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Robert H. Bork papers, 1798-2012

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Part II: Closed, 1980-2001 (continued)
BOX II:X 533 In re Intel Corp., 1999, Jan. (Container II:369)
(2 folders)
BOX II:X 533 Reserve Oil & Minerals Corp. v. General Atomic Co.
Affidavit and exhibits to Reserve's brief in opposition to motion for summary judgment, 1980
Vol. 1 (Container II:391)
(2 folders)
BOX II:X 534 (1 folder)
BOX II:X 534 Vol. 2 (Container II:391)
BOX II:X 534 Appendices to briefs, 1980
(3 folders)
BOX II:X 535 Briefs and general case material
BOX II:X 535 1980, July-Sept. (Container II:393)
BOX II:X 535 Exhibits to briefs, 1980
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
BOX II:X 535 Supplemental brief supporting General Atomic Co.'s "act of state" motion, 1980
(3 folders)
BOX II:X 536 (1 folder)
BOX II:X 536 United States v. Kelly, 1995, Apr. (Container II:408)
(2 folders)
BOX III:1-III:21 Part III: Correspondence, 1970-2011
Letters, invitations, memoranda, faxes, and email printouts between Bork and clients, colleagues, judges, lawyers, government officials, acquaintances, publishers, and the public. Includes attachments such as writings, reports, articles, clippings, and legal documents.
Arranged into two groups: chronological and transmission memoranda, and therein chronologically by date. The file structure of the digital content has been maintained as received.
BOX III:1 Chronological file
BOX III:1 1970-1995
(9 folders)
DF 1994-1995
Digital ID: mss65871_170_006
Digital ID: mss65871_170_018
Digital ID: mss65871_170_019
BOX III:2 1995-1999
(6 folders)
BOX III:3 1999
BOX III:3 Incoming
(5 folders)
BOX III:3 Outgoing
BOX III:3 Jan.-June
BOX III:4 July-Dec.
BOX III:4 2000
BOX III:4 Incoming
BOX III:4 Jan.-Apr.
(6 folders)
BOX III:5 Apr.-June
(7 folders)
BOX III:6 July-Sept.
(6 folders)
BOX III:7 Oct.-Dec.
(4 folders)
BOX III:7 Outgoing
(2 folders)
BOX III:8 2001
BOX III:8 Incoming
BOX III:8 Jan.-May
(8 folders)
BOX III:9 May-Nov.
(8 folders)
BOX III:10 Dec.
BOX III:10 Outgoing
(3 folders)
BOX III:10 2002
BOX III:10 Incoming
BOX III:10 Jan.-Mar.
(3 folders)
BOX III:11 Apr.-June
(4 folders)
DF June
Digital ID: mss65871_170_052
BOX III:11 July-Aug.
(4 folders)
BOX III:12 Sept.-Dec.
(6 folders)
BOX III:12 Outgoing
(2 folders)
BOX III:13 2003
BOX III:13 Incoming
BOX III:13 Jan.-June
(7 folders)
BOX III:14 July-Oct.
(7 folders)
BOX III:15 Nov.-Dec.
(3 folders)
BOX III:15 Outgoing
(2 folders)
BOX III:15 2004
BOX III:15 Jan.-Mar.
(2 folders)
BOX III:16 Apr.-Dec.
(6 folders)
BOX III:16 2005
(3 folders)
BOX III:17 2006-2008
(8 folders)
BOX III:18 2009-2011
(4 folders)
BOX III:18 undated
BOX III:18 Transmission memoranda
BOX III:18 1997
(3 folders)
BOX III:19 1997-1998
(6 folders)
BOX III:20 2000-2001
(6 folders)
BOX III:21 2001-2003
(7 folders)
BOX III:21-III:55 Part III: Legal File, 1981-2003
Correspondence, memoranda, articles, affidavits, agendas, petitions, opinions, transcripts, briefs, notes, reports, writs, motions, declarations, statements, and other printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by name of client or case title. The file structure of the digital content has been maintained as received.
BOX III:21 American Express
BOX III:21 "American Express Response to Antitrust Division Questions," 1998
BOX III:22 Civil action, 2001
DF Digital files, 1998
Digital ID: mss65871_170_013
BOX III:22 "Elements of Attempted Monopolization," 1992
BOX III:X 119 Exhibits, 1991, 1997 See Container III:X 119, same heading
BOX III:22 "Fundamentals of Transaction Processing," 1988
BOX III:22 Statements and expenses, 1991-2001
BOX III:22 Wilkov, Marcy See also Container III:X 119, same heading
BOX III:22 1991-1998
(3 folders)
BOX III:23 1991-2000
(6 folders)
BOX III:24 (7 folders)
BOX III:25 1992-1998
(6 folders)
BOX III:26 1997-2000
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