| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Montgomery Family Papers, 1858-1974
(continued) |
BOX 23-33 |
Miscellany, 1860-1974
Birth certificates, biographical and genealogical notes, military papers,
school records and papers, drawings, greeting cards, invitations, printed
matter, and souvenir programs and other memorabilia. |
Arranged by name of family member and therein by type of material. |
BOX 23 |
Anne Montgomery Bijur |
BOX 23 |
Gutzon Borglum, Czech-Slovak Training Camp,
Stamford, Conn. |
BOX 23 |
Lincoln Borglum |
BOX 23 |
Mary Ellis Borglum |
BOX 23 |
Mary Montgomery Borglum |
BOX 23 |
Clippings |
BOX 23 |
Hillhouse High School, New Haven,
Conn. |
BOX 23 |
University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
BOX 24 |
Wellesley College, Wellesley,
Mass. |
BOX 24 |
Memorabilia |
BOX 24 |
Miscellaneous manuscripts and
fragments |
BOX 24 |
Solon H. Borglum |
BOX 24 |
G. Dallas and Margaret M. Hanna |
BOX 24 |
Estelle H. Ingham |
BOX 24 |
Eleanor B. Montgomery |
BOX 24 |
Clippings |
BOX 24 |
School papers |
BOX 25 |
Souvenir dance programs |
BOX 25 |
Trip to Europe, June-July
BOX 25 |
Emily Emerson Montgomery |
BOX 25 |
Emily Redington Montgomery |
BOX 25 |
Ernest E. Montgomery |
BOX 25 |
George Redington Montgomery |
BOX 25 |
Biographies |
BOX 25 |
Clippings |
BOX 25 |
Church programs of worship and related
material |
BOX 25 |
Funeral and obituaries |
BOX 25 |
Last will and testament |
BOX 25 |
Printed material and memorabilia relating
to Yale University, New Haven, Conn. |
BOX 26 |
Passports and credentials |
BOX 26 |
School records and diplomas |
BOX 26 |
Unidentified manuscripts and
fragments |
BOX 26 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 26 |
Giles B. and Jill Montgomery |
BOX 26 |
Giles Foster Montgomery |
BOX 26 |
Giles N. Montgomery, school
papers |
BOX 26 |
Helen Perkins Montgomery |
BOX 26 |
Louise A. Montgomery |
BOX 26 |
Marshall Montgomery |
BOX 27 |
Marshall D. Montgomery, school papers and
memorabilia |
BOX 27 |
Marshall D. and Elizabeth C.
Montgomery |
BOX 27 |
Marshall F. Montgomery |
BOX 27 |
Biography |
BOX 27 |
Certificates, diplomas |
BOX 27 |
Clippings |
BOX 27 |
Estate of |
BOX 27 |
Last will and testament |
BOX 27 |
Tours and lectures |
BOX 27 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 27 |
Marshall Hugh Montgomery |
BOX 27 |
Automobile registrations, licenses,
etc. |
BOX 27 |
Awards, honors |
BOX 27 |
Birth certificates, vaccination records,
passports |
BOX 27 |
Biographical data |
BOX 27 |
Clippings |
BOX 27 |
Historical societies |
BOX 28 |
Invitations |
BOX 28 |
Medical reports |
BOX 28 |
Membership, identification, and credit
cards |
BOX 28 |
Memorabilia |
BOX 28 |
Memorabilia, trips |
(2 folders) |
BOX 28 |
Middlebury College, Middlebury,
Vt. |
BOX 28 |
Alumni papers |
BOX 28 |
Chi Psi fraternity |
BOX 28 |
Souvenir programs and
memorabilia |
BOX 29 |
Printed material |
BOX 29 |
Scholastic records |
BOX 29 |
School papers |
BOX 29 |
Grammar and high school |
BOX 29 |
Middlebury College, Middlebury,
Vt. |
BOX 29 |
Freshman year |
BOX 29 |
Sophomore year |
BOX 29 |
Junior year |
BOX 30 |
Senior year |
(2 folders) |
BOX 30 |
Souvenir dance programs |
BOX 30 |
Wills and power of attorney |
BOX 30 |
World War II |
BOX 30 |
Clippings |
BOX 30 |
Military record |
BOX 30 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 30 |
Marshall Hugh and Giles N. Montgomery,
drawings |
BOX 31 |
Prudence I. Montgomery |
(2 folders) |
BOX 31 |
Roger E. Montgomery, scrapbook
(photocopy) |
BOX 31 |
William O. Montgomery |
BOX 31 |
Beth Perkins Richardson |
BOX 31 |
Robert K. Richardson |
BOX 31 |
General |
BOX 31 |
Christmas cards |
(2 folders) |
BOX 32 |
(2 folders) |
BOX 32 |
Clippings, other family
members |
BOX 32 |
Correspondence with Library of
Congress |
BOX 32 |
Directory lists |
BOX 32 |
Family genealogy |
BOX 32 |
Greeting cards |
BOX 33 |
Index to Montgomery family
correspondence |
BOX 33 |
Invitations, other family
members |
BOX 33 |
Registers accompanying Montgomery family
papers |
BOX 33 |
Printed material |
BOX 33 |
Miscellaneous |