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Emanuel Celler papers, 1924-1973

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Part I: General Office File (continued)
United Service for New Americans
United World Federalists
University Settlement
Unknown Jewish Martyr
Vaad Hatzala Rehabilitation Committee
American Veterans of World War II
Disabled American Veterans
National Association of Private Vocational Schools
Correspondence, Apr. 1948-July 1952
Printed Material
Virgin Islands
Voting Information
BOX 50 Voting Record
WHLI, Long Island Radio Station
Correspondence, Jan. 1954-July 1958
Notes, Printed Material
WINS Radio Station
WMCA Radio Station
Wadsworth, James J.
Wagner, Robert F., Correspondence
Jan.-Dec. 1954
May 1955-Aug. 1958
Printed Material
Walden, Jerome
Walker, A. V.
Walker, Theodore
Washington Educational Touring Club
Watson Elevator Co.
Weinfeld, Judge Edward
Weisman, Celler, Quinn, Allan, and Spett, Correspondence
Jan. 1945-Nov. 1949
Jan.-Oct. 1950
Jan. 1951-May 1951
June 1951-Apr. 1952
BOX 51 Weizmann, Chaim
Werblow, Robert, Correspondence
Wertheimer, Sydney B.
White, Harry Dexter
Wilson, Woodrow
Wise, Stephen, S., and Judah Leon Magnes
Yankwich, Leon
Yeshiva University
Youth Aliyah
Youth Conference
Zionist Organization of America
BOX 52-59 Part I: Special Case File
BOX 52-54 Monopoly Subcommittee-General
Incoming letters and copies of outgoing letters, notes, memoranda, clippings, and printed material, the minutes of the monopoly subcommittee meeting, and miscellaneous papers pertaining to the general subject of monopoly and then routine business of the subcommittee hearings.
Correspondence arranged chronologically.
BOX 52 Correspondence
Jan. 1932-June 1950
July-Dec. 1940
1952-1954, undated
Minutes of Meeting of Subcommittee on Study of Monopoly Power, 82nd Congress
BOX 53 Notebook of Miscellaneous
Printed Material
(3 folders)
BOX 54 Printed Material
BOX 55-59 Monopoly Subcommittee- Investigations
Incoming letters and copies of outgoing letters, notes, memoranda, clippings, and printed material pertaining to actual or proposed subcommittee investigations.
Arranged alphabetically by subject with the correspondence arranged chronologically.
BOX 55 Aluminum
1951, undated
Printed Material
BOX 56 Clippings
American Broadcasting Co.
Bank Mergers
Correspondence 1950-1953, Notes
Printed Material, Clippings
Concert Bureaus
Correspondence 1944, 1949
BOX 57 Printed Material, Clippings
(2 folders)
Iron Ore Report
Irregular Airlines
Meat Packing
BOX 58 Newsprint
Correspondence 1950-1955
Notes, Printed Material, Clippings
Printed Material
(3 folders)
Pan American Airlines
Correspondence Jan.-June 1950
Printed Material
BOX 59 Printed Material
Public Utilities
Saudi Arabian Oil Agreement; Correspondence May-Aug. 1954, Printed Material, Clippings
Shubert Theater Monopoly
Correspondence 1950-1954
Notes, Clippings, Printed Material
Printed Material
BOX 60-62 Part I: Financial Papers
Incoming letters and copies of outgoing letters, bank statements, canceled checks, check stubs, and bills.
Correspondence and bank statements are arranged chronologically.
BOX 60 American Airlines
Correspondence, Jan. 1946-June 1947, undated
(2 folders)
Correspondence, Aug. 1924-July 1947, undated
Mayflower Hotel
Miscellaneous Papers
BOX 61 Bank Statements, Canceled Checks
Feb. 1924-Dec. 1950
BOX 62 Jan. 1951-Apr. 1953
Check Stubs
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