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F. Holland Day papers, 1793-2010

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Alphabetical File, 1793-2010 (continued)
Skeete, J. Alexandre, 1897-1902
Skofield, Emily Curtis Fisher, circa 1890, 1925-1926, 1944
Slack, William G., 1906, 1916-1926
Sleeth, R. L., 1907
Small, Herbert, 1893-1899, 1906, 1921
Smith, George A., 1924-1927
Smith, Gertrude, 1898-1903, 1917
Smith, Minna C., 1895-1909, 1917-1927
Smith, T. C. Bates, 1888
Smith, Isaac and Mary, 1918-1932
Southard, Clarke, 1909-1916
Sprague, Julia Ardelle, 1898
Stack, A. M., 1899
Stanwood, Louise Brackway, 1885-1899, 1909
Stapfer, Sophie R., 1897-1898
Steele, Brandt, 1899
Steichen, Edward, circa 1900-1906, 1954, 1969-1977, 2010
Stein, Evaleen, 1899
Stevens, Joseph C., 1898
Stieglitz, Alfred, 1899-1906
Stirling, Edmund, 1899-1901
Stokes, Henry, 1902
Stouffs, Victor, 1904
Strutt, Alfred W., 1890-1894
Stratton, Grace and J. Edson, 1913
Sutherland, Evelyn Greenleaf, 1895
Tabb, John B., 1897-1899, 1907
Tanneyhill, Alfred, Adelaide, Anna, and Gertrude, 1895-1933, 1964, 1975, 1980
Taylor, Arthur W., 1881
Teakles, N. E., 1898
BOX 22 Thallon, Florence, 1899-1904
Theresa, Sister, 1895-1899
Thibadeau, Theodore, 1905-1924
Thomson, Edward W., 1896
Tisdale, Archibald, 1886-1898, 1910, 1919-1933
(3 folders)
Tisdale, Katharine Barrett, 1877-1878, 1894-1910, 1919-1923
Tolfree, Aline, 1904
Twentieth Century Club, 1892-1909
Underwood, William Lyman, 1904
University Press, 1891, 1899
Updike, Daniel Berkeley, 1896-1899, 1905
Vaillant, Louis David, 1895
Van Buren, Amelia, 1904
Van Horn, Caroline E., 1896-1897
The Visionists, 1892-1894
Walker, Cecilia M., 1894-1899
Walker, Frederick S., 1921-1922
Walker, J. S., 1906
Ward, Kate P., 1886-1890
Ware, Arthur L., 1893
Ware, Mary, 1899
Warner, Ralph, 1903, 1909-1917
Washburn, Anna M., undated
Waterman, Martha D., 1892-1931
(3 folders)
Watson-Schütze, Eva, 1899, 1905
Weil, Mathilda, undated
BOX 23 Wellington, Arthur W., 1899
Wesselhoeft, Conrad, 1923-1933
Wesselhoeft, W. F., 1905-1907, 1923
Weston, J. C., 1896
Wheaton College, Norton, Mass, 1927-1932
White, Clarence H. (1871-1925), 1899-1925, 1972-1973
(3 folders)
White, Clarence H. (1907-1978), 1925-1933
White, Gleeson, 1897?
White, Jane Felix
1899, 1905-1925
(6 folders)
BOX 24 1926-1933
(3 folders)
White, Lewis Felix, 1905, 1911, 1921
White, Maynard P., 1910-1933
(7 folders)
Whitehead, Wilbur C., 1895-1896
Whitney, Anne, 1890-1911
Whittemore, Thomas, 1899-1914, 1927-1928
Wiener, Leo, 1898-1899
Wilde, Oscar, undated
BOX 25 Willcox, Helen S. K., 1932-1833
Williams, Allen Hamilton, undated
Williams, Chauncy, 1897-1899
Williams, Louise H., 1895-1899
Williams, Lucy M. Lincoln, 1918-1922
Wilson, Edith R., 1910, 1919
Windsor, H. O., 1909
Winsor, Mary May, 1895-1896
Withington, Anne, 1897-1899
Wolfe, George F., Martha M., and family, 1908, 1916-1922, 1929
Wood, Eben T., 1905-1907
Woodbury, F. C., 1885
Woodbury, Jennie R., 1907
Woodbury, Walter E., 1899
Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Mass., 1905
Worthing, Esther, 1916
The Yearlings, undated
Yeats, William Butler, 1892-1893, 1982
Yell, E. H., 1891
Zariffe Cigarette Co., 1916
Zion Research Library, Brookline, Mass., 1925-1927
Zitkala-Sa, 1899
BOX 25-28 Miscellany, 1873-1998
Letterbooks of letters sent, loose correspondence, writings, notes, and scrapbooks.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 25 Local history project, 1923-1925, undated
Miscellaneous correspondence
(2 folders)
BOX 26 1888-1894
(4 folders)
BOX 27 Loose, 1881-1933, 1998, undated
(3 folders)
Printed matter, 1891-1894, 1904-1906, undated
Personal, 1883-1892
Poetry and other clippings, 1873-1903
BOX 28 Writings
By Day
Knight Errant articles, 1892-1893
Miscellaneous, 1883-1893, undated
(3 folders)
On photography, 1899-1900
By others
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