafts and notes
Spanish Legation, 23 Mar. 1869-17 Jan. 1871
BOX 225 Diplomatic drafts and instructions
Spain, 19 Mar. 1869-27 Jan. 1871
BOX 226 Diplomatic drafts, instructions, and notes
Foreign consuls in the United States
19 Mar. 1869-24 Jan. 1871
BOX 227 Great Britain
28 Jan.-17 July 1871
BOX 228 24 May 1871-12 June 1872
BOX 229 Netherlands, Prussia, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, 30 Jan.1871-5 June 1872
BOX 230 Spain, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, China, 30 Jan.-24 July 1871
BOX 231 Prussia, France, 31 Jan.-25 July 1871
BOX 232 Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Italy, Liberia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Orange, 1 Feb.-7 Nov. 1871
BOX 233 Paraguay, Peru, Russia, Salvador, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, 2 Feb. 16-Nov. 1867
BOX 234 From Argentina to Venezuela, 10 Nov. 1871-31 May 1872
BOX 235 From Argentina to Italy, 3 June 1872-3 Mar. 1873
BOX 236 From Liberia to Venezuela, 3 June 1872-3 Mar. 1873
BOX 237 Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, France, Great Britain, 5 June 1872-30 June 1874
BOX 238 Japan, Netherlands, Prussia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, 7 June 1872-30 June 1874
BOX 239 From Liberia to Venezuela, 7 Mar. 1873-30 June 1874
BOX 240 From Argentina to Germany, 1 July 1874-31 Oct. 1876
BOX 241 From Great Britain to Russia, 2 Sept. 1874-31 Oct. 1876
BOX 242 From Argentina to Venezuela, 18 July 1874-12 Mar. 1877
BOX 243 Reports, examiner of claims
BOX 244 1873-1874
BOX 245 1874-1875
BOX 246 1876
BOX 247 Circulars, 1870-1876, and reports on trust funds, 1876
BOX 248 Drafts, memoranda, accounts, and bills and receipts, 1869-1876
BOX 249 Presidential proclamations
BOX 250 Great Britain
Transcripts, treaties, correspondence, and reports relating to Alabama claims and relations with
BOX 251 Spain, Cuba, Venezuela, inter-oceanic canal; letters of Charles Sumner; code books; Monroe Doctrine; Texas; extradition; printed matter See also Oversize
BOX 252 Correspondence of Don Piatt, secretary of legation at Paris, France 1855
Instructions to commissioners at the Treaty of Ghent
BOX 253 Treaties, conventions, and seals of the United States, 1876-1893, with letters of transmittal of John C. Bancroft Davis
BOX 254 Transcripts, miscellaneous
BOX 255 Printed matter
BOX 256-275 Governor of New York, 1836-1850
Correspondence, messages, petitions, and reports, relating to Fish's term as governor of New York. Largely petitions for pardon and application for offices.
Arranged by subject.
Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 18,746.
BOX 256 REEL 1 Affidavits, Thomas Warner case, 1849
Applications and recommendations for offices
Commissioner of deeds
BOX 257 REEL 1 1847-13 May 1850
(6 folders)
BOX 258 REEL 2-3 14 May-Dec. 1850, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 259 REEL 3-4 Erie Canal, 1847-1850, undated
(4 folders)
(5 folders)
BOX 260 REEL 4 1850, undated
(6 folders)
Health officer of the Port of New York
1839, 1847-1848
BOX 261 REEL 5 1849-1850, undated
(4 folders)
Justice of the Supreme Court, 1849-1850, undated
BOX 262 REEL 5-6 Marine Hospital, Staten Island, resident and assistant physicians, 1847, 1849-1850
(3 folders)
Miscellaneous offices, 1847-1850
(3 folders)
BOX 263 REEL 6-7 Applications and recommendations for offices
New York, N.Y., offices, 1848-1850
(4 folders)
New York state counties
1847-8 June 1849
(2 folders)
BOX 264 REEL 7-8 11 June 1849-23 Jan. 1850
(7 folders)
BOX 265 REEL 8-9 24 Jan.-Dec. 1850, undated
(4 folders)
New York state militia, 1838, 1848-1850, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 266 REEL 9-10 Onondaga Salt Springs, N.Y., superintendent, 1848-1850, undated
Applications for pardon, 1844-1850
(5 folders)
(5 folders)
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