| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 19-21 |
Speeches and Writings,
Lectures, speeches, writings, charts and tables, and publications. |
Arranged by type of material and thereunder chronologically. |
BOX 19 |
Lectures |
BOX 19 |
Notes, Aug.
2, 1912-Mar. 4, 1940, undated
BOX 19 |
New York University, New York, N.Y.
BOX 19 |
School of Pedagogy, Dec. 1907-May 1908
BOX 19 |
Summer School, July 1-Aug. 9, 1912
BOX 19 |
Mar. 4, 1940-June 23, 1944
BOX 19 |
Speeches |
BOX 19 |
Notes, June
1910-Jan. 1941, undated
BOX 19 |
Writings |
BOX 19 |
Apr. 30, 1908
BOX 19 |
Miscellaneous, undated |
BOX 19 |
Charts and tables, undated |
BOX 20 |
Printed matter |
BOX 20 |
List of Ayres's published works |
BOX 20 |
"Course of Study for the First Four Grades of
San Juan," 1905
BOX 20 |
"The Pharisee," May 28-June 16, 1908
BOX 20 |
"Retardation," 1908-1909
BOX 20 |
Monographs for the Russell Sage Foundation,
BOX 20 |
Articles on various educational topics,
BOX 20 |
"The Seven Great Foundations" (excerpt),
Journal of Education,
Sept. 15, 1910
BOX 20 |
Monographs for the Russell Sage Foundation,
BOX 20 |
"The Increase of the Cost of Living during
the Past Ten Years Scientifically Determined," United Good Government Clubs
Jan. 1912
BOX 20 |
Monographs for the Russell Sage Foundation,
(2 folders) |
BOX 20 |
"Report of the Second Annual Conference on
Educational Measurements," Indiana University
Apr. 1915
BOX 21 |
Reports for the Cleveland Education Survey,
(3 folders) |
BOX 21 |
Child Accounting in the Public Schools
BOX 21 |
Health Work in the Public Schools
BOX 21 |
The Public Library and the Public Schools
BOX 21 |
School Buildings and Equipment
BOX 21 |
School Organization and Administration
BOX 21 |
"Hobbs' Criticism Result of Set Mind,"
Boston Transcript,
BOX 21 |
"A Shorter Method for Computing Coefficients
of Correlation and of Regression and the Correlation Ratio" (reprint),
Journal of Educational Research,
Mar.-June 1920
BOX 21 |
Reports for the Cleveland Trust Co., 1921-1922
BOX 21 |
Price Changes and Business Prospects,
June 1921
BOX 21 |
The Automobile Industry and Its Future,
July 1921
BOX 21 |
The Nature and Status of Business Research,
Dec. 1921
BOX 21 |
The Cleveland Survey of the Administration of Criminal Justice,
Feb. 1922
BOX 21 |
"Measuring Scale for Ability in Spelling" and
"The Ayres Scale," 1921, 1926
BOX 21 |
Articles for the Cleveland Trust Monthly,
BOX 21 |
"The Work of the Dawes and McKenna
Committees," May 1924
BOX 21 |
"The Business Outlook for the New
Year," Nov. 1924
BOX 21 |
Charts and tables compiled for Cleveland Trust
Company on United States business activity, Aug. 1931-Apr. 1946
BOX 21 |
"Debts," The Clevelander,
Aug. 1932
BOX 21 |
Undated |
BOX 21 |
"The Influence of Music on Speed in the Six
Day Bicycle Race" |
BOX 21 |
"What Educators Think about the Need for
Employing Men |
BOX 21 |
Teachers in our Public Schools" |
BOX 21 |
Unidentified item |
BOX 22-27 |
Miscellany, 1902-1946
Biographical information, travel vouchers, clippings, printed matter, and
memorabilia. |
Aranged by type of material. |
BOX 22 |
Biographical information, 1919-1942
BOX 22 |
Travel orders and vouchers |
BOX 22 |
BOX 22 |
BOX 22 |
BOX 22 |
Acknowledgments of receipt of The War with Germany (1919), 1919
BOX 22 |
30 Apr-15 July
BOX 22 |
16 July-4 Sept.
BOX 22 |
Scrapbook/notebook, circa 1902
BOX 22 |
1907-1946, undated
BOX 23 |
Printed matter |
BOX 23 |
Biographical sketches of Milan C. Ayres,
1903; Aug. 1920
BOX 23 |
Report of the Commissioner of Education for Porto Rico,
June 30, 1906 and June 30, 1907
(2 folders) |
BOX 23 |
The Porto Rico Review,
Sept. 28, 1907
BOX 23 |
"Manual of Information, Porto Rico,"
BOX 23 |
"Why 250,000 Children Quit School,"World's Work,
Aug. 1910
BOX 23 |
"Measurements as Applied to School Hygiene,"
American Physical Education Review,
Apr. 1911
BOX 23 |
The Book of the Educational Exhibit of Greenwich, Connecticut,
June 1912
BOX 23 |
"The Rich Town and the Poor Schools,"
The Survey,
Aug. 3, 1912
BOX 23 |
Reports of the Cleveland Education Survey,
(5 folders) |
BOX 24 |
(5 folders) |
BOX 25 |
"Economic Theorizing and Scientific
Progress," Jacob Hollander, circa 1916
BOX 25 |
The Progress of the War Dept. in Compliance with the National Defense Act of 1920,
Nov. 1922
BOX 25 |
The Burroughs Clearinghouse,
Mar. 1925
BOX 25 |
The War Department Business Council,
Mar.-Oct. 1926
BOX 25 |
"Current Procurement News Digest," Aug. 1926; July 1928
BOX 25 |
"Notes on Industrial Mobilization," Nov. 1929
BOX 25 |
Post History of American Legion Post No. 54,
circa 1929
BOX 25 |
United States Army Post Offices Overseas,
Jan. 1931
BOX 25 |
"The War Industries Board: 1917-18,"
Fortune, Sept. 1940 |
BOX 25 |
Army regulations, special orders and general
orders, 1917-1945
(3 folders) |
BOX 25 |
Memorabilia |
BOX 25 |
Army commissions, passports, identification
and membership cards |
BOX 25 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 25 |
Degrees, citations, awards, and drawing of
Newton Diehl Baker, 1909-1946
See Oversize.
BOX 25 |
Financial records, 1917-1938, undated
BOX 25 |
Genealogical information, undated |
BOX 25 |
Legal papers, 1924
BOX 25 |
Unidentified |
BOX OV 1-OV 2 |
Printed reports and degrees, citations, awards, and a drawing. |
Arranged and described according to the series and containers from which the items
were removed. |
BOX OV 1 |
Subject File |
BOX OV 1 |
World War I |
BOX OV 1 |
Printed matter |
BOX OV 1 |
Some accomplishments of the
services of supply, May 1, 1919 (Container 9) |
BOX OV 2 |
World War II |
BOX OV 2 |
Statistical reports |
BOX OV 2 |
Army productions schedules,
Jan. 13, 1942 (Container 18) |
BOX OV 2 |
Miscellany |
BOX OV 2 |
Memorabilia |
BOX OV 2 |
Degrees, citations,
awards, and drawing of Newton Diehl Baker (Container 25) |