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Siegfried Bernfeld papers, 1854-1975

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General Correspondence, 1891-1959 (continued)
Oberman, Dr., 1916-1920, undated
Obernik, Grete Reiner, 1919-1925
Olden, Christine and Rudolf (including Arnold Brecht and Pierce Williams), 1925-1941
Ostwald, W. A. and Wilhelm, 1913-1914
Otto, Berthold, 1919-1921
Pagel, Gerhard, 1925, 1948, undated
Paneth, F. A., 1944-1945
Parcheminey, Georges, 1936-1938
Penrose, Lionel, 1925-1937
Pfister, Oskar, 1921-1922
Plank, Robert and Nuschi, 1938-1952
Pope, Saxton, 1950
Potter, Grace, 1934
Puner, Helen F. (including Ruth Bernfeld, Jean Lyle Menninger, Herbert Michelman, and William Soskin), 1948-1950
Rádo, Sándor, 1925, 1937
Rank, Otto and Beati (including notes on writings), 1914-1937, undated
Reik, Theodor, 1918-1944
Reiner, F., 1918-1925 See also same container, Obernik, Grete Reiner
Renquist, Yrjö, 1934
Rodiki, Edouard, undated
Sachs, Hanns and Emmy, 1916, 1932-1951, undated
Salomon, Elli and G., 1921, undated
Saussure, R. de, 1935-1936
Schaxel, Hedwig, 1925
Schneider, Barbare, 1935
Schoenwald, Richard L. (including notes), 1951-1952
Scholem, Gerhard, 1917-1918
Schurer, Martin, 1935
Searl, Nina, 1937
Shatsky, Jacob, 1946-1952
Simmel, Ernst (California Psychoanalytic Society) (including Otto Fenichel, George Johnson, Jakob Kasanin, Robert P. Knight, Karl Menninger, Robert T. Ross, Hugo Staub, Rudolf von Urban, and Bettina Warburg), 1936-1942, 1950
Slawson, John, 1934-1935
Sonne, Abraham, 1917-1920
Spitz, René A., 1934-1939
Stein, Paul, 1920-1922, undated
Steiner, Herbert, 1911
Sterba, Richard, 1934-1952
Stern, Guenther, 1937-1941
Stern, William, 1913-1932
Storfer, A. J., 1925-1939
Strachey, James, 1939-1954
Strauss, Max, 1920
Suhrkamp, Peter, 1920
Székela, Béla, 1936
BOX 4 Tolman, Edward C., 1937-1939
Trilling, Lionel, 1951
Visher, John S. (Bernfeld Memorial), 1954
Voit, Erwin, 1921
Volkelt, Hans, 1930
Waelder, Robert (including Ernst Kris), 1932-1937
Waldinger, Ernest, 1943-1955
Weinreich, Max, 1933-1944
Wexler, Milton, 1951
Wiesner, Bertold P., 1920-1925
Windholz, Emanuel, 1938-1942
Wilbur, George B., 1947-1951
Wirth, W., 1931-1934 See also Container 11, Notes concerning 1931 manuscript
Wittels, Fritz, 1923-1951
Wolf-Futels [?], Mr., 1916
Wolfradt, Willi, 1950
Woodger, J. H., 1937-1938
Wyneken, G. (including writings), 1912-1933, undated
Zaesser [?], Robert L., 1937-1940, undated
Zilboorg, Gregory, 1951-1952
Zweig, Arnold, 1930
Chronological file
1891, 1905
(6 folders)
1918, Max Brod postcard
(24 folders)
Undated or unidentified
BOX 5-9 Professional File, 1858-1970
Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, clippings, notes, printed material, reports, and related matter.
Arranged in European and United States files, therein alphabetically by subject, and then chronologically.
BOX 5 European file
Anna Freud homes, 1942
Berliner Psychoanalytisches Institut, 1925-1935
Articles by and about Bernfeld, 1918-1938
General psychoanalytic movement, 1914-1918
Hapoël Hatzaïr, correspondence with Chaim Arlosoroff, 1918-1919
Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London, England, 1937
Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, correspondence, notices, etc., 1925-1937
Jewish youth movement and school reform
Clippings, 1913-2929
Newspapers and journals
An die Abiturienten, 1913
Blätter aus der Jüdischen Jugendbewegung, 1918
Der Anfang, 1913-1914, 1922
BOX 6 Der Jude, 1916-1917
Die Zukunft, 1914
Jerubbaal, 1918-1919
BOX 7 Jüdische Zeitung, 1918
Mitteilungen an Alle Mittelschüler, 1918-1919
Jüdischen Institut für Jugendforschung und Erziehung, printed matter, 1917-1922
Jugendkulturbewegung, notebook: clippings, notes, correspondence (including Frederick Van Eeden), 1914-1915
Lehrbuch der Empirischen Psychologie nach Geneticher Method, 1858
"Lehrkomitte," minutes of meetings, 1923
Printed matter, notices, reports, etc., 1930s, undated
Psychoanalysis and socialism
Clippings, 1926-1937
"Unter dem Banner des Marxismus," 1930
Psychoanalytic discussion group, 1933
Psychoanalytic training workshop, 1931-1932
Psychoanalytic writings by others
Clippings, circa 1916-1935
Federn, Paul, typescript, "Psychoanalyse und Erziehung," undated
Fenichel, Otto, typescript, "Der Begriff der 'Realität' und seine Entstehung durch Projektion," undated
Fenichel, Otto, typescript, "Esoterik," 1918
Fliess, Robert, undated typescript, "Goldrausch-Psychologie"
Kecskeméti, Paul, typescript, Die Einheit des Naturgeschehens und die Psychologie," undated
Kohn, Erwin, typescript, "Vulgärmarximus und missverstandene Psychoanalyse," 1926
Neumann, Ludwig, typescript, "Matische Geschichtsauffassung und Psychoanalytische Psychologie," circa 1914
BOX 8 Reiner, Markus, typescript, "Kausalität und Psychoanalyse," circa 1931
Richter, Oswald, manuscript, "Vorschlag für den Ersatz der Kriegspiele," circa 1913
Schairer-Hedelfinger, J., typescript, "Psychoanalyse und Seelsorge," undated
Silberer, Herbert, typescript, "Beobachtungen an Träumen," undated
Wyneken, G., manuscript on Immanuel Kant, undated
Sexology seminars, 1919-1921
Wiener Psychoanalytischer Vereinigung Lehr Institute, 1924-1926
Handwritten by Theodor Reik, 1918-1922
Copies, 1910-1913, 1918-1926
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