| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1 |
General Correspondence and Related
Material, 1919-1972
Letters and memoranda. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 1 |
Sept. 1919-Apr. 1958
Aug. 1960-Dec. 1962
Jan.-Nov. 1963
June 1964-Jan. 1972
BOX 1-17 |
Subject File, 1912-1973
Printed and near-print publications of the Department of State. |
Arranged by subject or type of material. |
American Arbitration Association, voluntary
arbitration in a general international organization, Apr. 1945
BOX 1 |
American Bar Association Journal
Apr. 1945
May 1945
American Society of International Law,
constitution |
Apr. 1971
July 1972
Apr. 1973
Americans United for World Organization,
statements of national organizations relating to international
organizations |
Borchgrave case, death of Belgian diplomat,
BOX 2 |
Bretton Woods proposals and the president's
message to Congress, Feb. 1945
Canada and the United States |
Convention and protocol, double taxation,
Mar. 1942
Convention between, double taxation, estate
taxes and succession, June 1944
Convention on income, 1950, 1951,
Treaty agreements |
Columbia River, Jan. 1961
Construction of remedial works at Niagara
Falls, Sept. 1954
Economic assistance, expansion of Port of
Dammam, May 1958
Relocation of Roosevelt Bridge, Oct.
St. Lawrence Seaway |
June 1952
Tariff of tolls, Mar. 1959
St. Lawrence River Joint Board of
Engineers, Nov. 1953
Convention on privileges and immunities of the
United Nations, Feb. 1946
Daily summary of statements by political leaders
of foreign policy, Oct. 1944
Department of State |
Documents on German foreign policy,
Press release, July 1949
Foreign affairs, Oct. 1944
Appropriation bill for |
1931, hearing 1930
1938, hearings 1937
Bulletin |
Aug.-Oct. 1944
Sept. 1944
Dumbarton Oaks Conference |
Arrangement for Pacific settlement of
disputes, International Court of Justice, July 1944
(2 folders) |
BOX 3 |
Biographical sketches and delegates,
Aug. 1944
Proposals for a general international
organization, basic questions and comparisons, Aug. 1944
(2 folders) |
Washington conversations on international
organizations, minutes and documents, Aug. 1944
(2 folders) |
Documents on international
organizations |
(2 folders) |
Oct. 1944
With chart and questions and answers,
Proposals |
Alger Hiss and Walter Lippmann, Oct.
Amendments |
Apr. 1945
By various countries |
Jan.-May 1945
BOX 4 |
May 1945
Canadian views, Feb. 1945
Comments by various countries, Dec.
1944-May 1945
Current developments and comments,
Vandenberg, Arthur H., and others, Jan. 1945
Department of State, radio broadcasts,
Feb.-Mar. 1945
European government views, Jan.
Latin American governments' summary of
principal comments and suggestions, Dec. 1944
National Lawyers Guild views, Feb.
Press statements, addresses, and questions
and answers, June-Dec. 1944
Reactions |
Oct.-Nov. 1944
Current developments and comments,
Dec. 1944-Apr. 1945
Daily summary of opinion developments,
Mar. 1945
Harriman, W. Averell, Dec.
International organization, comments
and developments, Dec. 1944-Apr. 1945
Latest opinions in United States,
Jan.-Apr. 1945
Latin American governments, Nov.
Philadelphia Bar Association,
Mar. 1945
Policy interpretation and group
relations, Nov. 1944
Soviet interest, Dec. 1944-Jan.
Summary of comments, Apr.-May
BOX 5 |
Unsettled questions, Nov.
Uruguay's position, Sept.-Oct.
For an international
organization |
Aug. 1943-Dec. 1944
Undated |
Related material, 1944-1945
(2 folders) |
Executive assumption of war-making power,
Jan. 1928
Exemption of consular officers from taxation,
treaties in force between the United States and foreign countries, Oct.
Events leading up to World War II, chronological
history, 1931-1944
General Assembly resolution, review of the role
of the International Court of Justice, Dec. 1970
Georgetown Law Journal, May 1932
Headquarters of the United Nations, June
Honduras v. Nicaragua, Dec. 1906
Institut de Droit International, Apr.
BOX 6 |
Inter-American Juridical Committee, Charles G.
Fenwick's criticism of Dumbarton Oaks proposals (in part, photocopy),
Dec. 1944-Jan. 1945
(2 folders) |
International Court of Justice |
Aerial incident, Israel v. Bulgaria,
preliminary objects, July 1955
Appeal relating to the jurisdiction of the
ICAO Council, India v. Pakistan, Aug. 1971
Biographical information on members,
Case concerning the Barcelona Traction, Light
and Power Co., reports of judgements, advisory opinions, and
orders |
Jan. 1966
Nov. 1966
Apr. 1967
Cases concerning sovereignty over certain
frontier lands, Belgium v. Netherlands, Mar. 1959
Cases pending, Apr. 1958
Communiques, Apr. 1969-May 1973
Miscellaneous subjects, undated |
Nominations, Feb. 1946-Aug. 1960
North Sea Continental Shelf case, reports of
judgements, advisory opinions, and orders |
Mar. 1967
Mar. 1968
Pension plan for members, June
1958-Oct. 1960
Program of work, Apr. 1972
Reports of judgements, advisory opinions and
orders |
July 1972
Requests for advisory opinion, July
1970-July 1972
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