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George W. Goethals papers, 1830-2014

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2021 Addition, 1830-2014 (continued)
BOX 58 Wellington, Martha, 1949-1966
BOX 58 History of the Sixth General Hospital, 1946-1959, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 58 Harvard University class reports, 1912-1967
BOX 59 Medical mobilization, 1950-1952
BOX 59 Medical writings, 1920, 1936-1940, 1956-1958
BOX 59 Mementos, 1901-1903, 1942-1955
BOX 59 Obituary and condolences, 1962
(2 folders)
BOX 59 Photographs, circa 1912-1918, 1937
(2 folders)
BOX 60 Society of the Cincinnati, 1935, 1941, 1943, 1953
BOX 60 Miscellany
BOX 60 Correspondence, 1861, 1888, 1906-1909, 1919
BOX 60 Family album (Peter Goethals), 1973
BOX 60 Fieberger family, 1907-1914
BOX 60 Goethals memorial, 1928, 1953-1955
BOX 60 Photographs, undated
BOX 60 Timetables, 1838, 1912
BOX 60 Rodman, Thomas Ratch
BOX 60 Correspondence, 1884
Papers of Thomas Rodman Goethals Jr.
BOX 60 Biography of George W. Goethals
BOX 60 Criticism, 1992-2002
BOX 60 Draft, circa 2012
DF Draft, circa 2012
Digital ID: mss23002_216_001
BOX 60 Literary agent, 1990-2011
BOX 61 Supporting documents
BOX 61 Prologue, circa 1915-1928
BOX 61 Part I, circa 1878-2012
(2 folders)
BOX 61 Part II, circa 1878-2004
(4 folders)
BOX 62 Part III, circa 1878-2012
(6 folders)
BOX 63 Part IV, circa 1940-2012
BOX 63 Part V, circa 1919-1999
BOX 63 Part VI, circa 1928-2002
BOX 63 Correspondence
BOX 63 Childhood letters, 1925-1937
BOX 63 Goethals, Mary Addison Webb, 1933, 1943-1945, 1955
(2 folders)
BOX 64 Goethals, Mary Addison Webb, 1933, 1943-1945, 1955
(2 folders)
BOX 64 Goethals, Thomas Rodman, 1940-1945 See also Goethals, Thomas Rodman
BOX 64 Greenough, Peter, 1977-1992
BOX 64 Miscellany, 1941-1978, 1996-2000
(3 folders)
BOX 65 Nicholl, Willard, 1939-1970
(4 folders)
BOX 65 Philipsborn, Martin, 1945-1956
BOX 65 Publishers, 1964-1974
BOX 65 Stough, Jeanne, 1999-2014
BOX 66 United States Senators regarding Panama Canal treaties, 1978
BOX 66 Donations
BOX 66 Addison Gallery, 1996-1999
BOX 66 Harvard University, 1992
BOX 66 Library of Congress, 1932, 1942, 1953, 1966-1967, 1996, 2007
BOX 66 Maryland Historical Society, 1999-2003
BOX 66 Miscellany, 2009
BOX 66 Old Dartmouth Historical Society, 1994-1997
BOX 66 Society of the Cincinnati, 1993-1998
BOX 66 United States Military Academy, 1992
BOX 66 Genealogy
BOX 66 Buyse, John, 2003-2008
BOX 66 della Faille-Goethals, Bernadette, 1990-1997
BOX 67 Family report, 1999-2001
(3 folders)
BOX 67 Goethals family, 1999-2002
BOX 67 Goethals, George Rodman, 1910, 1945, 1957, 1966
BOX 67 Goethals, George Rodman, II, 1996-2014
(2 folders)
BOX 67 Goethals, George W., II, 1990-1995
BOX 67 Goethals, John J., 1993-2001
BOX 68 Goethals, Jozef, 1996-2004
(2 folders)
BOX 68 Goethals, Thomas M., 2001-2004
BOX 68 Miscellany, 1954, 1957, 1975-1976, 1992-1995
BOX 68 Research, 1830, 1989
BOX 68 Rodman family, 1926, 1975, 1982
BOX 68 Wellington, Martha, 1997
BOX 68 Miscellany
BOX 68 Barna-Alper Productions, 2001-2002
BOX 68 George W. Goethals portrait, 1996
BOX 69 Grant request, 1971
BOX 69 Panama Canal Society of Florida, 1999-2002
(2 folders)
BOX 69 Panama Canal transfer ceremony, 1999-2000
(3 folders)
BOX 69 Postage stamps, 1939, 1996-1999
BOX 70 Postage stamps, 1939, 1996-1999
BOX 70 Roundabout Productions, 1998
BOX 70 Smithsonian exhibit, 1999-2001
BOX 70 Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., exhibit, 1999-2000
BOX 70 World War II, 1943-1945, 1950, 1966
BOX 70 Other writings
BOX 70 Diaries
BOX 70 Belgium and Luxembourg, 1997
BOX 70 Panama, 1940
BOX 70 "George Washington Goethals and his Vineyard Friends," circa 1911-2010
BOX 70 Homage to Craig Kingsbury, 1941, 1984, 1999-2007
BOX 71 "Theodore Roosevelt, George W. Goethals, John F. Stevens: Builders of the Panama Canal," 2010-2012
(2 folders)
BOX 71 Research
BOX 71 Advertisements, 1991-1992
BOX 71 Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, 1912-1914, 1973
BOX 71 Canal Zone, 1912, 1916, 1999
Goethals, George W.
BOX 71 Classmates of, 1910-1980
BOX 71 Colleagues of, circa 1880-1929, 1996-1997
BOX 71 Obituaries, 1928
(2 folders)
BOX 72 Photographs, circa 1910-1953, 1997, 2008
(2 folders)
BOX 72 Reports, 1881-1903
(2 folders)
BOX 72 Isthmian Canal Commission, 1881, 1891, 1907, 1913, 1976, 2005
BOX 72 Miscellany, 1908, 1929-1936, 1994-1999, 2009-2011
BOX 73 Panama Canal, paintings of, 1929, 1974, 1996
BOX 73 Panama Canal, photographs of (reprints), 1907-1914, 1999
(2 folders)
BOX 73 Poems, 1906, 1915, undated
BOX 73 Webb, John, 1985, 1995-1997
BOX 73 Willcox, Cornélis De Witt, circa 1910
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