The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Arthur Sweetser papers, 1913-1961
Some or all content stored offsite.
General League Correspondence, 1919-1956 (continued)
Appointments and Salary, 1942-1952
On Paris Peace Conference
BOX 29 Cecil, Robert
Cordier, Andrew
Lester, Sean
BOX 30 Alphabetical Name File
"A" miscellaneous
Aghnides, Thanassis
Astor, Lord and Lady
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish
Aydelotte, Frank
Avenol, Joseph
"B" miscellaneous
Baker, Newton Diehl
Baker, Ray Stannard
Balfour, Earl of
Benes, Edouard
Bliss, Tasker Howard
Bonnet, Henri
Borah, William E.
Boudreau, Frank
Bowman, Isaah
Brent, Charles H.
Brown, Sevellon
Buell, Raymond L.
Bullard, Arthur
Butler, Harold B.
Butler, Nicolas M.
"C" miscellaneous
Capper, Arthur
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Carter, Edward C.
Cecil, Lord Robert
Chu, Chao-Hsin
Colby, Bainbridge
Comert, Pierre
Council on Foreign Relations
Cox, James M.
Crowdy, Dame Rachael
BOX 31 "D" miscellaneous
Davis, Malcolm
Davis, Norman
Drummond, Sir Eric
(2 folders)
Death of
Dulles, John Foster
Durham, Raymond E.
"E" miscellaneous
Early, Stephen T.
Eichelberger, Clark
Erim, K. Teufik
"F" miscellaneous
Field, Noel
Foreign Policy Association (and League of Free Nations Association)
Forrestal, James J.
Fosdisk, Raymond B.
(3 folders)
BOX 32 "G" miscellaneous
Gautier, R.
Gavit, John Palmer
Gerig, Benjamin
Gibson, Hugh
Gilbert, Prentiss
Gilchrist, Huntington
Gompers, Samuel
Goodrich, Carter
Gregory, Mrs. Robert B.
Grew, Joseph C.
"H miscellaneous
Hackett, Francis
Hambro, Carl J.
Hambro, Johan
Harrison, Leland
Herter, Christian
Hill, Martin
Hiss, Alger
Hitchcock, Curtice
Hitchcock, G. M.
Hoover, Herbert
House, Edward Mandell
Hudson, Manley O.
Hughes, Charles E.
Hull, Cordell
Huston, Howard R.
"I-J" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Jacklin, Seymour
"K" miscellaneous
Kellogg, Frank B.
"L" miscellaneous
BOX 33 Labor Department
La Guardia, Fiorella H.
Lamont, Thomas H.
Lansing, Robert
League of Nations Association
Lester, Sean
(4 folders)
Levinson, Salmon O.
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Lippman, Walter
Lowell, A. Lawrence
Loveday, Alexander
"M" miscellaneous
MacLeiah, Archibald
Masaryk, Report to
May, Herbert
McKittrick, Thomas H.
Miller, David Hunter
Moffat, Pierpont
Moore, John Bassett
Morgan, Laura Puffer
Morley, Felix
"N" miscellaneous
Noel-Baker, Philip
BOX 34 Norman W. Harris Foundation
"O-P" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Pelt, Adrien
Pepper, Claude
Perkins, Francis
Phillips, William
Pugsley, Chester D.
"R" miscellaneous
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