The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Frank Knox papers, 1898-1954
Speeches and Writings, 1914-1944 (continued)
BOX 5 Schedule of wages, 19 Dec. 1940
BOX 5 Christmas greetings on Mutual Network, 22 Dec. 1940
BOX 5 Editorial in Chicago Daily News, Jan. 1941
BOX 5 Statement before House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 17 Jan. 1941
BOX 5 Canadian Society of New York, 18 Jan. 1941
BOX 5 Radio address, “The Navy and the American People,” 21 Jan. 1941
BOX 6 General Assembly of State Governments, 22 Jan. 1941
BOX 6 State Street Council of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., 30 Jan. 1941
BOX 6 Statement before Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 30 Jan. 1941
BOX 6 Graduates of United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., 7 Feb. 1941
BOX 6 “Naval News and National Defense,” 19 Feb. 1941
BOX 6 VFW program on Mutual Network, 20 Feb. 1941
BOX 6 Suggested outline of statement for “En Marcha,” 20 Feb. 1941
BOX 6 United States Conference of Mayors, 20 Feb. 1941
BOX 6 Hibernian Society of Baltimore, Md., 17 Mar. 1941
BOX 6 Article, “Ships, Men, and Bases,” 5 Apr. 1941
BOX 6 Lend-lease ships, 7 Apr. 1941
BOX 6 Commissioning of North Carolina, 10 Apr. 1941
BOX 6 Statement to United States Senate Committee to Investigate National Defense, 17 Apr. 1941
BOX 6 American Newspaper Publishers Association, 24 Apr. 1941
BOX 6 American Society of Military Engineers, 12 May 1941
BOX 6 Graduation at Naval War College, 16 May 1941
BOX 6 Society of Naval Engineers and Architects, 23 May 1941
BOX 6 Remarks at Conference of Shipbuilders and Manufacturers, 3 June 1941
BOX 6 Speech on CBC, 16 June 1941
BOX 6 Governors Conference, 30 June 1941
BOX 6 Statement to press, 12 July 1941
BOX 6 American Legion, 15 Sept. 1941
BOX 6 Pratt-Whitney employees, 22 Sept. 1941
BOX 6 Launching of Massachusetts, 23 Sept. 1941
BOX 6 Press directive concerning Knox's remarks at conference of navy public relations officers, 26 Sept. 1941
BOX 6 American Bar Association, 1 Oct. 1941
BOX 6 “The Significance of National Safety,” 8 Oct. 1941
BOX 6 Statement at awards ceremony, 24 Oct. 1941
BOX 6 Naval and Total Defense Day Luncheon, 27 Oct. 1941
BOX 6 Statement concerning release of information on Kearney, 29 Oct. 1941
BOX 6 Notes for secretary's press conference, 5 Nov. 1941
BOX 6 Press conference question, 11 Nov. 1941
BOX 6 Statement on American Red Cross, 11 Nov. 1941
BOX 6 Providence, R.I., Chamber of Commerce, 11 Nov. 1941
BOX 6 Speech on NBC, 15 Nov. 1941
BOX 6 Launching of Indiana, 21 Nov. 1941
BOX 6 Notes for secretary's press conference, 3 Dec. 1941
BOX 6 Report on conduct of personnel during Pearl Harbor attack, 15 Dec. 1941
BOX 6 Graduation of United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., 19 Dec. 1941
BOX 6 Proposed press release, 21 Dec. 1941
BOX 6 United States Conference of Mayors, 17 Jan. 1942
BOX 6 Chicago Association of Commerce, 28 Jan. 1942
BOX 6 Launching of Alabama, 16 Feb. 1942
BOX 6 Navy Relief Society dinner, 24 Feb. 1942
BOX 6 Inter-American Defense Board, 30 Mar. 1942
BOX 6 Released letters on forty-hour work week, 14 Apr. 1942
BOX 6 Statement before Naval Affairs Committee, House of Representatives, 14 Apr. 1942
BOX 6 Navy Relief Society, 4 May 1942
BOX 6 Fore River Division, 15 May 1942
BOX 6 Graduation speech, Naval War College, 6 June 1942
BOX 6 Harvard commencement, Cambridge, Mass., 11 June 1942
BOX 6 Boston Garden, Boston, Mass., 14 June 1942
BOX 6 Navy war bond campaign, 24 July 1942
BOX 6 Graduation at National Police Academy, 25 July 1942
BOX 6 Labor Day statement, 6 Sept. 1942
BOX 6 American Legion, 19 Sept. 1942
BOX 6 Shore establishments dinner, 22 Oct. 1942
BOX 6 Navy Day dinner, 27 Oct. 1942
