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Leonard Porter Ayres papers, 1902-1946

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BOX 19-21 Speeches and Writings, 1905-1946
Lectures, speeches, writings, charts and tables, and publications.
Arranged by type of material and thereunder chronologically.
BOX 19 Lectures
BOX 19 Notes, Aug. 2, 1912-Mar. 4, 1940, undated
BOX 19 New York University, New York, N.Y.
BOX 19 School of Pedagogy, Dec. 1907-May 1908
BOX 19 Summer School, July 1-Aug. 9, 1912
BOX 19 Mar. 4, 1940-June 23, 1944
BOX 19 Speeches
BOX 19 Notes, June 1910-Jan. 1941, undated
BOX 19 Writings
BOX 19 Apr. 30, 1908
BOX 19 Miscellaneous, undated
BOX 19 Charts and tables, undated
BOX 20 Printed matter
BOX 20 List of Ayres's published works
BOX 20 "Course of Study for the First Four Grades of San Juan," 1905
BOX 20 "The Pharisee," May 28-June 16, 1908
BOX 20 "Retardation," 1908-1909
BOX 20 Monographs for the Russell Sage Foundation, 1909-1911
BOX 20 Articles on various educational topics, 1909-1917
BOX 20 "The Seven Great Foundations" (excerpt), Journal of Education, Sept. 15, 1910
BOX 20 Monographs for the Russell Sage Foundation, 1911-1913
BOX 20 "The Increase of the Cost of Living during the Past Ten Years Scientifically Determined," United Good Government Clubs Bulletin, Jan. 1912
BOX 20 Monographs for the Russell Sage Foundation, 1913-1914
(2 folders)
BOX 20 "Report of the Second Annual Conference on Educational Measurements," Indiana University Bulletin, Apr. 1915
BOX 21 Reports for the Cleveland Education Survey, 1915-1916
(3 folders)
BOX 21 Child Accounting in the Public Schools
BOX 21 Health Work in the Public Schools
BOX 21 The Public Library and the Public Schools
BOX 21 School Buildings and Equipment
BOX 21 School Organization and Administration
BOX 21 "Hobbs' Criticism Result of Set Mind," Boston Transcript, Sept. 1919
BOX 21 "A Shorter Method for Computing Coefficients of Correlation and of Regression and the Correlation Ratio" (reprint), Journal of Educational Research, Mar.-June 1920
BOX 21 Reports for the Cleveland Trust Co., 1921-1922
BOX 21 Price Changes and Business Prospects, June 1921
BOX 21 The Automobile Industry and Its Future, July 1921
BOX 21 The Nature and Status of Business Research, Dec. 1921
BOX 21 The Cleveland Survey of the Administration of Criminal Justice, Feb. 1922
BOX 21 "Measuring Scale for Ability in Spelling" and "The Ayres Scale," 1921, 1926
BOX 21 Articles for the Cleveland Trust Monthly, 1924
BOX 21 "The Work of the Dawes and McKenna Committees," May 1924
BOX 21 "The Business Outlook for the New Year," Nov. 1924
BOX 21 Charts and tables compiled for Cleveland Trust Company on United States business activity, Aug. 1931-Apr. 1946
BOX 21 "Debts," The Clevelander, Aug. 1932
BOX 21 Undated
BOX 21 "The Influence of Music on Speed in the Six Day Bicycle Race"
BOX 21 "What Educators Think about the Need for Employing Men
BOX 21 Teachers in our Public Schools"
BOX 21 Unidentified item
BOX 22-27 Miscellany, 1902-1946
Biographical information, travel vouchers, clippings, printed matter, and memorabilia.
Aranged by type of material.
BOX 22 Biographical information, 1919-1942
BOX 22 Travel orders and vouchers
BOX 22 1940-1942
BOX 22 1943
BOX 22 1944-1945
BOX 22 Acknowledgments of receipt of The War with Germany (1919), 1919
BOX 22 30 Apr-15 July
BOX 22 16 July-4 Sept.
BOX 22 Scrapbook/notebook, circa 1902
BOX 22 Clippings, 1907-1946, undated
BOX 23 Printed matter
BOX 23 Biographical sketches of Milan C. Ayres, 1903; Aug. 1920
BOX 23 Report of the Commissioner of Education for Porto Rico, June 30, 1906 and June 30, 1907
(2 folders)
BOX 23 The Porto Rico Review, Sept. 28, 1907
BOX 23 "Manual of Information, Porto Rico," 1907
BOX 23 "Why 250,000 Children Quit School,"World's Work, Aug. 1910
BOX 23 "Measurements as Applied to School Hygiene," American Physical Education Review, Apr. 1911
BOX 23 The Book of the Educational Exhibit of Greenwich, Connecticut, June 1912
BOX 23 "The Rich Town and the Poor Schools," The Survey, Aug. 3, 1912
BOX 23 Reports of the Cleveland Education Survey, 1915-1916
(5 folders)
BOX 24 (5 folders)
BOX 25 "Economic Theorizing and Scientific Progress," Jacob Hollander, circa 1916
BOX 25 The Progress of the War Dept. in Compliance with the National Defense Act of 1920, Nov. 1922
BOX 25 The Burroughs Clearinghouse, Mar. 1925
BOX 25 The War Department Business Council, Mar.-Oct. 1926
BOX 25 "Current Procurement News Digest," Aug. 1926; July 1928
BOX 25 "Notes on Industrial Mobilization," Nov. 1929
BOX 25 Post History of American Legion Post No. 54, circa 1929
BOX 25 United States Army Post Offices Overseas, Jan. 1931
BOX 25 "The War Industries Board: 1917-18," Fortune, Sept. 1940
BOX 25 Army regulations, special orders and general orders, 1917-1945
(3 folders)
BOX 25 Memorabilia
BOX 25 Army commissions, passports, identification and membership cards
BOX 25 Miscellaneous
BOX 25 Degrees, citations, awards, and drawing of Newton Diehl Baker, 1909-1946 See Oversize.
BOX 25 Financial records, 1917-1938, undated
BOX 25 Genealogical information, undated
BOX 25 Legal papers, 1924
BOX 25 Unidentified
BOX OV 1-OV 2 Oversize
Printed reports and degrees, citations, awards, and a drawing.
Arranged and described according to the series and containers from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Subject File
BOX OV 1 World War I
BOX OV 1 Printed matter
BOX OV 1 Some accomplishments of the services of supply, May 1, 1919 (Container 9)
BOX OV 2 World War II
BOX OV 2 Statistical reports
BOX OV 2 Army productions schedules, Jan. 13, 1942 (Container 18)
BOX OV 2 Miscellany
BOX OV 2 Memorabilia
BOX OV 2 Degrees, citations, awards, and drawing of Newton Diehl Baker (Container 25)

Contents List