The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  T.S. Palmer papers, 1877-1954
Some or all content stored offsite.
American Ornithologists Union File, 1918-1932 (continued)
Name File, circa 1914-1937 (continued)
BOX 51 A-B
BOX 52 C-L
BOX 53 M-Z
BOX 54-57 Speech and Article File, circa 1905-1953
Mostly handwritten drafts of speeches and articles; also lists of Palmer’s publications.
Arranged in loose chronological order.
BOX 54-57 circa 1905-1953
BOX 58-69 Miscellany, circa 1901-1954
Miscellaneous correspondence of mostly letters received, printed matter consisting of newspaper clippings, financial reports, and biographies in booklet form; material relating to game laws; scrapbooks of clippings from newspapers and magazines and of engravings; handwritten lists of birds; and a group of unmounted photographs.
Organized by type of material or topic and therein alphabetically by name of person, organization, or topic.
BOX 58 Correspondence, circa 1914-1954
BOX 58 A-D
BOX 59 D-G
BOX 60 G-L
BOX 61 M-P
BOX 62 P-R
BOX 63 S-Z
BOX 64-65 Printed matter, circa 1901-1954
BOX 66-67 Game laws, 1902-1915
BOX 67-69 Scrapbooks and photographs, 1907-1954 (Container 69 includes a copy of Titian Peale’s journal of a trip to Florida, 1824-1825)

Contents List