BOX 6 War Congress of American Industry, 2 Dec. 1942
BOX 6 Houston Colosseum, Houston, Tex., 21 Dec. 1942
BOX 7 Foreign Press Association, 2 Feb. 1943
BOX 7 Radio statement, 11 Feb. 1943
BOX 7 Mid-Day Luncheon Club, 12 Feb. 1943
BOX 7 Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, 17 Mar. 1943
BOX Graduation of V-7 reserve Midshipmen's School, 31 Mar. 1943
BOX 7 Cruiser Vincennes war bond rally, 9 Apr. 1943
BOX 7 Syracuse, N.Y., 17 Apr. 1943
BOX 7 Speech on NBC, 22 Apr. 1943
BOX 7 Radio speech for broadcast in Australia and New Zealand, 25 Apr. 1943
BOX 7 Statement on merchant marine sinkings, 27 Apr. 1943
BOX 7 Speech on CBS, 29 Apr. 1943
BOX 7 Statement to the press, 3 May 1943
BOX 7 Union League Club, 10 May 1943
BOX 7 Massachusetts Committee, Conference of Christians and Jews, 17 May 1943
BOX 7 Commencement at Bethany College, 23 May 1943
BOX 7 Graduation at United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., 9 June 1943
BOX 7 Commencement at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., 16 June 1943
BOX 7 Statement before Public Lands Committee, House of Representatives, 25 June 1943
BOX 7 Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, Calif., 30 June 1943
BOX 7 Inauguration cruiser Los Angeles, 30 June 1943
BOX 7 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco, Calif., 2 July 1943
BOX 7 American Legion Post 1, Seattle, Wash., 5 July 1943
BOX 7 “Report to the Nation” program, CBS, 20 July 1943
BOX 7 Women's Reserve anniversary, Mutual Network, 27 July 1943
BOX 7 Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y, 28 Aug. 1943
BOX 7 Launching of Hornet, 30 Aug. 1943
BOX 7 Notes for speech on tribute to Downes and Emmet and Great Lakes Station, Aug.-Sept. 1943
BOX 7 Remarks at the "Back the Attack" War Show, 14 Sept. 1943
BOX 7 Soldier voting bill, 21 Oct. 1943
BOX 7 Speech on NBC, 21 Oct. 1943
BOX 7 Philadelphia, Pa., 27 Oct. 1943
BOX 7 Commencement at Williams College, Williamstown, N.Y., Nov. 1943
BOX 7 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 4 Nov. 1943
BOX 7 Press release of Knox letter to Carl Vinson, 23 Nov. 1943
BOX 7 Remarks to Navy Department personnel, 24 Nov. 1943
BOX 7 Statement on navy production in Nov. 1943, 3 Dec. 1943
BOX 7 English Speaking Union, 6 Dec. 1943
BOX 7 Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, 17 Dec. 1943
BOX 7 Christmas message to staff of Navy Department, Dec. 1943
BOX 7 Christmas message to naval personnel and civilians, 24 Dec. 1943
BOX 7 Christmas message to United States Armed Forces, 24 Dec. 1943
BOX 7 Touchdown Club, 11 Jan. 1943
BOX 7 Greater Cleveland Council, Boy Scouts of America, Cleveland, Ohio, 14 Jan. 1944
BOX 7 Opening rally of Red Cross Campaign, Washington, D.C., 1 Mar. 1944
BOX 7 Statement on national service bill before Senate Military Affairs Committee, 2 Mar. 1944
BOX 7 Statement on renewal of lend-lease before House Foreign Affairs Committee, 9 Mar. 1944
BOX 7 Third anniversary of the establishment of United States Naval Base at Bermuda, 6 Apr. 1944
BOX 7 Opening of sixth war loan drive, 13 Apr. 1944
BOX 7 Joint statement of the secretary of war, secretary of the navy, and chairman of the United States Maritime Commission, 20 Apr. 1944
BOX 7 Writings
BOX 7 Editorials, Manchester Union Leader, 7 Mar. 1914
BOX 7 The Price of a Managed Economy: A Series of editorials, 1934
BOX 7 Editorials, Chicago Daily News, 1934-1939
(6 folders)
BOX 7 “Our Southern Arteries,” Atlantic Monthly, 20 June 1939
BOX 7 Editorials, Chicago Daily News, 1940, 1943
(2 folders)
BOX 7 Editorial concerning John Adam Muehling, 20 Apr. 1944
BOX 7 “Let's Train Our Youth Now,” Collier's, 29 Apr. 1944
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