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National Committee on Atomic Information records, 1945-1948

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Correspondence, 1945-1948 (continued)
BOX 31 Miscellaneous, 1947-1948
Correspondence and writings of George L. Glasheen, director of the National Committee on Atomic Information.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 31 Glasheen, George L., 1947, June-1948, Jan.
BOX 32-36 Special, 1946-1947
Incoming and outgoing correspondence.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent of institution.
BOX 32 A-C
BOX 33 D-H
BOX 34 I-P
BOX 35 Q-T
BOX 36 U-Z
BOX 37-43 Geographical, 1945-1947
Arranged alphabetically by state or country of origin.
BOX 37 Arkansas-Connecticut
BOX 38 Delaware-Iowa
BOX 39 Kansas-Minnesota
BOX 40 Missouri-New York
BOX 41 North Carolina-Oregon
BOX 42 Rhode Island-Wyoming
BOX 43 Foreign material
BOX 44-53 Cooperating Organizations, 1946-1947
Correspondence, minutes, reports, and other material of organizations cooperating with the National Committee on Atomic Information.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization.
BOX 44-46 A
BOX 47 A-C
BOX 48 D-G
BOX 49 H-N
BOX 50 N
BOX 51 O-P
BOX 52 P-U
BOX 53 V-Y
BOX 54-78 Office Files, 1945-1948
Correspondence, minutes, reports, address books, lists, printed matter, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by personal name, subject, or type of material.
BOX 54-55 A
BOX 56 A-Ba
BOX 57 Be
BOX 58 Ca-Ch
BOX 59 Cl-Co
BOX 60 Co-D
BOX 61 E-Ed
BOX 62 Ex-Fi
BOX 63 Fi-Fo
BOX 64 Fu-H
BOX 65 I-Im
BOX 66 Im-K
BOX 67 L-Ma
BOX 68 Ma-Me
BOX 69 Me-Mu
BOX 70 N
BOX 71 O-Or
BOX 72 Or-Pl
BOX 73 Po-Pr
BOX 74 Pr
BOX 75 Q
BOX 76 R-Rec
BOX 77 Ref-Spec
BOX 78 Sta-Z
BOX 79-81 Speaker File, 1946-1947
Correspondence, questionnaires, speeches, photographs, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of speaker.
BOX 79 A-L
BOX 80 M-Z
BOX 81 Miscellany
BOX 82-86 Financial Records, 1945-1948
Cancelled checks, payroll, purchase orders, receipts, vouchers, tax material, reports, and other material.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 82 Miscellany
BOX 82 Payroll
BOX 82 Purchase orders
BOX 83 Book deposits
BOX 83 Canceled checks
BOX 83 Petty cash vouchers
BOX 84 Receipts, 1946
BOX 84 Mar.-Oct.
BOX 85 Nov.-Dec.
BOX 85 Orders received, 1946, Oct.-1947, May
BOX OV 86 Receipts, 1947, Jan.-1948, Mar.
BOX OV 86 Inventory, 1947, May
BOX OV 86 Audit reports, 1946-1947
BOX OV 86 Correspondence, 1945-1946
BOX 87-98 Newspaper File, 1945-1948
Newspaper clippings relating to atomic energy. Indexed by the National Committee on Atomic Information.
Arranged alphabetically and chronologically therein.
BOX 87 Indexed entries
BOX 87 A-1b
BOX 88 A-1b
BOX 89 A-3e
BOX 90 B-1a
BOX 91 B-2b
BOX 92 B-4c
BOX 93 C-8c
BOX 94 C-9
BOX 95 Miscellany
BOX 95 A-C
BOX 96-98 C

Contents List