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Matthew Simpson papers, 1829-1927

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Special Correspondence, 1884 (continued)
BOX 14 Letters, 1884, June 14-Aug. 16
BOX 14 Telegrams, 1884, June
BOX 15-19 Writings File
Typescripts and drafts of essays and editorials, family worship services, historical writings, lectures, poems, prayers, sermons, speeches, stories, travel accounts. Also, notebooks of memoranda, diary entries, records of correspondence, reading notes, brief occasional notes, and drafts and outlines of essays, sermons, and writings.
Arranged by type of writing.
BOX 15 Essays and editorials
BOX 15 “Autobiographical Account”
BOX 15 “Description of the Motions of the Earth”
BOX 15 “Divination”
BOX 15 “Electricity”
BOX 15 “Female Education–Female Teachers”
BOX 15 “Female Heroism”
BOX 15 “Joan of Arc, a Female Intrepidity”
BOX 15 “Leisure Hours–No. 1–Time”
BOX 15 “Optics”
BOX 15 “Music”
BOX 15 “A Pen”
BOX 15 “Reply to Annan on Methodism”
BOX 15 “Should Churches Be Taxed?”
BOX 15 “Singing–Olden Time”
BOX 15 “Spiritual Existences”
BOX 15 “Steam”
BOX 15 “Thoughts on Education”
BOX 15 “Thoughts in Heaven”
BOX 15 “Travelling on Railroads”
BOX 15 “A Word to a Drinker”
BOX 15 Untitled essays
BOX 15 Family worship services (responsive readings)
BOX 15 Historical writings
BOX 15 “Methodism in France”
BOX 15 “Methodism in Missouri”
BOX 15 “Sketches on the Waldenses”
BOX 15 Untitled historical writings
BOX 15 Lectures
BOX 15 Poems
BOX 15 “A chill northwestern blast blew over Nature's face”
BOX 15 “An Address to Elizabeth Simpson on Her Birthday, February 2, 1820"
BOX 15 “Aspiring muse! be cautious, look around”
BOX 15 “The Christian's Peace”
BOX 15 “Come gentlest muse, whom once I wooed”
BOX 15 “Down the huge falls of Hymen you've taken a leap”
BOX 15 “Emblem of youth in liveliest age”
BOX 15 “The Fox Chase”
BOX 15 “Go, brother, go amidst the band”
BOX 15 “Had I a friend an that friend had vowed”
BOX 15 “I had two sisters once, where are they now?”
BOX 15 “In Commemoration of the Evening Party on 28 Feb. [1]874 at the German Miss Resor's in Mexico”
BOX 15 “I've gaz'd upon the glorious sun”
BOX 15 “Lines to Joseph Winter on Leaving Cadiz”
BOX 15 “Lines Written by M. Simpson Jr. on His Birthday,” June 6, 1830"
BOX 15 “The morning light begins to tinge the sky”
BOX 15 “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt”
BOX 15 “Our Aunt is dead; her soul has left its clay”
BOX 15 “Say why those fallen tears, my child”
BOX 15 “Soliloquy”
BOX 15 “The long western continent lay in the ocean”
BOX 15 “This must be love”
BOX 15 “Tis beautiful to stand upon these heights”
BOX 15 “Tis said in Arab's burning sands”
BOX 15 “To Him Who Reigns Above”
BOX 15 “Twas night–but lamps that mocked the day”
BOX 15 “Twas night upon the lengthened sea”
BOX 15 “When Eve was in Paradise, smiling and gay”
BOX 15 “Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus”
BOX 15 Undeciphered poetry
BOX 15 Prayers
BOX 15 Sermons
BOX 15 “And I Saw a Great White Throne”
BOX 15 “How Long Halt Ye between True Opinions”
BOX 15 “Report of a sermon preached by Bishop Simpson at Muscatine, Iowa, Sept. 19, 1859"
BOX 15 “The Sabbath Was Made for Man, Not Man for the Sabbath”
BOX 15 “Sermon on Death of Miss M. E. Cooke”
BOX 15 Speeches
BOX 15 Baccalaureate address, 1848, July 19
BOX 15 “The Influence of the Bible on Languages”
BOX 15 [To the Methodists of Philadelphia]
BOX 15 Unidentified (chiefly baccalaureate addresses)
BOX 15 Stories
BOX 15 “The 'Insurrection'”
BOX 15 “Notes of a Traveller”
BOX 15 Untitled stories
BOX 15 Travel accounts
BOX 15 “From Turin to Rome”
BOX 15 “Journal of a Visit to Europe, 1857"
BOX 15 “Palestine, 1857"
BOX 15 “Sketches of a Trip through Southwestern Indiana”
BOX 15 Untitled accounts
BOX 15 Unidentified writings
BOX 16-18 Notebooks
BOX 19 Loose notes
BOX 19 Essay and book outlines and notes
BOX 19 Lecture and speech notes
BOX 19 Notes of George R. Crooks
BOX 19 Outline of Lincoln eulogy
BOX 19 Reading notes
BOX 19 French
BOX 19 Geography
BOX 19 Geology
BOX 19 History
BOX 19 Medicine
BOX 19 Mathematics
BOX 19 Religion
BOX 19 Sermon outlines and notes
BOX 19 Travel notes
BOX 19 Unidentified
BOX 20-23 Miscellany
Manuscripts, newspaper clippings, printed matter, a scrapbook of sermons and lecture outlines, miscellaneous notes, and other items.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 20 Announcements and programs
BOX 20 Biographical accounts
BOX 20 Certificates
BOX 20 Church-related minutes
BOX 20 Church-related reports
BOX 20 Church-related resolutions
BOX 20 Copies of news articles
BOX 20 Educational materials
BOX 20 Invitations
BOX 20 Legal papers (copies and drafts)
BOX 20 Magazines and magazine clippings
BOX 20 Miscellaneous printed items
BOX 20 Newspaper clippings
BOX 20 Petitions
BOX 21-23 Scrapbooks
BOX 21-23 Newspaper clippings
BOX 21-23 Sermon outlines and miscellaneous notes See Oversize
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