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Jonathan D. Meredith papers, 1795-1859

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General Correspondence, 1797-1859 (continued)
BOX 5 Harper, Robert G., 1810-1829
BOX 5 Henderson, J., 1808-1818
BOX 5 Holl, Robert, 1827-1828, undated
BOX 5 Hone, Philip, 1840-1851
BOX 5 Howard, Benjamin C., 1827-1847, undated
BOX 5 Howland & Aspinwall, 1849-1851
BOX 5 Howland, Gardiner Green (Louisa Meredith Howland's husband), 1834-1851
BOX 5 Howland, G. G. (Louisa Meredith Howland's son), 1857-1859
BOX 5 Howland, Meredith (Louisa Meredith Howland's son), 1854-1859, undated
BOX 6 “I” miscellaneous
BOX 6 Johnson, Reverdy
BOX 6 1830-1847
BOX 6 “K” miscellaneous
BOX 6 Kenner & Henderson, 1808-1810
BOX 6 Kirkland & Bacon, 1846-1854
BOX 6 “L” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 6 “Mc” miscellaneous
BOX 6 McDonogh, John, 1842-1847
BOX 6 “M” miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 7 Mannhardt, C. L., 1816-1819
BOX 7 Mayer, Charles F., 1828-1844
BOX 7 Meredith, Jonathan, 1813-1859, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 7 Meredith, William Morris (United States Secretary of Treasury, Jonathan Meredith's nephew), 1841-1844, undated
BOX 7 “N” miscellaneous
BOX 7 Norwood, A., 1822-1828
BOX 7 “O” miscellaneous
BOX 7 Ogden, Abraham, 1813-1846
BOX 7 Ogden, Charles, 1808-1832
BOX 7 Ogden, David B., 1813-1845, undated
BOX 7 Ogden, T. L., 1811-1842
BOX 7 “Pag-Pho” miscellaneous
BOX 8 “Pic-Put” miscellaneous
BOX 8 Pattison, Granville S., 1822-1835, undated
BOX 8 Pattison, John, 1823-1843, undated
BOX 8 Pell, Ferris, 1843-1844
BOX 8 Perine, D. M., 1833-1850
BOX 8 Peters, Richard, Jr., 1807-1845
BOX 8 Potter, Richard, 1810-1821
BOX 8 “R” miscellaneous
BOX 8 Randall, Alexander, 1844-1848
BOX 8 Rawlings, Benjamin, 1815-1819
BOX 8 Reinholdt, George, 1823-1825
BOX 8 “Sal-Sew” miscellaneous
BOX 9 “Sha-Swi” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 9 Sayre, Converse & Co., 1840-1851
BOX 9 Shepherd, R. D., 1808-1837
(2 folders)
BOX 9 Shivers, Thomas, 1815-1823
BOX 9 Smith, D. A., 1815-1821
BOX 9 Stansbury, Arthur J., 1831
BOX 9 Sullivan, William, 1818-1833
BOX 9 “T” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 9 Taylor, John, 1840-1845
BOX 9 Taylor, William, 1818-1828
BOX 10 Tenant, Thomas, 1820-1829
BOX 10 Thompson, Samuel, 1837-1854
BOX 10 Union Bank of Tennessee
BOX 10 “V” miscellaneous
BOX 10 Van Wyck, A., 1834-1836
BOX 10 Varnum, Joseph, 1853-1858
BOX 10 “W” miscellaneous
BOX 10 Williams, Nathaniel, 1815-1858
BOX 10 Winchester, George, 1816-1835
BOX 10 Wirgman, Charles and Peter, 1810-1826
BOX 10 Wood, William B., 1811-1817, undated
BOX 10 “Z” miscellaneous
BOX 10 Unidentified, 1813-1844
BOX 11-14 Legal Files, 1795-1859
Opinions, briefs, wills, indentures, memoranda, notes, and printed matter.
Arranged chronologically with documents relating to the same case in the same folder, filed by the date of earliest document. Undated material is filed at the end of the series.
BOX 11 1795-1819
(2 folders)
BOX 11 Ship Aurora, 1808, 1822
BOX 11 Alexander Mactier v. Charles & Peter Wirgman (ship William Wilson), 1811-1837
BOX 11 W. Taylor v. W. Robb, 1815
BOX 11 Bank of Baltimore v. James Biays, 1815-1821
BOX 11 John Andrews v. William & James Bosley, 1815
BOX 11 United States v. Brigantine Serino, 1816-1819 1820-1827
BOX 11 Tweedale v. Sykes & Hardesty, 1820
BOX 11 H. Thompson & Jonathan Meredith (administrators of Charles Wirgman estate), 1821-1824
BOX 11 Bellissune v. McCoy, 1822
BOX 11 Union Bank of Maryland v. Hollins, 1822-1823
BOX 12 Bank of Baltimore v. L. Pascault & H. Messonier, 1824-1828
BOX 12 Bank of Baltimore v. William Bosley, 1827-1829
BOX 12 Warren Factory, 1829
BOX 12 1830-1839
BOX 12 Cases concerning patents for designs of parts of trains, 1830s-1840s
BOX 12 J. Sheppard v. L. Taylor, W. Clark v. R. Oliver (ship Warren), 1830-1831
BOX 12 United States v. J. Charles (contempt), 1830
BOX 12 Dubernat & Crawford (administrators of John B. A. Allegre) v. Maryland Insurance Co. (cargo of brig Eugene), 1832
BOX 12 Ruinart v. Laurenson, 1832-1838
BOX 12 Union Bank of Tennessee v. Bank of Baltimore, 1833-1834
BOX 12 Bradley & Gibbons v. Maryland Insurance Co. (brig Graachus), 1833-1838
BOX 12 Settlement of Charles Carroll estate, 1833-1837
BOX 12 Owings v. Stephenson, 1834
BOX 13 Tenant v. Karthaus, 1834
BOX 13 Creditors of Bank of Maryland v. Trustees, 1835
BOX 13 Wilde v. Watson, 1835
BOX 13 United States v. Brig Burditt, 1835-1836
BOX 13 Charter of Merchants Bank of Baltimore, 1835
BOX 13 Settlement of Robert Oliver estate, 1835-1843
BOX 13 Lizardi v. Cohen, Joseph & Co. v. Cohen, 1837-1839
BOX 13 Shipley to Nathan Gorsuch, 1838
BOX 13 1840-1848
(2 folders)
BOX 13 Susquehanna Canal Co. to James Hepburn (Tide Water Canal Co.), 1841
BOX 13 Bacon v. Merchants Bank of Baltimore, 1842
BOX 13 Settlement of Elijah Brush estate (Semanthe Brush married to George Meredith), 1842
BOX 13 Lambert Gittings v. General Mutual Insurance Co. of New York, 1845
BOX 13 Merchants Bank of Baltimore v. Bank of the United States, 1846
BOX 13 W. Crawford v. Mary Samuels and Charles Severance, 1846
BOX 13 Brig Mary Hooper (Henry Tyson, supercargo), 1847
BOX 13 Henry Atkinson v. Atkinson, Osborne & Co., 1847
BOX 13 Charles Dyer v. James Smith (claim of Dutilh), 1847-1859
BOX 13 Executors of J. McDonogh v. United States, 1852
BOX 13 Ship Damascus, 1853
BOX 14 Legal opinions written by Meredith for the Bank of Baltimore, undated
BOX 14 Miscellaneous legal papers, undated
BOX 14 Identified
BOX 14 Unidentified
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