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Arthur Sweetser papers, 1913-1961

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BOX 63-71 Subject File, 1916-1953
Typewritten, mimeographed, and printed matter collected by the author on special League and United Nations topics.
Arranged by topic.
BOX 63 Organization of the League, 1922-1924
Directors Meeting, 1924
Hungary's Debt to the United States, 1924
Disarmament Conference, 1926
Composition of Council, 1926
(5 folders)
Disarmament, 1928
BOX 64 Ethiopian Crisis, 1936
(4 folders)
League Seminar, 1937
Palestine, 1937-1938
Reform of the League, 1937-1941
Panama Conference, 1939
U.S. Government Attitude to League, 1939, 1943
State Department Press Releases, 1939-1943
Nutrition Committee, 1939
League Releases, 1939
Foreign Policy Planks in Party Platforms, 1916-1940
League in War, 1939-1942
Assyrians in Iraq, Settlement of, 1940-1941
League Finances, 1940-1945
(2 folders)
BOX 65 Intellectual Cooperation, 1927-1943
League Statistics, 1940-1942
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Foreign Policy prior to 1942, 1942
Trial of War Criminals, 1942
League Communication Systems, 1940-1942
Experience of League Secretariat, 1942
Traffic in Women and Children, 1940-1945
International Labor, 1940-1945
Assistance to Refugees, 1943-1946
Obscene Publications, 1941-1945
Accomplishments of the League, 1940-1946
Permanent Court, 1940-1946
League Publications, 1930-1949
BOX 66 Opium
(10 folders)
BOX 67 1945-1946
(2 folders)
U.S.-League, 1943-1946
(3 folders)
U.S., United Nations, and League, 1945
(2 folders)
BOX 68 United Nations-League, 1946
U.S., United Nations, and League, 1946-
United Nations-League, 1946-
League Merger, 1944-1946
Liquidation of League
(3 folders)
BOX 69 1946-1947
(2 folders)
League, General
Committees of the League, A List
Lists of Documents to Council and Secretariat, 1944-1946
United Nations Technical Advisory Committee on Information, 1945-1946
(3 folders)
United Nations Delegations to General Assembly, 1946
United Nations Public Opinion Polls on League a/o a United Nations, 1941-1952
United Nations Attitudes of U.S. Public, 1946
BOX 70 Executive Committee, 1946
United Nations General, 1946
Agenda, 1946
United Nations First Assembly, 1946
Preparatory Commission, 1946
(2 folders)
Human Rights
United Nations Radio
United Nations Summaries
Articles on United Nations
Pictures, 1918-
(7 folders)
BOX 71 Freedom of Information and Other Problems, 1947
Revision of United Nations, 1948
(2 folders)
General Items, 1952
League Members in United Nations [and Sterling) (Lie Appoints Walters, Pelt)], 1952
Information Centers
The U.S. in the United Nations
Subversives in United Nations, 1952
United Nations Structure, 1953
BOX 72-75 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1915-1959
A chronological arrangement of published and unpublished material most of which is typewritten or printed.
BOX 72 1915, On the Importance of China in the War
1916, Roadside Glimpses of the Great War
On the Opportunity for World Reorganization, Sept.
The Touch and Go of America's Diplomacy, Sept. 7
Britain's Island Seaport
Wilson in England
Summary of the Conditions of Peace, May 10
On the Coming International Labor Conference, circa Aug.
The Secretariat, circa Sept.
On the Secretariat and the International Labor Organization, circa Sept.
The Voluntary Society and its Relation to the League of Nations, Oct. 4
America and the Covenant, Oct.
Treaty Reservations, Nov.
The Senate Reservations from the European Standpoint, Nov. 17
International Labor Conference (and Manchester Guardian article), Dec. 10
The International Labor Conference, Dec. 24
The League of Nations Came into Being Officially on Jan. 10, Jan.
On the Enormity of the First Duties of the League, Jan. 10
On Plans for Second Council Meeting and World Court, Jan.
On the Misunderstanding of the Relations of the League to the International Labor Organization, Jan. 22
The Permanent Court of International Justice
Jan. 29
Why the State Department Should be Reorganized, Mar.
On the San Remo Conference, Apr. 19
League of Nations Busy upon Matters Vital to World Peace Progress, May 15
America and the League, May
On the Senate Reservations, circa Oct.
Assembly and Council, circa Nov.
On the Council after the First Assembly, Dec.
On Council and Publicity
New York Evening Post Articles, Jan.-July
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