The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Montgomery family papers, 1771-1974
Montgomery Family Papers, 1858-1974 (continued)
Family Correspondence, 1874-1973 (continued)
George Redington Montgomery, 1885-1945 (continued)
(6 folders)
BOX 7 Giles B. and Jill R. Montgomery
BOX 7 Giles Foster Montgomery
BOX 7 Giles N. Montgomery
BOX 7 Helen Perkins Montgomery, 1908-1931
(2 folders)
BOX 7 Louise A. Montgomery, 1901-1960
(2 folders)
BOX 7 Marshall Montgomery
BOX 7 Marshall D. and Elizabeth C. Montgomery, June 2, 2003
BOX 8 Marshall F. Montgomery, 1885-1956
(4 folders)
BOX 8 Marshall Hugh Montgomery
BOX 8 1918-1932
(2 folders)
BOX 9 1933-1945, Nov.
(5 folders)
BOX 9 1963-1973
BOX 10 Prudence I. Montgomery
BOX 10 1931-1939
(2 folders)
BOX 10 1943-1973
(5 folders)
BOX 11 Roger E. Montgomery, 1910-1973
(2 folders)
BOX 11 William O. Montgomery
BOX 11 Grace Perkins Moore
BOX 11 Winthrop P. Moore
BOX 11 Abigail Peck Perkins
BOX 11 Beth Perkins Richardson
BOX 11 Helen D. Richardson
BOX 11 Robert K. Richardson
BOX 11 William A. Robinson
BOX 11 Mrs. Frederick V. Ruston
BOX 11 John L. Tincher
BOX 12 Other family members
BOX 12 A-M
BOX 12 N-Y and unidentified
BOX 12 General Correspondence, 1858-1973
Letters received and copies of letters sent.
Arranged alphabetically by name of family member and therein chronologically
BOX 12 Gutzen Borglum
BOX 12 Mary Montgomery Borglum
BOX 12 1868-1911
(3 folders)
BOX 13 1912-1952
BOX 13 Emily Redington Montgomery
BOX 13 George Redington Montgomery
BOX 13 1879-1937
(5 folders)
BOX 14 1938-1946
BOX 14 Giles B. and Jill Montgomery
BOX 14 Giles Foster Montgomery
BOX 14 Giles N. and Eleanor Montgomery
BOX 14 Helen Perkins Montgomery
BOX 14 Marshall F. Montgomery
BOX 14 Marshall Hugh Montgomery
BOX 14 1918-1947
(4 folders)
BOX 15 1948-1973
(4 folders)
BOX 15 Prudence I. Montgomery
BOX 15 Roger E. Montgomery
BOX 15 Other family members
BOX 16 Business Papers (Marshall Hugh Montgomery), 1931-1974
Business correspondence and printed matter.
Arranged by name of firm and therein chronologically.
BOX 16 New York Hanseatic Corp., 1931-1939
BOX 16 D. W. Rich & Co., 1940-1949
BOX 16 Aubrey G. Langston & Co.
BOX 16 1951-1974
(3 folders)
BOX 16 Statement submitted to the United States House Banking and Currency Committee by Aubrey G. Langston, 1957
BOX 17 Speeches and Writings File, 1880-1971
Speeches, book reviews, typescripts and printed copies of articles, newspaper columns and editorials, poems, and sermons.
Arranged alphabetically by name of writer and therein by type of material.
BOX 17 Giles Foster Montgomery, lecture notes and sermon
BOX 17 Giles N. Montgomery, articles
BOX 17 George Redington Montgomery
BOX 17 Articles
BOX 17 Books
BOX 17 Talking English (1989)
BOX 17 English Language Sounds (1942)
BOX 17 The Unexplored Self(1910), reviews
BOX 17 "Visualizing in the Algebra of Logic," unpublished manuscript
BOX 17 Editorials
BOX 17 News columns in London Standard, covering Turko-Greek War, Apr. 20-May 25, 1897
BOX 17 Poems
BOX 17 Sermons
BOX 17 Other writings
BOX 17 Marshall F. Montgomery
BOX 17 Speeches and sermons
BOX 17 Other writings
BOX 17 Marshall Hugh Montgomery
BOX 17 Articles
BOX 17 Some War Letters of Pvt. Marshall H. Montgomery, Italy 1944-1945 (1945)
BOX 17 Other writings
BOX 17 Roger E. Montgomery
BOX 17 Helen and Robert Richardson
BOX 18-20 Financial Papers, 1892-1973
Bankbooks, bills and receipts, canceled checks, income tax records, insurance policies, and mortgages and other property records.
Arranged alphabetically by name of family member and therein by type of material.
BOX 18 Mary Montgomery Borglum
BOX 18 Emily Redington Montgomery
BOX 18 George Redington Montgomery
BOX 18 Accounts for The Unexplored Self
BOX 18 Bills and receipts
BOX 18 Book orders for English Language Sounds
BOX 18 Deeds, leases, and mortgages
BOX 18 Estate of
BOX 18 Income tax records
BOX 18 Miscellaneous
BOX 18 Helen Perkins Montgomery
BOX 18 Marshall F. Montgomery
BOX 18 Bills and receipts
BOX 18 Income tax records
BOX 19 Marshall Hugh Montgomery
BOX 19 Bills and receipts
BOX 19 Contracts
BOX 19 Income tax records
(2 folders)
BOX 19 Insurance policies
BOX 20 Miscellaneous
BOX 20 Prudence I. Montgomery
BOX 20 Other family members
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