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John Haynes Holmes papers, 1899-1983

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Letters Sent, 1920-1967 (continued)
Koscherak, Therese See also Containers 2 , 65 , 86 , 101 , 228 , and 236, same heaiding
"L" miscellaneous
Laub, Lillian
"M" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Macmillan Co.
Moesel, George E.
"N" miscellaneous
National, miscellaneous
Nelson, Carl
New History Society
New York, miscellaneous
"O" miscellaneous
Open Door
Open Forum Speakers Bureau
BOX 217 REEL 23-24 "P" miscellaneous
Pierce, Edith Lovejoy
Porter, Edward M.
Post War World Council
"Q-S" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Sharpe, William
Smith, Olive Cole
Syracuse, N.Y.
"T" miscellaneous
Taylor, Amy J. (Mrs. Harry E.)
BOX 218 REEL 24 "U-V" miscellaneous
Unity Publishing Co., Ann Cook and Curtis W. Reese
Voss, Carl Hermann
"W" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Walther, Frederick P., Jr.
Watson, Blanche
Webber, Mary
Wells, Roxanna
"X-Z" miscellaneous
"A" miscellaneous
American Christian Palestine Committee
American Civil Liberties Union
American Friends Service Committee
American Unitarian Association
American, miscellaneous
Applicants, secretarial, Kennebunk
"B" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 219 REEL 24-25 Boston Community Church
"C" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Calder, Arthur
Carreau & Co., Sanborn
Christian Century, Christian Leader, and Christian Register
Colodne, Carl
Committee, miscellaneous
Community Church
Helen Block, Ann Corbridge, and Olga Ordinitz
New members and resignations
Council Against Intolerance in America
"D" miscellaneous
Das, Taraknath
Davies, A. Powell
"E-F" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Follett, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Foster Parents' Plan for War Children
BOX 220 REEL 25 "G" miscellaneous
Gray, Annie E.
"H" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Harrington, Donald Szantho
Harvard College
Holmes family
"I-J" miscellaneous
International, miscellaneous
"J" miscellaneous See same container, "I-J" miscellaneous
Jewish organizations
Jones, Walter Royal
"K-L" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Laub, Lillian
BOX 221 REEL 25-26 "M" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Macmillan Co.
Middleton, Mrs. John
Moesel, George E.
"N" miscellaneous
National, miscellaneous
Nelson, Carl
New History Society
New York, miscellaneous
"O" miscellaneous
Open Door
Open Forum Speakers Bureau
Organist, Community Church
"P" miscellaneous
Pierce, Edith Lovejoy
Posner, Henriette
BOX 222 REEL 26 "Q-S" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Schwartz, Doris
Socialist Party
"T" miscellaneous
Taylor, Amy J. (estate)
Town Hall
"U-V" miscellaneous
Vagnini, Peter
Voss, Carl Hermann
"W" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 223 REEL 26-27 Watson, Blanche
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