The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Emanuel Celler papers, 1924-1973
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Part II: Steering Committee File, 1959-1972 (continued)
Waterfront, New York-New Jersey, Clean Up Project
West Point
Youth Work Program
Activities of the Committee
Adult Education
Agendas and Notices of Meetings
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force
Air National Guard
Air and Army National Guard Technicians
BOX 75 Aircraft Noise Legislation
Airport Development
Albany Chamber of Commerce
Army and Air Force, Exchange Service Relocation
(2 folders)
Atomic Energy Commission, Site for 200 Bev Accelerator
(2 folders)
BOX 76 Breezy Point Park
Brooklyn Army Terminal
Champlain, New York
Cornell College of Agriculture
Defense, Department of
State Education Department
FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
Federal Power Commission
Household Goods, Forewarders Association
(3 folders)
Hudson River Valley
Jenkins Act
BOX 77 Land Grant Universities and Colleges
Letter to State Agencies (Responses)
Meeting with Governor
Mental Retardation
Miscellaneous 1965-66
Naval Shipyard Shutdown
(3 folders)
BOX 78 Naval Training Device Center Relocation
(2 folders)
Navy Yard Disposal, Brooklyn
New York City Problems
New York Port Military Shipments
New York Port Area Works Projects
Niagara Falls
Niagara Thruway
Nuclear, Desalination Project at Riverhead
(1 folder)
BOX 79 (1 folder)
Port Jefferson Harbor
Press Releases 1965-66
Public Works Projects
Railroad Freight Cars vs. L.I. Railroad
Red Creek, Flood Control on
Regional Development Commission
Residual fuel Oil
School Lunch Program
School Milk Program
Soil Conservation
BOX 80 Spring Valley, N. Y.
State University of New York
Statewide Development Planning
Surplus Property, Disposal of
Theatre Pricing
Traffic Safety Act
Transportation, Tri-State Transportation Commission
Veterans Administration, Installation Shutdowns
Pollution Control
(3 folders)
BOX 81 1967-1968
Appalachian Region
Appropriations Committee Affairs
Army-Air Force Exchange
Atomic Energy Commission, Site for 200 Bev Accelerator
Banking and Currency Affairs
Brooklyn Army Terminal
Brooklyn Navy Yard
Bush Terminal Railroad Co.
Cigarette Taxes
Cornell University
Dairy Products
Defense Department Matters
Education Department
Erie-Lackawanna Discontinuance
Federal Power Commission
Fixed Pitch Propellers
Griffiss Air Force Base
BOX 82 Health Research Inc. vs. National Institute of Health
Industrial Development Bonds
Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee
Labor Matters
Long Island & New Haven Railroad
Medicaid, New York State Program
Meeting with Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller
Naval Reactor Facility
Navy Department Matters
Port of New York
BOX 83 Port of New York
Military Shipments
Press Releases
Public Works Affairs
Statement of Celler, 5 May 1968
Tri-State Transportation Commission
Water Commission (National)
Water Pollution
Water Supply Study 1967
Air Force
914th Tactical Unit
GEEIA, Griffiss Air Force Base
Air Pollution Compact
American Imports Association
BOX 84 Army Pictorial Center
Atomic and Space Development Authority
Brooklyn Army Terminal
Comments of Celler at the Governor's Meeting of New York Delegation 23 Nov. 1970
Credit Unions, Bureau of Federal
Defense Department Matters 1969-1970
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