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George Fielding Eliot papers, 1939-1971

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General Article File, 1939-1971 (continued)
Printed materials
Notes and clippings
BOX 13 "Survival in Tartary," The Saint Mystery Magazine, 1966
"Tactical Teamwork in Vietnam," Ordnance, 1966
"The Test of Military Effectiveness" (undated article manuscript)
"They Fight to Save Our Missing GI's in Vietnam," Family Weekly, 1970
Manuscript and notes
"They Hold the 'Last Chance' Line" (unpublished), 1955
"The Tightening Cord" (article idea), 1955
"The Total-Force Man-Power Concept," National Guardsman, 1970
"Towards a New Birth of Confidence," Military Review, 1959
"A Typical McNamara Snow Job" (article draft), 1966
United States Customs Bureau (unpublished article idea)
"United States Power on Okinawa Vital to Japan's Future," Hartford Courant, 1968
"U.S.S. Raleigh," Popular Science Monthly, 1965
BOX 14 "The Value and Limitations of a Military Analyst in TV-Newscasting" (article draft)
Vietnam Background (miscellaneous articles and notes), The Blade (Tolego, Ohio), 1965-1966
Vietnam-Higher Direction (draft and notes), Center for Strategic Studies, 1967
"Vietnam: The Pattern of War," American Legion Magazine, 1967
"The Watchers at the Gates," The Saint Mystery Magazine, 1961
"What about Fallout Shelters in the Suburbs?", Suburbia Today (Roundtable), 1962
"We're Learning How to Winterize," Steelways, 1955
"What Are You Doing to Beautify Your Town?", Suburbia Today (Roundtable), 1962
"What's New in the PTA? Men!", Suburbia Today, 1962
"What of the Underground?", Look, 1944
"What Is Good Enough for Grandma?" Suburbia Today, 1962
"Who Will Get to Berlin First?", 1944
"Why Castro Is Living on Borrowed Time," Family Weekly, 1961
"Why We Use Chemical Agents in the Vietnam War," The Blade (Toledo, Ohio), 1966
"Will Red China Enter the Vietnam War?", Family Weekly, 1966
"Will the Second Front Crush Hitler?", Look, 1944
"Will the Soviets Provoke a War at Sea?", American Legion Magazine, 1966
BOX 15-17 Encyclopedia File, 1957-1970
Correspondence, manuscripts, handwritten and typed drafts, notes, newspaper clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX 15 "Adams, John," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Air and Missile Defense," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Air Force," Crowell-Collier, 1961
"Air Force, United States," Crowell-Collier, undated
"American Revolution," Crowell-Collier, 1964
"American Revolution," Standard Reference Library, 1970
"Amphibious Warfare," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Armor," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Army," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Artillery Weapons," Crowell-Collier, 1962-1964
"Bibliography on Military and Naval Affairs," Crowell-Collier, 1962
"Blockade," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Canadian Armed Forces," Crowell-Collier, 1968
"Cavalry," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Churchill, Sir Winston Spencer," Crowell-Collier, 1965
"Coast Guard, United States," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Drill and Ceremonies, Military," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Engineer Troops," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Espionage and Counter Espionage," Crowell-Collier , 1967-1968
"Fallout Shelter," Crowell-Collier, 1964
"Firearms," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Foreign Legion," Crowell-Collier, 1964
BOX 16 "Fortification and Siegecraft," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Fortification and Siegecraft," Standard Reference Library, 1969
"Gas Mask," Crowell-Collier, 1964
"Guerrilla Warfare," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Indian Wars in United States History," Standard Reference Library, 1969
"Infantry," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Intelligence," Standard Reference Library, 1969
"Intelligence, Military," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Israeli-Arab War," Encyclopedia Americana, 1963
"Logistics," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Machine Gun," Crowell-Collier, 1964
"Marines," Crowell-Collier, 1968
"Marlborough, John Churchill," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Military Uniforms," Crowell-Collier, 1960
"Military Uniforms," Crowell-Collier, 1968
"Military Uniforms," Crowell-Collier, 1971
"Mines, Naval," Crowell-Collier. 1964
"Missiles," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Navy" and "Navy, United States," Crowell-Collier, 1963-1966
Navy articles (miscellaneous), Crowell-Collier, 1967
"Nimitz, Chester William," Crowell-Collier, 1965
"Scott, Winfield," Crowell-Collier, 1965
BOX 17 "SHAEF" and "SHAPE", Encyclopedia Americana, 1963
"Shield," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Smith, Walter Bedell," Encyclopedia Americana, undated
"Spruance, Raymond Ames," Crowell-Collier, 1966
"Strategy and Tactics," Crowell-Collier, 1963
"Taiping Rebellion," Encyclopedia Americana, undated
"Tanks," Crowell-Collier, undated
"Uniforms [Armed Services]," Crowell-Collier, 1965
"United States Marine Corps," Crowell-Collier, 1964
"U.S.S.R.--Military Affairs," Crowell-Collier, 1966
"Wellington, 1st Duke of," Crowell-Collier, 1966
"Women in the United States Armed Services," Crowell-Collier, undated
"World War I," Crowell-Collier, 1965
"World War I Battles," Crowell-Collier, undated
"World War II," Crowell-Collier, 1965
"World War II--Battles," Crowell-Collier, 1965-1966
BOX 18-20 Newspaper Column File, 1954-1971
Manuscripts and typed drafts.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 18 Monday-1954
BOX 19 Monday-1965
Monday-1967 (Jan.-Jun.)
Monday-1967 (Jul.-Dec.)
Wednesday-1967 (Jan.-Jun.)
Wednesday-1967 (Jul.-Dec.)
Monday-1968 (Jan.-Jun.)
Monday-1968 (Jul.-Dec.)
BOX 20 Wednesday-1968 (Jan.-Jun.)
Wednesday-1968 (Jul-Dec.)
Monday-1970 (Jan.-Jun.)
Monday-1970 (Jul-Dec.)
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