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BOX 72-75 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1915-1959
A chronological arrangement of published and unpublished material most of which is typewritten or printed.
BOX 72 1915, On the Importance of China in the War
1916, Roadside Glimpses of the Great War
On the Opportunity for World Reorganization, Sept.
The Touch and Go of America's Diplomacy, Sept. 7
Britain's Island Seaport
Wilson in England
Summary of the Conditions of Peace, May 10
On the Coming International Labor Conference, circa Aug.
The Secretariat, circa Sept.
On the Secretariat and the International Labor Organization, circa Sept.
The Voluntary Society and its Relation to the League of Nations, Oct. 4
America and the Covenant, Oct.
Treaty Reservations, Nov.
The Senate Reservations from the European Standpoint, Nov. 17
International Labor Conference (and Manchester Guardian article), Dec. 10
The International Labor Conference, Dec. 24
The League of Nations Came into Being Officially on Jan. 10, Jan.
On the Enormity of the First Duties of the League, Jan. 10
On Plans for Second Council Meeting and World Court, Jan.
On the Misunderstanding of the Relations of the League to the International Labor Organization, Jan. 22
The Permanent Court of International Justice
Jan. 29
Why the State Department Should be Reorganized, Mar.
On the San Remo Conference, Apr. 19
League of Nations Busy upon Matters Vital to World Peace Progress, May 15
America and the League, May
On the Senate Reservations, circa Oct.
Assembly and Council, circa Nov.
On the Council after the First Assembly, Dec.
On Council and Publicity
New York Evening Post Articles, Jan.-July
The First Assembly (Resumé), Jan. 7
The League and America, May 17
America and the League, May 27
Colonel George Harvey, circa May
Amendments to the Covenant, June 1-9
On the Washington Conference, circa July
The First Year and a Half of the League of Nations, July
David Jayne Hill, July 26
Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children, circa Sept.
A Dinner Speech on Publicity and the League, Sept. 28
On U.S. Ignoring League Communications, Oct. 1
The Second Assembly, Oct. 6
Boston Globe article, Oct. 16
Balfour Conference, Dec. 17
Silesia, Dec.
General Relations, circa Dec.
On Secret and Open Diplomacy, undated
Memorandum on League Policy to U.S., undated
Senator Medill McCormick, undated
Concluding the Upper Silesian Problem, Jan. 16
The League at Washington, circa Jan.
On the Washington Conference and the League (4 articles) circa Jan.
The Washington Conference and the League, circa Feb.
George Wickersham Article, Mar.
America and the Two Forces in Europe, May
Reporting World Conferences, June
On the Nature of the League, June
Disarmament Commission, July 14
The League Council Meeting, July 22
What the League of Nations Has Done, July
New York Evening Post Article, Aug. 15
Participation of the United States in the Permanent Court of International Justice, Oct. (2 articles)
The Proposed Association of Nations, circa Dec.
The Third Assembly, circa Dec.
On the Function of the League, undated
The League and America
American Foreign Policy Especially toward the League of Nations, undated
The United States and the League, Jan.
America and the League, Jan.
On U.S. Cooperation with the League, Aug. 24
The Relations of the United States and the League, Sept. 15
On Intellectual Cooperation, Dec. 9
Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, Dec. 9
Senator Letter, Jan. 9
The Bok Peace Award (Drummond Letter), Jan. 15
The United States and the League: Official Cooperation, Feb. 14
On the Death of Woodrow Wilson, Feb. 4
On plans for U.S. Entry into League, circa Feb.
Judge Clark Letter, Mar. 25
The Political Situation in the United States, June 4
The United States and the League of Nations, June 4
Drummond Letter on U.S. Political Situation, June 4
America and the League, June 15
The Democratic Convention, July
Lord Robert Cecil, Aug. 21
What the League of Nations Has Accomplished, Sept.
On the International Labor Conference, Nov. 24
The United States and the League of Nations, Nov.
On the American Peace Award, circa Dec.
The Opium Conferences, circa Feb.
On the 33rd Council Session, circa Mar.
On the European Situation Created by the Geneva Protocol, Apr. 1
United States Delegation to the Conference on Traffic in Arms, Apr. 20
The United States and the League, June 26
The Sixth Assembly, Oct.
The Greco-Bulgarian Dispute, Nov.
The Protocol and the United States, circa Nov.
On France and the Protocol, circa Nov.
Locarno, Dec. 1
BOX 73 1926
Boston Globe Article, Feb. 28
Ouva l'Europe?, Mar.
Spring 1926 at the League, June
The United States and the League of Nations, Sept.
America's Relations to the League of Nations, Oct.
The Seventh Assembly, circa Nov.
The Thirty-Seventh Council Session, Dec. 17
An Open Letter, Feb. 21
France, Germany, America, and the League, Mar.
Pacific Committee, Apr. 21
The Economic Conference, circa May
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