The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Siegfried Bernfeld papers, 1854-1975
Sigmund Freud Biographical Material, 1854-1958 (continued)
Clark University, Worcester, Mass., circa 1880-1922
Cocaine, 1884-1885, 1930-1944, including Karl Koller
BOX 15 Fliess, Wilhelm, ending of friendship (including Otto Maenchen and Herman Swoboba), 1904-1906, 1946
Gradiva, 1952, undated
Gyges, 1854, undated
High school
Bibliotheks, catalog, 1866-1872
Leopolstädter Communal, Real, und Obergymnasiums, 1864-1874
Wiener Communal Realgymnasium, Vienna, Austria, 1854-1865
James, William, circa 1909
Medical School of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (mostly copies), 1885, 1947
Moravia, 19th century
Neue Freie Presse (copies), Feb. 1880, 1920
Twain, Mark (in Europe), circa 1878-1898
Vienna, 19th century
Bernfeld articles, circa 1934-1951, undated
Brill, A. A., memorial lecture about Freud, 1951
Drafts of published papers and notes, undated
"Freud's Early Childhood" (with notes), 1944
"Freud's First year in Practice 1886-87," final and working drafts, undated
"Freud's Studies on Cocaine 1884-87," typescript, undated
Miscellaneous typescript drafts, undated
On cocaine, first draft, notes, undated
Reprints, circa 1934-1953
"Some Unknown Freud Letters on His Relation to Fliess"
BOX 16 "The Earliest of Freud's Theories and the School of Helmholz," working draft, circa 1940
Bernfeld biography of Sigmund Freud (unfinished)
Key plan, introduction
Chapter 1, Sigmund Freud's early childhood book plan
Chapter, first draft, "Freiburg 1856-59: The Prehistoric Time"
Chapter 2, second draft, "Leipzig, Vienna, 1859-62"
Chapter 2, with notes, "Leipzig . . ."
Chapter 3, rough draft
Bibliography of Sigmund Freud biography, 1893, 1924-1946
Bibliography of popular literature (with notes), 1898-1917
Bibliography of scientific literature, U.S.A. (with notes), 1887-1948
Bibliography of writings of Freud
1873-1899 (with notes)
1900-1946 (with notes)
Biography of Ernest Jones
Chapter 6, "The Cocaine Episode 1884-87"
Chapter 11, notes on The Interpretation of Dreams, 1895-1899
Chapter 12, "Freud's Theory of the Mind (1900)"
Correspondence by Sigmund Freud, 1934 See also Container 22, Items removed from Sigmund Freud Collection in 1985
BOX 17 Correspondence to and from Sigmund Freud (copies)
Fliess, Wilhelm
1887-1901, galley proofs of Aus den Anfängen der Psychoanalyse
1899-1902, partial typescript of letters to Sigmund Freud
Jekels, Ludwig, 1909-1934
Reik, Theodor, 1912-1938
Sachs, Hanns (including Anna Freud), 1938-1939, 1948
Simmel, Ernst, 1927-1935
Viereck, George Sylvester, 1919-1933
“A-Z” miscellaneous Including:
Baumgardt, David, 1938
Benedek, Therese, 1926-1935
Braun-Vogelstein, Julie, 1927
Eckstein, Emma, 1895-1906
Eder, David, 1926
Ehrenstein, Albert, 1912
Eichhorn, Lothar v., 1930
Einstein, Albert, 1936
Figdor, M., 1925-1929
Fedor, Nando, 1921-1938
Frankel, Ludwig A., 1886
Guerido, A., 1922-1928
Hammunbley [?], Anna, 1933
Heilpern, Grete, 1932
Hinterberger, Heinrich, 1907
Hölner-Weineck, Irene, 1931
Hoffman, Dr., 1932
Kardiner, Abram, 1932
Knoepfmacher, Wilhelm, 1878
Lay, Mr., 1920
Low, Barbara, 1936
Marcondes, Durval, 1926-1932
Marcuse, Max, 1908-1909
Moellenhoff, Fritz, 1933
Naesgaard, Sigurd, 1933
Olden, Rudolf, 1931
Renz, Carl, 1915
Schaeffer, Mr., 1939
Schmier, Jacques, 1936-1938
Schnitzler, Arthur, 1922
Stärke, August, 1912-1922
Thompson, Joseph, 1928
Weissmann, Karl, 1938
Windholtz, Emanuel, 1943
Winterstein, Baron, 1911-1936
Unidentified, 1880-1938
Correspondence, notes on, undated
Interviews, recollections of Freud, including by Therese Benedek, Ludwig Jekels, Paul Klemperer, and Wilhelm Knoepfmacher, 1951-1952, undated
Printed matter, miscellaneous articles, notices, etc., 1900-1951, undated
Research notebooks of Sigmund Freud correspondence, undated
“A” miscellaneous
BOX 18 “B-Bra” miscellaneous including Phyllis Bottome and Heinrich Braun
“Bre-D” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
“E” miscellaneous including Christian von Ehrenfels and Havelock Ellis (and Margaret Sanger)
“F” miscellaneous including Robert Fliess, Freud family members Paula Fichter and Oliver Freud, Hanns Sachs and Ernest Wäldinger
BOX 19 “G” miscellaneous including A. Gomperz (and Hanna Fenichel)
“Ha-He” miscellaneous
“Hi-Hz” miscellaneous including Albert Hirst (interview) (and K. R. Eissler)
“I-J” miscellaneous including Ludwig Jekels
“K” miscellaneous including Ernst Kris
“L” miscellaneous
BOX 20 “M” miscellaneous including Thomas Mann (and Caroline Newton)
“N-O” miscellaneous
“P” miscellaneous including Peter Paret, Ivan Pawlow (and R. W. Gerard), and Max Pollack (interview)
“Q-Z” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 21 Research notebooks, miscellaneous
Research notes
1876-1890, including Anna Freud (1951)
1891-1907, including Freud, Hermann Swoboda, and Wilhelm Fliess correspondence
1908-1939, including 1944 correspondence
Research notebooks of Sigmund Freud correspondence, undated
Research notes
Miscellaneous, circa 1952
Miscellaneous individuals, 1856
BOX 22 Miscellany, 1934-1975
Additional Sigmund Freud biographical material transferred to the collection in 1985 from the Sigmund Freud Collection, including an original Freud letter of 1934 (a photocopy of which is also in Container 16) and a writing by Bernfeld pertaining to Freud's relation to Wilhelm Fliess.
BOX 22 Items removed from the Sigmund Freud Collection in 1985
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