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William J. Ghent papers, 1876-1942

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BOX 32-34 Miscellany
Correspondence, notes, reports, memoranda, galley proofs of books and pamphlets, photographs, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 32 Language and literature
BOX 32 League of Nations
BOX 32 Photographs and prints
BOX 33 Photographs and prints
BOX 33 Poetry
BOX 34 "Roubidoux's Ranch"
BOX 34 Sun Yat-Sen
BOX 34 General
BOX 35-48 Clippings and Printed Matter
Newspaper clippings and other printed material.
Arranged by topic.
BOX 35 Baseball
BOX 35 Rock reviews
BOX 35 Kit Carson
BOX 35 League of Nations
BOX 35 Literature and language
BOX 35 Fort Phil Kearney
BOX 35 Controversy on old age pension, 1910-1911
BOX 36 Origins and ultimates
BOX 36 Montfort Stokes
BOX 36 Nutrition
BOX 36 Author and editor
BOX 36 Early cartography of the Missouri Valley
BOX 36 World history
BOX 36 Elizabeth Bacon Custer
BOX 36 George A. Custer, 50th anniversary
BOX 36 War guilt of World War I
BOX 36 Communistic intrigues
BOX 37 Communistic intrigues
BOX 37 Indians
BOX 38 Revolutionary War
BOX 38 Radicals and Russia
BOX 38 Poets and essayists
BOX 38 Touring topics
BOX 38 World War II maps
BOX 38 1940 presidential campaign
BOX 39 Socialists, liberals, radicals
BOX 39 Labor
BOX 39 Socialism
BOX 39 West
BOX 39 Powder River Expedition
BOX 39 Napoleon's letters
BOX 39 Mooney, Billings, and Vanzetti
BOX 39 Santa Fe Trail
BOX 39 Wages and prices
BOX 40 Poets and essayists
BOX 40 Historical subjects
BOX 41 Historical subjects
BOX 42 Printers
BOX 42 James Edward Kelly
BOX 42 Press criticism
BOX 42 Library of Congress and archives
BOX 42 George Washington
BOX 42 "The People," "National Socialist," "California Outlook"
BOX 42 Oregon Trail
BOX 42 Civil War Fakes and Fakers
BOX 43 Pre-Civil War
BOX 43 Arizona and California
BOX 43 Abraham Lincoln
BOX 44 Abraham Lincoln
BOX 44 Literary
BOX 44 "The Spectator"
BOX 44 League of Nations
BOX 45 Science
BOX 45 Mooney
BOX 45 General
BOX 46-48 General

Contents List